Chapter 78 First in the Test

Name:Chaos Devourer System Author:
78 First in the Test

The Inter-dimensional Combat class was deadly silent as a blue holographic tab appeared in front of the students depicting hundreds of questions.

Some students were sweating profusely trying their best to remember the answers to the question while some had an unbothered face and just repeatedly clicked on the holographic.

One of the students with an unbothered face was Zeras who just continued tapping on the holographic without a care in the world.

Zeras could easily remember everything that was taught the day before, so the questions were very simple for him and he just kept inputting the answers.

The test was a 30 minutes test and he was done in 13 minutes.

Zeras clicked on the<Submit> button as the holograph disappeared from his sight.

Others noticed the holographic disappear from him and had their jaws dropping to the ground in shock while some had a mocking smirk on their face probably thinking he accidentally clicked on the Submit button.

Instructor Moneca could be seen in front of the group as a notification appeared on her watch informing her one of the students was done causing her to raise her head in shock as her gaze scanned through the whole students and soon found Zeras who sat down there blankly tapping on his holographic watch...

"What an Interesting, chick..." Instructor Moneca muttered under her breath as time rapidly passed away...

-- -- --

30 minutes later...

The holographic image immediately disappeared from everyone's face as the students unknowingly slammed back on their chairs in exhaustion.

"So that's the test, chicks. And you all kinda did pretty well." Instructor Moneca said as she continuously tapped on her watch.

She also stood on the teleporter as her figure disappeared from the place.

-- -- --

A blinding flash of white light erupted making Zeras blank for a minute as the light slowly cleared away and he finally saw his surroundings.

Right, in front of him was a port where thousands of small spaceships could be seen and looking at where he was. He could peaks and peaks of sands that extended as far as his eyes could see while the temperature was burningly hot but they were Awakened and could still handle the temperature...

"This is where we would be taking the next class, yes in the desert..." Instructor Moneca said as the students saw her in the distance close to the spaceship...

'This used to be a once prosperous place back in Ancient Earth. A place with history and mystery, but now... The Great Evolution has too much a wide influence...' Instructor Moneca thought melancholy but her face soon turned serious as she ordered her voice reverberating through the entire space...

"You chicks should all get your ass in one of the spaceships... We are about to witness what an Inter-dimensional Combat Department class means..."

If you guys can tell me what place they all teleported too, then I'll be posting a free bonus chapter for you guys. I already gave clues

1) It's Ancient Earth.

2) It's a desert with hot temperature.

3) It's a place with great History and Mystery...

Good luck, finding that out...
