Chapter 3757: News

Name:Chaotic Sword God Author:
Chapter 3757: News

“Killing people? Your Merchant Union of Star Brilliance even deals in that?” Jian Chen was surprised.

“Of course. Our Merchant Union of Star Brilliance is a business after all. We cover various territories and assist others in resolving problems. That’s an area of business too.” Wang Miaomiao smiled gently.RêAd lateSt chapters at Only

“Then can you kill Immortal Exalts?” Jian Chen said without skipping a beat.

Wang Miaomiao’s face hardened, probably because she never thought Jian Chen would suddenly ask such a question. After all, it completely contrasted against the strength that Jian Chen currently demonstrated.

After being momentarily dazed, Wang Miaomiao quickly recovered. She continued to smile professionally, gazing deeply at Jian Chen with a natural sense of closeness. “Early Immortal Exalts obviously aren’t a problem, but the price is extremely high. Even other Immortal Exalts might not be able to afford it.”

“Of course, if the price offered is tempting enough, our Merchant Union of Star Brilliance will accept jobs involving killing mid or even late Immortal Exalts, let alone early Immortal Exalts,” Wang Miaomiao said slowly with her enchanting voice, filled with great confidence.

Jian Chen’s eyes narrowed slightly. “You can even kill late Immortal Exalts? The strength of your Merchant Union of Star Brilliance is a little unexpected.”

“Looks like you don’t understand the heritage of our Merchant Union of Star Brilliance, fellow. The branches of our Merchant Union of Star Brilliance are distributed across the entire Immortals’ World. Our Merchant Union of Star Brilliance exists on all thirty-three heavens. The merchant union in the Immortal Rising City is only one of the many branches of our Merchant Union of Star Brilliance. If we didn’t possess a certain level of strength, we would have never been able to build something so great,” Wang Miaomiao said rather proudly.

After a moment of silence, Jian Chen said, “I’ve spent many years in secluded cultivation and only emerged recently. I don’t know anything about the major events that have occurred in the Immortals’ World recently, so I’d like to know all the events that have shaken up the Immortals’ World in the past ten thousand years.”

“There are only a handful of events that have actually shaken up the Immortals’ World in the past ten thousand years, but none of them are absolute secrets. All of it is publicly known among the upper echelon.”

“So be it. I’ll do you a favour and sell it to you for cheap. Five thousand five-coloured immortal crystals,” said Wang Miaomiao.

Jian Chen did not try to bargain with her, directly fishing out five thousand five-coloured immortal crystals and tossing it over. Wang Miaomiao accepted the immortal crystals and called over an attendant. “Go to the sixth floor and find elder Ling...”

After a series of instructions, the attendant left politely with the jade tablet that Wang Miaomiao gave her.

Afterwards, Wang Miaomiao looked at Jian Chen and smiled. “You must have noticed that our Merchant Union of Star Brilliance has a total of six floors. Only Immortal Emperors and above have the right to visit the sixth floor.”

“Our Merchant Union of Star Brilliance on the Hall Brilliance Heaven isn’t particularly powerful. We only have Immortal Emperors. If you go to the Plain Subtlety Heaven, the Merchant Union of Star Brilliance there has nine floors. Only Immortal Exalts can access the seventh floor...”

During this time, Jian Chen and Wang Miaomiao conversed casually, but through the conversation, Jian Chen became more and more astounded by the strength of the Merchant Union of Star Brilliance.

The strength of the Merchant Union of Star Brilliance was truly unfathomable. Its range of influence spanned the entire Immortals’ World. Across the thirty-three heavens, even their weakest branches had Immortal Emperors at the very least.

When it came to the stronger branches, they even had Immortal Exalts!

The Plain Subtlety Heaven was where the main headquarters throughout the entire Immortals’ World was located. It was a building with nine floors, where just reaching the seventh floor alone required the cultivation of Immortal Exalt.

Before long, the same attendant returned with a jade box. She passed the jade box to Wang Miaomiao before leaving politely.

“Fellow, the news that you’re after is in here, but you only have three days to view it. After the three days, the jade slip stored inside will be destroyed automatically, so please finish viewing everything during this time.” Wang Miaomiao reminded him.

“Thank you! I’ll come back in three days’ time to collect the goods.” Jian Chen stowed the jade box away and left. Jing Mumu and Jing Feng followed behind him silently. From beginning to end, they did not utter a single word.

“This little girl seems to have the Sword Immortal constitution. Tsktsk, the Sword Immortal constitution gives promising talent for practising the Way of the Sword. If she is nurtured well, she’s basically guaranteed to become a sword immortal. If her fortunes align, she might even be able to reach Immortal Emperor...” Wang Miaomiao murmured as she stared at Jing Mumu after the three of them had left.

“Manager Wang, come upstairs!” At this moment, an elderly voice rang out from the sixth floor.

After leaving the Merchant Union of Star Brilliance, Jian Chen made Jing Feng rent a reasonably large courtyard in the Immortal Rising City. At this moment, Jian Chen sat in the main bedroom of the courtyard. Jing Mumu also hovered in the air before him with her legs crossed. Her eyes were shut.

“From now onwards, give up on all of the cultivation methods you practised in the past. You will devote yourself to the cultivation method I teach you, do you understand,” Jian Chen stared at Jing Mumu sternly.

Jing Mumu nodded seriously and said, “I understand. However, master, I still don’t know the name of this cultivation method.”

When he heard that, Jian Chen blanked out slightly. “The name of this cultivation method is tied up with a lot of karma. It’s not appropriate for you to find out right now. You will find out yourself before long.”

Jing Mumu nodded obediently before shutting her eyes and focusing on cultivation.

Jian Chen left the room and entered a quiet secret room alone. With a flip of his hand, he took out a jade box.

Opening up the jade box, he found a jade slip resting in there quietly.

This jade slip contained the news that Jian Chen had purchased from the Merchant Union of Star Brilliance.

“The Hole of Reincarnation behaved irregularly, leading to the premature emergence of reincarnation Qi.”

“The Skyscraping Sword Scripture emerged, leading to a contention between the various experts of the Hall Brilliance Heaven...”

“War on the Modest Silence Heaven unfolded, leading to heavy casualties for both sides...”



The jade slip recorded the various major events that occurred in the Immortals’ World over the past ten thousand years. Jian Chen directly skimmed through ninety percent of the news and locked onto the Reverent Observance Heaven.

He primarily wanted to learn about the Reverent Observance Heaven’s current state, but he purchased all the news from the past ten thousand years across the entire Immortals’ World to keep his identity hidden and avoid suspicion.

Of course, none of this was particularly a secret. Much of the news could be considered as public secrets, only circulated through the upper echelon.

The Immortal Sect of Colossal Elephants was completely destroyed, only leaving behind the seven ancestors and several dozen weaker disciples.

The Daoist Sect of Xuanchi was destroyed...

The Three Swords sect was destroyed...

The Sword Sect of Grand Sun was destroyed...

The vice city lord of the Observance Heaven City, Lu Wujin, faced the Space-splitting Venerable in battle...

The Sword Heart Ancestor of the Immortal Sect of Myriad Swords was heavily injured by the Vermillion Bird clan...

Looking at all the alarming events that unfolded on the Reverent Observance Heaven, Jian Chen gradually became stern.