Chapter 231 229

As the footsteps started to get close to him, his sixth sense, granted to him by his Detect Trait, flared up like never before. An intense, throbbing sensation pulsed through his entire being, eclipsing any other premonition he'd ever experienced.

Even when he'd had the misfortune of encountering a Devil God in the Forest of Dread, the sense of peril hadn't been nearly been as intense as the one he was experiencing right now.

This told Val one critical thing: if this footsteps rrached him, then hehe... he would face a fate far worse than death.

Just when the situation seemed the most desperate, Voidslayer spoke up,

"The Nameless is terrifying because there's not a lot that's known about it. It's shrouded in mystery and things that makes no sense are generally feared the most.

"However, it's not unpredictable.

"It has a peculiar rule that governs its killing.

"You can call it the Nameless's killing rule.

"You're safe as long as those footsteps don't reach you.

"And as far as I'm aware, that rule has never been violated.

"This killing condition is its greatest weakness. You should try to exploit it."

Some battles weren't meant to be won.

Surviving them was the best possible outcome, and any encounter with the Nameless was one such battle.

So basically, as long as Val survived this, he would be called a hero by Voidslayer. The spirit sword would then always look up to him.

"That's the thing; we can't exploit it," Val lamented.

The footsteps of The Nameless grew louder, reverberating from every direction. As a result, Val felt the walls closing in on him.

Voidslayer had given him good advice, but it was easier said than done. Its advice, logical as it was, offered him no comfort in this situation.

After all, the footsteps seemed to be coming from everywhere, and no matter where he turned to, his sixth sense screamed danger, warning him that death awaited in every direction.

"Whether it is north, south, east, or west, no where is safe," Val sighed heavily.

"Then how about taking to the sky?" Voidslayer suggested.

Val had considered it. But he didn't think it would work. After all, the Nameless had come prepared. However, he still gave it a try. There was a tiny hope in his heart that maybe the sky wasn't as dangerous as the other directions.

But this tiny bit of hope was ruthlessly trampled beneath the feet of fate as the same sensation hit him again when he drew out the Flying Broomstick from the Void Orb's pocket dimension. It was a warning from his Detect Trait, screaming at him that flying away was also a path to certain death.

"I just confirmed it. The sky is no safer than the ground."

"Maybe there's another way."

Thus, Val considered the Mystical Shovel, thinking maybe he could avoid its pursuit by escaping to the Other Side. But alas, even the Other Side seemed to offer no escape; his Detect Trait made it abundantly clear that The Nameless would follow him wherever he went when the idea popped up in his mind.

Val's expression grew dimmer. All the trump cards he had gathered so far was useless against this entity. While the Nameless wasn't as strong as the Unknown, it was no less horrifying.

Suddenly, Val muttered a single word.


He was hoping to take refuge in the shrine of evil until the danger passed.

Not to mention, if the Nameless turned out to be capable and followed him even there, Val believed that Gruul should be able to finish it.

It was reasonable to think that an ancient being like Gruul would be able to kill it.

If he somehow bait it into the shrine, he would become the first person to see the butchering of a Nameless.

Val's imagination was colorful. Sadly, he didn't have the ability nor the proper support to back it up

'So this is what it feels like when you want to take a shit but nothing comes out.'


It was a mood killer.

The prank of the shrine was equally annoying but also far more dangerous.

The magical word was spoken, but no spatial force acted on him because the shrine found it funny to not respond to his call when he was close to being killed.

Literally, nothing happened, despite Val saying the word Levare, which should have granted him entrance into the shrine.

He remained stuck in the Shadow Valley, hearing the footsteps of the Nameless draw ever so closer to him. The first time he heard them, they rang from a distance. But now they were emerging from close by.

Of all the times for the Shrine of Evil to fail him, it had to choose the most precarious moment!

'This is the second time it had done this.'

'And it only pulls a prank when I am in extremely dangerous situation.'

'It looks like it wants me to die.'

'Maybe it doesn't like being ruled.'

'That's a good guess.'

Val couldn't afford the luxury of getting angry at the shrine for plotting against him. However, he vowed to himself that if he survived this and grew strong, he would teach the shrine a lesson.

Val's eyes flicked back to the entrance of the dungeon.

He had run out of all other options.

If he wanted to survive the pursuit of the Nameless, it seemed that seeking refuge inside the level 2 dungeon was his only available course of action.

He even had evidence to support his theory.

As it was generally known, dungeons were governed by a different set of natural laws. Because of which, a level 2 only accessible to those with a level 2 bloodline. His innate class met this requirement, so he could enter freely.

As for the "Nameless," it might be restricted from entering the dungeon by the same laws that granted him access.

After all, although it couldn't be categorized into a level, since there were cases of dozens of intermediate-level bloodline users and even one advanced-stage bloodline user meeting their ends at its hands, it was bound to be stronger than level 2.

The rules and laws of the altar might really stop it from entering the dungeon.