Chapter 52 52: Fullfilling Conditions!

With the crack of dawn, the world came alive as a masterpiece; a tableau that could stir the heart of the most indifferent poets and compel them to dip their quills into the inkwell of inspiration and compose verses to the dawn's breathtaking beauty.

Eldritch's Sun was a celestial body of golden light. It timidly peeked over the distant horizon, casting its tender rays onto IronSpire Stronghold.

Immediately, it was washed in the sun's gentle glow.


Feathered creatures of various hues flitted and danced between the tree branches, their gleeful chirps resonating through the expansive stronghold, adding a delightful symphony to the already picturesque morning scene.

The tranquil morning of 29th May was a stark contrast to the previous day's chilling darkness that had draped over the stronghold.

The return of the bright day brought with it a collective sigh of relief, easing the oppressive tension that had cloaked every heart since the Eldritch day!

In the bustling streets of the stronghold, Val V. Whitemore could be seen amidst the morning crowd.

His destination was the renowned Starlight Auction House.

It was the place where he intended to trade his precious item, the Body Strengthening Manual, for a sizable fortune!

Today he donned a simple outfit.

He was wearing a pair of unadorned trousers paired with a crisp white shirt, topped with a humble brown hat.

Despite its simple appearance, the hat served as an essential tool to hide his identity from the crowd. It cast a shadow over his face, concealing his identity from the curious onlookers, and provided a refuge for his eyes from the unyielding rays of the sun.

It had become necessary for him to hide his identity if he wanted to have a peaceful walk in the streets of this stronghold. After all, with his recent triumph over Seraphim Stroud and his victorious confrontation with the Kendricks, which had brought great honor to both the Whitemore and IronSpire names, Val had unwittingly once again become a figure of interest within the stronghold.

His incognito appearance was crucial to maintaining a low profile amidst this newfound fame. If it was found out who he was, no doubt a crowd would gather around him. It was a trouble he didn't need. Thus, he took appropriate actions to avoid it.

Suddenly, an enticing fragrance invaded his senses.

"This smell... it's making me hungry."

The aroma was an irresistible blend of freshly baked bread and the intoxicating scent of brewing tea.

Coming from roadside stalls and quaint bakeries, the fragrant allure proved too much to resist for those who chanced upon it, including Val.


A growl echoed from the depths of Val's stomach.

It was a resonating reminder that he had gone a full day without a substantial meal.

"Perhaps a small indulgence is in order," Val mused, looking towards the bakery window where an array of fresh bread was displayed. Each loaf there looked delightfully fluffy, beckoning him with its delectable promise.

Simultaneously, the rich scent of brewing tea wafted from a nearby stall, provoking a longing within him.

While he wasn't typically one for tea, the thought that a steaming cup of tea paired with a loaf of bread was too appealing to disregard.

After all, he knew that although the local denizens of IronSpire weren't flush with wealth, they took pride in their humble milk tea, a soulful blend of milk extracted from the black-spotted white nuts and the fragrant leaves harvested from the depths of the Evernight Forest.

The uncomplicated brew held a rustic allure that appealed to the masses, and when coupled with a warm loaf of bread, it became a simple yet cherished indulgence for many!

With his hunger messing with his mind, his instinct told him that he shouldn't miss it for the world.n0VeLusb.c0m

"Let's grab a bite to eat."

He was drawn to a nearby bakery, instinctively seduced by the tantalizing aroma of freshly baked bread that wafted out of it.

He was starving as he hadn't had a decent meal in days, and his body was commanding him to get something to eat.

He promptly exchanged a few copper coins for the steaming, aromatic loaf, nearly succumbing to the temptation of devouring it right there in the heart of the bustling city.

However, something intriguing caught his attention.

It was an ordinary tea stall nestled amidst the liveliness of the city, manned by an extraordinarily captivating maiden who could barely be sixteen. Her beauty wasn't as awe-striking as his former betrothed, but her unique charm set her apart from the throng of city-dwellers.

