Chapter 592: Thera's Perspective

Chapter 592: Thera's Perspective

Thera was still exhausted after breakfast, an hour of sleep simply didnt cut it, but she did her best to put her new level of sleep resistance to use as she fought through it, telling herself it was just more training for the skill as a whole and with a flood of spirits still around her, she gave them as much of her mana as she could as she went through town and to the deep woods beyond to train for a bit in peace.

After her spirit empowering had changed to mana empowering, she hadnt known what to expect from the growth but it appeared there was more to it than simply letting her give mana to the other mana-based lifeforms on the world, a fact she was seeing the more she used it.

In the past, she had always lost more mana when trying to give it to a spirit she didnt share a magic with compared to those she did, but that difference seemed to be gone now that it had awakened, and not only that, the amount she needed to transfer overall seemed to have plummeted.

At the ninth level, she could give a point of mana to an earth spirit and theyd receive a point, as simple as that, but in its new form, every point she gave seemed to temporarily boost the recipient's own regeneration rates, letting them top up to full for a fraction of the mana cost, with the results being obvious.

More and more the spirits swarmed her when she wasnt busy to take advantage of her power, not that she minded. They were all always more than friendly and it was making the number of them explode in the world. As long as she was around, none of them would deal with the weakness that came with their normal acts of reproduction, and the more there were, the better everyone would be as a result.

It was a win-win all around and even if they did choose to abandon the world after the second wave or sometime during the third, it was still worth it to her. Her fathers people would live and were even on the edge of thriving. No matter what the outcome, it was a positive, something that she could at least take comfort in if things were to go wrong when the gates across the globe once more opened up.




But Im never going to get used to this.

Sorry everyone, Im going to need to focus just a little bit so I might not be the most talkative right now, dont mind me.

She didnt want to just ignore them, but she was out there for a reason in the end. To practice.

It had been a while since Uliel and Vasta had suggested she try to create her own spell, something that would incorporate and suit the magics she had access to, and since then she hadnt made any progress.

There were a few excuses of course, shed had her vacation and then there was the nightmare of how it ended, plus when she wasnt practicing her magic or taking lessons she was either out hunting with Aso or going out for clinic work as well as trying to get her way through her current job, but all of that was exactly that, excuses. She wasnt having luck because she couldnt think of which direction to go, it was as simple as that.

And Im not quite sure Im ready to take any of Bens suggestions. She thought to herself as she reflected on some of the ideas hed been able to spit out without a second thought. From the purely life affinitied ossification which would convert a body to bone akin to petrifications effects but being irreversible due to the nature of the spell, to binding life and dark together in a curse of permanent weakness on whoever it touched, he was willing to get creative in ways she wasnt sure she was entirely comfortable with considering herself, even if the ends might justify the means.

She was a powerful mage, she wouldnt even want to deny it. Now that she had more control than any point in the past combined with her outrageous mana, levels were coming easier to her than they had any right to and would likely keep on coming. If the world survived and she gained any level of fame for herself, she didnt want to be recognized for turning people to bone or weakening them beyond measure.

But thats just what I dont want to do, it doesnt exactly give me a path forward.

So with nothing else she could think of she passed the time by experimenting, moving her various types of mana in a variety of ways, waiting for inspiration to strike as the time passed.

It didnt help that she was still tired but she just wanted to get something, to feel an idea fall into place as the woods around her were torn up and broken down, only stopping when a spirit spoke up.

Princess, there is a demon nearby, It told her, more than willing to handle it itself but knowing that killing it would provide some small boost to her growth, even if only a drop. Should we leave it to you?

Please, point me in the direction.

MusicianProfessional dancerBardDarkness mage -charm specializedHealerStaff userHomunculus creatorChimera makerWar mageEmpathy mageBarrier mageHigh crystallization mageMaster spirit mageNon-affinity mageHereticDark princessVitality: 2784Vitality recovery rate: 49/hrMana: 657,632Mana recovery rate: 361/minStrength: 572Agility: 1160Stamina: 1012Intelligence: 1210Light: 4Life: 22Fire: 11Water: 14Air: 12Earth: 103Death: 3Dark: 43Space: 2Time: 1


Light: 5Life: 9Fire: 11Water: 16Air: 12Earth: 35Death: 13Dark: 42Space: 7Time: 8

Blessed skills:

Spiritual earth magic lv7*Spiritual dark magic lv3*

Passive skills:

World speak+Coordination lv6BindMana recovery rate enhancement lv9Earth sense lv7Dark sight lv0Mana enhancement lv3Magic inclination lv2Sacrilege lv0Sleep resistance lv1

Active skills:

Calculate lv3Dance lv5String instrument lv4Woodwind instrument lv3Cleaning lv2Staff wielder lv1Meditation lv2Speed reading lv5Spiritual life magic lv7*Overwhelming non-affinity magic lv0*Mana empowering lv0*Cooking lv1Mana examination lv9Spirit comprehension lv1


Anailias BlessingElvats life magic BlessingQuoxs BlessingEneths BlessingEarth Pantheons BlessingLife Pantheons BlessingDark Pantheons BlessingYuzus mana regeneration Blessing


Trial of Anailia and TolonaEarth TowerLife TowerDark Tower

And this is instantly all worth it.

As nice as getting the level to her dark magic and other skills felt, as far as she was concerned the real boon was getting the one to her spirit comprehension.

Shed been getting better at not letting her thoughts slip through to the ones around her without meaning to but with that little bit of extra control the task felt significantly easier. She was sure shed be able to keep her thoughts to herself, at least when it really mattered.

Which now just leaves a question of how fast Im going to try to level this. I do already get passive experience but Im pretty sure I could technically get a fair bit more if Im willing to. Hmm.

It was a question of what she was willing and not willing to do, namely, charming her mana. While it was no longer happening automatically within her soul, she was sure she could make it if she so chose, which in principle should have been akin to constantly casting a dark spell.

If she was to, shed need to put on her brace again for the time being, but when she thought about it, it didnt feel nearly as bad to her as shed expected. Sure, it had been a huge issue for her in the past but now it was something shed be able to control. She wouldnt exactly like it, but the fact that shed be able to stop at any moment made the idea significantly more acceptable than it otherwise would have been.

So alone in the woods she did it, just for a moment, just as a test, even if the surroundings responded to her in a big way with the sounds of creatures moving towards her and kept going even after she canceled it, leading her to prepare another spell on her fingertips with fear ready to counteract the draw of the charm.

Definitely should have grabbed my brace first. She sighed to herself. Dumb idea, wish I could scare them off as easily

She felt something click in her with the thought. Who was to say she couldnt? Her charm may have merged into her dark magic but who was to say that she couldnt apply a different spell to herself to give off?

At the very least, she couldnt think of any reason it wouldnt work so she gave it a try, fiddling around as she tried to influence the mana stored within her soul in a way other than the one shed been born to, and only after seeing some distant beasts being lured over felt it click and got to watch the immediate change as they started to flee instead, running for their lives like death itself was chasing them.


She undid the effect but was suddenly full of ideas. If she could do it with those two dark spells, could she do it with more complicated ones? And what about her other affinities? Could she attach some general healing spells to her soul to provide some passive benefits to any hospital she was in or could she use earth spells to affect the world around her? Could she mix affinities to create more complex options and could her non-affinity magic be incorporated too?

Before shed had no ideas but suddenly she was flooded with them, her head filled with things to test as a path to her individual way of using magic began to look more clear.