Chapter 121 Gaining The Favor Of The Amazonian Princess

Name:Chaos Devourer System Author:
Chapter 121 Gaining The Favor Of The Amazonian Princess

"Princess Diana?" Zeras asked slightly surprised looking at the figure before him. Rread latest chapters at

Dressed in a long golden-colored flowing gown with different shining crystals adorned at the ends that dragged across behind her figure.

Her golden hair seemed to flutter in the wind revealing short bursts of golden light with an extremely beautiful round face and cherry-red lips.

Zeras could say no doubt this was the most beautiful Human lady he had ever seen.

An aura of natural majesty radiated from her figure even though she was just sitting on the opposite wall.

"You've been out for four days..." Princess Diana said emotionlessly.

"Four days!!!? Guess the mission took all the energy out of me..." Zeras said with a smile as he looked at the bandage wrapped over his upper body up to his neck.

He could still feel slight pain in those areas revealing he took quite the damage due to the Malevolent Sea's corroding ability.

"It is already a miracle you survived. Having said that, I've noticed quite some abnormalities in you..." Princess Diana said her eyes narrowing while a powerful aura suddenly appeared in the room causing the injured Zeras to feel his heart sinking in from the suddenly Increased pressure.

"Hahaha, what abnormalities might have you noticed in me princess?..." Zeras said trying to feign ignorance and since this was the first time he had to even do such a thing, he didn't do great, at least not enough to fool Princess Diana.

"Like how you controlled that abyssal creature. How did you survive the corrosion since you were definitely not swallowed by it or were you actually the Abyssal creature itself? Besides, your regeneration could rival that of an Early Meteor rank stage even though you're just a peak Star rank with a grade of gene not note-worthy of mention?..." Princess Diana asked as she slowly stood up and began walking towards him, every pressing down of her high heels causing Zeras to feel as if gravity was being Increased on his heart.

Zeras clenched his teeth in pain as he noticed his heart began spiraling out of his control while the bandage he was wearing suddenly shone a paint of red.

He slowly raised his head looking directly at her emotionless golden eyes for some seconds when he slowly dropped down his head as he held tightly the bedsheet covering his legs, veins bulging on his hands.

"I thought you promised to keep my secret for me, Princess. And I truly believed you and placed my trust in you, trust in the reputation of one from the Amazon family. Could... could I have placed my trust in the wrong hands, princess..." Zeras said as Princess Diana looked at his bowed head and saw the single line of blood that flowed from his eyes and fell on the bedsheet.

Her face contorted in confusion and slight guilt causing the pressure in the air to suddenly disappear as if it was only a mirage.

He could feel from that woman, a crazy amount of killing intent. It was like she had killed an uncountable number of people that he couldn't even begin imagining the number of. Like a human slaughtering machine, and she made him almost faint by just looking dead straight into his eyes.

"One of the Amazonian's Death Knights..." The voice behind him said, the caution in his voice unconcealed.

"Amazon Death Knights?"

"You shouldn't even know about them at all kid. Just know the Amazons can't be messed with..." The grave tone of the figure echoed out to him as Zeras slowly turned and his jaws dropped looking at who it was.

"Officer Arroyo!!?" Zeras was lost for words looking at the man as if he didn't even know where to begin his explanation.

"Officer, I..."

"The higher-ups of this mission want to see you. Follow me..." Officer Arroyo said immediately turning back as Zeras quickly followed after his figure, his heart increasing in rate the more he closed in on the most gigantic structure present in the area.

-- -- -- the tallest structure of the EIA base camp...

A group of five dressed in EIA uniforms all sat around a very high table in the gigantic room as arguments echoed out occasionally.

"The kid might have saved the mission, but I believed he put the mission at more risk than ever..." One of the EIA officials, a tall woman with a ponytail said, the annoyance in her voice as clear as day.

"If the Amazonian princess didn't possess that protection artifact, then they both would have perished in the Malevolent Sea meaning an automatic failure and now we'll be preparing for the wrath of the Amazons that would come on us..." A chubby man with huge cheeks said, sweat dripping down his head on mentioning the Amazonian's wrath.

"Disobeying the officers is a grave crime. I believe he should be punished accordingly..." "Different voices rang out continuously showing the officers' disagreement with what just happened..."

The man sitting in the middle of the five and directly at the head table slowly opened his eyes as he said out loud:

"Sure, the new cadet endangered the mission, but it's also impossible to refute that the mission became a success due to him and he also stopped the lives that would be lost more in the war at the Humban Chasm. Let us all wait for his side of this matter, I'm sure he had his reasons..."

The door opened with a clank right then and Zeras walked in with Officer Arroyo.

"You can leave now Arroyo." The voice of one of the officers rang out and Officer Arroyo bowed deeply before exiting leaving only Zeras present in the room.