Her dainty nose, perfectly centered on her innocent face, paired perfectly with the natural blush on her lips. The maiden's charm was further enhanced by her almond-shaped eyes, the innocent spark within them framed by long, delicate lashes. Each attribute collectively wove a delicate picture of her unique beauty, making her stand out.

Even her humble attire of a nun could not hide the gentle swell of her maturing figure, which the gown she wore accentuated perfectly. Her attire further signified her affiliation with the Holy Church of Light.

In the Kingdom of Victoria, it was quite unusual to find a young nun operating a roadside tea stall. Nuns were entitled to basic provisions and a stipend from the Church itself. Seeing this young maiden working a stall stirred Val's curiosity. He surmised she had a compelling reason to be selling tea, and if his conjecture was correct, interacting with her might be mutually beneficial.

A certain superstition prevailed in Eldritch. It was said that a prayer, earnestly recited by a virgin maiden unrelated by blood, could bless a traveler with safety. Given her nun's attire and the celibate life led by the clergy, it was likely that this maiden was a virgin. Could her blessing be his ticket to survival on his perilous journey towards the frontier?

In his previous life, Val the unfeeling warlord was a man of science, skeptical of superstitions. However, his reincarnation in Eldritch transformed his outlook. Eldritch was a realm where bizarre superstitions sometimes manifested as profound truths.

His own experiences - the Eldritch Day, the Harbinger of Despair - had been terrifying realities born out of once-feared superstitions. In light of these experiences, he knew better than to dismiss the superstition associated with the maiden's prayer, especially when he was about to embark on a perilous journey to the harsh northern frontier.

With these thoughts in mind, Val decided to lend a helping hand to the maiden in hopes of securing her blessings.

Thus, he approached her, his mysterious aura further accentuated by the broad-rimmed hat that obscured his features.

The maiden looked up as he approached. Her eyes, as clear as a sparkling brook, met the shadowed gaze beneath the hat. Immediately, her face lit up. The first customer of the day has arrived. She could finally sell a cup or two of tea and make something. Obviously, a simpleton like her was very happy.

"Good morning, sir! Might you fancy a taste of our freshly brewed tea?" she chimed, her voice as refreshing as the morning dew, echoing sweetly in the busy marketplace.

"A cup of your brew, please." Val's response, while simple, was laced with an allure hard to ignore. His baritone voice rippled through the morning air, smooth and melodic, as alluring as a siren's song. His enchanting voice seemed to seep into the bones, leaving the young maiden flustered and intrigued.

Basically, his voice alone was so attractive that the young nun was seduced!

Unable to resist her curiosity, the maiden attempted to get a closer look at the mysterious figure before her. Yet, his hat, ever the dutiful guardian, obscured his visage from her eager gaze, revealing only a hint of a chiseled chin and a tantalizing glimpse of a secretive smile.

'I can tell he's handsome. But it's frustrating how I can't get a good look at him.'

Intrigued but also slightly frustrated by her failed attempt, she diverted her attention back to preparing his order, her hands adeptly going through the familiar motions of brewing the tea.

In the meantime, Val, having initiated friendly contact with her, turned his focus towards understanding her circumstances.

With a tone as casual as the breeze, he asked, "Why does a young maiden like you work so hard?" His query wasn't laced with pity or judgment, merely the intrigue of a stranger seeking understanding.

"I am trying to urgently gather funds to bring my brother back from the refugee camp beyond the stronghold. A single gold coin is all that stands between him and safety," she confided, her eyes dimming slightly.

Her confession might not have stirred an emotional response within Val, whose emotional spectrum was significantly dulled due to his circumstances. However, it set the wheels of pragmatism turning in his mind.

The path he was to embark upon was riddled with dangers, yet, right before him, in the most unexpected of circumstances, he found a potential source of divine aid.

Not to mention, all it would cost him was a single gold coin!

It was a price he could effortlessly afford and was more than willing to pay to earn the heartfelt prayer of a virgin maiden.