Chapter 555

I cant believe were about to waste two weeks, Ben sighed as he handed out breakfast to Thera and Sonya, the last meal the three would be having together for a while. The gods knew well that if Ben stayed in Stonewall hed sneak back to the forge for practice so they told him to go off to see more of the world while he could, but it still seemed like nothing but a waste of time.

So what if he was a bit overworked at the moment? Plenty of people were. If they were really so concerned, a weekend off would have been more than enough to let him unwind, having so much free time felt like it would be more likely to loop back around to stressful by the end of it as he worried about not using even a few of the days he had before the next wave effectively.Visit no(v)eLb(i) for the best novel reading experience

It was a feeling he was alone in though, with Thera coming across as thrilled.

No getting out of it Ben, gods and girlfriends orders, She said happily. Besides, its going to be fun! This has to be our first proper vacation together that doesnt have some other work reason driving it.

Well, thats true enough.

If it wasnt for the looming threat of the end of the world, he would have loved to do this sort of thing with her too. It wasnt like he was against going on vacation and seeing a bit more of the world he now called home, it was purely a matter of timing. It felt insane to do in a time he thought he should have been focusing on his skills.

Its good to get a break while you can, Ben, Sonya added. Things worked out well for the first wave but after the second starts theres no way the world will be relaxed enough to even consider this much leisure time. Enjoy it while you can.

And its not like its going to be a huge loss for your job progress either, Thera chimed in. If youre getting that much passive experience, anything else you could be doing wasnt going to make the biggest difference in the world.

Thats true.

Sonya was right about how much busier he could expect to be with the second and third waves, and Thera was right about his job. Originally, hed been thinking of it too similarly to the master adventurer job because of the similarities in bonuses they both gave, but it had become clear how wrong he was when he checked his card in the morning and saw hed already gained a couple levels.

While the adventurer job gained experience through both combat as well as through the types of experience party members would require for their own job, master of all was far more straightforward. It was a job that grew everything, and as a result gained experience from everything as well, including using his mind skills.

When looked at that way, the fact that he hadnt completed it instantly the same way he had for his last mind job was surprising and spoke to just how much experience such a broad job required, even with everything his insane mental structure could create. When he looked at it from that perspective, it was unlikely that anything Ben would actively do would net him as much experience as he would gain from just passively thinking.

Okay then, should we head out?

With breakfast finished and goodbyes said to Sonya, they made their way to the shop and gave the same to Falk before stepping through the gate to Theras old room in Anailia, and after stopping in only for a bit, both to talk to everyone there and to let Thera see both of her cousins for a little while, they walked through the city streets, making their way to the main gate network.

So where to first?

I have an idea for tomorrow but todays open for anything.

Wait, you actually made some plans? Thera asked in surprise before teasing. I guess you were looking forward to it more than you let on.

Im not out to have a bad time just because I think theres more important things to do. It will be fun. And anyway, since youre with me that just means its even more important we enjoy ourselves so dont worry, I have zero plans on being a downer.

Ha, good. In that case, whats the plan?

Tomorrow Greed has a show, so long as he hasnt changed his mind since we last saw him he should be keeping a couple seats open for up and its in a gate city so theres no trouble getting there, I figured it would be fun.

Sounds like a plan, anything else?

The gods gave me some suggestions but we can talk about that later. For now, since I didnt have anything for today, was there anywhere you wanted to go or see?

Hmm, nope. Im super open so why dont we just pick a random gate and see what we end up finding?

Sure, sounds like a plan to me then, lets go.

Their decision made, Ben took Theras hand as the two of them made their way into the gate network, and on a whim, picked the first one that looked interesting to walk through to begin their vacation.