Chapter 56: The Dark Side!

Welcome! To The Do Or Die Faction!

A Faction where you have to be afraid of not your enemies but your allies, my friend over there? Yesterday he got in a big fight with his best friend of 6 Years and put a hole in his chest. That kind guy over there? he drugs fellow students and you never hear about them ever again. Me?

Oh, well, you're never finding anyone like me here, I'm the kindest most compassionate, most average guy here, the most I've done is kill 20 Students because they bumped into me.

The Boss here is an assassin, yeah, he's a notorious killer, everyone aside from the 34th year's fear. Ever wondered why our group never exceeds 200? No, not because we kill each other, it's because of the Boss, Just make sure he never sees you.

Other than that, we're pretty chill, and you don't have to worry about anyone missing you, all you have to do is have your right ear cut off and a tattoo put in its place.

Oh, you don't want to join anymore? Are you scared? Now now, don't be a scaredy cat, if the boss hears of this he's going to kill us both.

Oh don't try to escape, you either join or die here.

This wasn't what you escaped? What you never thought of the reason this group was called the Do or Die? It's you either join or die. You either kill or die. You either hide from the boss and never let him see you or die.

Oh so now you want to join? Too bad I thought I could get your Contribution Points, well, welcome on board! On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate your craziness?

Pi you say, why?

It's small but never ends? Haha, you're a funny guy, you're going a long way being here, remember, don't show your face to the bo-

Oh dang it! He's coming! Shit, he saw us!

Now, how would this message affect the Faction members and the Second Group altogether?

Now the group has gone through 3 Tribes, but aside from Depresso and Friendly Fire, the instructor hasn't moved in to kill anyone else, why was that?

It was because the Do or Die Faction was too organized, crazy, and deadly!

it was deadly to the point their victims disappeared without a trace, the event was erased and only the killer and the killed himself knew what happened.

Now, the Do or Die Faction was crazy, yes! They were also notorious, yes! but Students didn't usually see them, to even join the Faction one had to go through a long and hard procedure, but if you ever see one, know that that's the last thing you will ever see.

That's why the Do or Die Members had another name, the Grim Reapers.

but they also had a massive secret, and it was that they weren't their Boss's number one supporter, it was actually a fucker they didn't know a single thing about, and that's why they called him Shadow, who he was, why he did what he did, no one knew.

But one thing they knew, they couldn't let that guy outperform them, not this time!


This was merely an intro to the Do or Die Faction, I don't know how you will like the chapter but in any case please tell me.

There is more to be known and many things are done by these crazy fellas, you can look forward to it.

Since the Novel isn't promoted currently there aren't many readers up to date, but, soon, soon, I believe many will like the part we're at now since we all like smart, overpowered, and Nonchalent MCs using everything and anything in their disposal to rise in power.

Well I don't know what to say more, but, yeah! Hope you have fun, and if anything can be done better please tell me.