Chapter 104 Damn Lady Luck!!!

Name:Chaos Devourer System Author:
104 Damn Lady Luck!!!

A dark stretch of oscillating waves spread into the distance as far as eyes could see, radiating an extremely gloomy aura that made Zera's heart pound heavily in his chest. The Malevolent Sea wasn't a normal color of water, no!, It was the color of the darkest ink, that flowed and waved just like ordinary water.

Even though there was no sign of beast present, he could feel for some unknown reason, his hair standing on end.

"Just focus on driving. You'll be safe..." The voice of Officer Arroyo made his beating heart slow down a little as he felt a little safe.


Because from what he could sense from the Officers, they radiated an aura not a bit weaker than that of Instructor Moneca which means they are at least at the Cosmic Star rank stage. They could at least prevent him from dying if things were to go wrong.

Zeras closes his eyes, taking in continuous deep breaths, calming himself down as his eyes snapped open regaining their calm.

His right hand stretched forward as he clenched the controller and pushed it forward causing the spaceship to pick up speed but he still didn't dare to go too fast.

"We're currently moving at a speed of 1.5 Mach. Judging by the distance shown to us on the Radar, it would take us 4 hours before we arrive there." Zeras calmly informed the officers as he fully focused on flying and stopped himself from looking at the Sea.

"Good. He's able to easily regain his calm so fast and fully focus on the task..." The voice of Arroyo rang out in the minds of the other officers.

This was one of his genetic abilities, Telepathy.

"His concentration is good at least. Besides, he's not like the other cadets who are overly respectful and stiff. He's not afraid to ask questions and knows well to listen... That's some good qualities..." Officer Halo said, his voice booming in the other minds.

"He's good Talent Material..." Officer Zurin said, the one that speaks less in the entire group also complimented Zeras for the first time.

But Zeras wasn't even aware they were all discussing something at his back as he fully focused on piloting the spaceship.

-- -- --

An hour quickly passed as the spaceship cleverly concealed itself, gently moving on the path without making noise at all.

Yet, as it moved forward, so did the sun slowly move away as Night slowly crept in...

"It's said the Abyssal creatures are the most active at night..." Officer Arroyo's voice rang out in their minds and the other officers also gave a nod of approval as they stared at the Malevolent Sea noticing an increase in the strength of the tides.

"Zeras. Reduce the speed to Mach One..." Officer Emmaus instructed as he gently tapped on Zera's shoulder.

"Yes, officer..." Zeras followed the order but his heart couldn't help spiking up more as he also noticed the darkness slowly setting in he knew it most likely would affect the sea, but he wasn't aware of the ever-slowly increasing frequency of the tides...

-- -- --

2 more hours rapidly passed with the spaceship gently moving through the lonely path, the sound of crashing waves the only thing breaking the silence present on the spaceship.

The five officers have positioned themselves to cover the screen where the Malovelent Sea could be seen from, automatically blocking Zera's view.

"Good. Hey, Zeras." Officer Arroyo called out.

"Yes, Officer."

"Increase the speed to Mach 10..." "What!!??, Um...Yes Sir..." Zeras immediately dragged the controller to the highest level which was Mach 10. Normally this type of spaceship was a stealth type and not for really travelling with speed. That was why its Mach Level was so low.

"10 mi... nutes... more, Officer..." Zera's back was pressed tightly against his seat as he squeezed out the word from his mouth.

"Hmm, It has disappeared..." Officer Furin's surprised voice suddenly rang out as they noticed the lights were all suddenly gone as if everything that happened before was all a mirage.

"It's not gone..." Officer Pirad's calm voice rang out.

"It's directly beneath us..." Officer Arroyo finished the word as he directed his attention to Zeras.


"Yes, Officer..."

"Prepare for Impact..."



A gigantic claw-like hand ripped out of the Malevolent Sea as it rapidly closed in on the Spaceship.

Its hands were covered in scales, each brimming with a dark ruinous aura of destruction.

The claw completely covered the spaceship, more than ten times bigger than it, as it slapped forward at it and then.


A bright flash of light. A Halo!!

Zeras felt he had been devoid of every of his sense as the world abruptly turned black and white and his consciousness rapidly descended into darkness.

The spaceship was sent crashing forward with speed causing a fiery explosion as the spaceship immediately exploded to nothing, the fate of those within completely unknown.

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Creator's Thought