Chapter 1649

Name:Chase you down Author:公子衍
The little girl is not stupid. On the contrary, she is smart and quick to realize that she has been cheated.

Little Feifei wanted to be the best of the six girls, so when she was chosen to be a flower boy, she was full of envy.

When the little girl's eyes were firm and she was about to run out, she finally said, "the wedding is over ~"

when the little girl stopped walking, her face collapsed, her head lowered and her eyes turned red.

The little lazy saw her appearance, curled his lips, "why do you have to be a flower boy with new and new brother?"

The little girl pursed her mouth and raised her head, "because the flower girl's clothes are very beautiful!"

Is it because of this?

He coughed and walked in front of the little girl. "A few days later, aunt Lin Xi'er married uncle Su Yanbin and invited me to be a flower boy. I'll take you with me."

the little girl rushed up and said, "young master, is it true?"


The little girl was excited and began to open her mouth with her little palm in her hand: "hum, little Feifei has always wanted to please the young master. If she knows that because she has been a flower boy this time and can't do it next time, she must be very angry!"

"Well, you can eat meat with me."

The little girl's dog legs were bouncing around him. "Thank you, young master."

"Oral thanks?"

Little girl: "ah"

"half of the living expenses will be paid in the future."

Little girl!! "But young master, half of the money has been turned in last time."

"Then turn in a quarter."

Little girl

"Do you want revenge?"

The little girl clenched her fist and said, "I want to!"

"In a moment, you'll splash little Feifei with water!"

Little girl: "but the old man will say that my behavior is not lady ~"

"it doesn't matter, little Feifei dare not complain."

Little girl: "why?"

"Because it's the young master that I let you pour it on!"

Little girl That's all right?!

"Will you not be angry?"

The little girl nodded excitedly, "well, xiaofeifei is going to cry, hahaha ~"

"so do you want to consider paying the living expenses in the future?"

Little girl:??

"In this way, I will cover you whatever you do in the future."

Little girl "May I not?"

"What do you say?"

Little girl: Good. "

After a pause, he suddenly turned back, "do you want to be a flower boy with my new brother, or do you want to be with me?"

Little girl

What did the little girl want to say, she could detect her lazy action, and quickly said with a smile: "of course, it's young master!"

Since then, the Xiaos' villas have been in full swing. In Beijing's upper class society, a new group of characters have gradually risen, and three of them have been rated as the three villains in Kyoto.

The head of the villain is Xiao Mu Nan, the prince. It is said that he is a business ghost with a perverse personality. Few people dare to provoke him.

The second is the prince's diehards, who have been following him for many years.

The last one, who is very mysterious, is called "Princess of Prince" because the prince calls her "love Princess".

The three of them often can traverse the whole city of Beijing. It seems that there is nothing they dare not do.

However, at the age of 18, the princess suddenly fell silent.

From then on, the three villains in Kyoto became the double tyrants of Kyoto.