Twenty minutes later, Ann Sudong and the tearful Lu Cheng left the hospital and got back on Ann Sudong's Land Rover.

After the visit to the hospital just now, when Lu Cheng saw his father, who was wrapped in gauze and looked like half a dumpling, he cried loudly without saying a word. Fortunately, Ann Sudong was not an unreasonable person, after explaining the situation to Lu Cheng's mother, he immediately dragged Lu Cheng, who was crying so hard that tears were about to fall, out of the hospital.

It was only until Ann Sudong drove the car back to the demolition site that Lu Cheng finally wiped the tears off his face and hugged Ann Sudong tightly to express his gratitude.

By the time Ann Sudong and Yue Yang returned to the scene of the demolition, the contractor had already been tied up by a hemp rope that Ouyang Kuan had found somewhere, and was staring at the two of them fiercely.

From the breathing of Chu Heng and his, Ann Sudong knew that the contractor had woken up while Ouyang Kuan and Chu Heng were waiting for him to return. Seeing that he was not around, he tried to put up a resistance, but was eventually tied up here by Ouyang Kuan and Chu Heng.

"Hurry up and let me go! Otherwise you don't even know how you died. "

Without waiting for Ann Sudong to speak, the contractor struggled for a bit, staring at Ann Sudong viciously, he laughed sinisterly, and spoke fiercely.

"Let go of your grandpa!"

The hateful Ouyang Kuan had his eyes swollen by the hoodlums previously, and just as the contractor leader was about to say something fierce, he was stopped by Ann Sudong with a light smile.

Crack …" "Ah!

Ann Sudong who had a warm expression a moment ago suddenly stepped forward, and fiercely stepped on the right leg of the contractor chief.

In an instant, the fierce look on the Baotou's face disappeared, and was replaced with a face full of pain and the wailing of a pig being slaughtered.

Seeing Ann Sudong's lightning quick move, even some of the bystanders could not help but be shocked when they saw the contractor's twisted right leg.

"Who are you trying to make sure you don't know how you died?"

Just as the contractor stopped screaming, Ann Sudong threw out another kick.

"Are they trying to force us or these people?"

's eyes were immediately filled with rage. As he spoke, he kicked his feet a few times, and only after the contractor's mouth kept begging for mercy did Ann Sudong finally calm down and stop his actions.

"Please, please! "Stop kicking, please!"

After Ann Sudong stopped moving, the Baotong man who was tied up did not even dare to open his eyes and continued to beg for mercy.

"You guys vent your anger as well."

Waving his hand towards Lu Cheng and the others, Ann Sudong opened his phone to look. It was almost daybreak.

Just as Ann Sudong was looking at his phone, a burst of punches and kicks sounded out from behind him along with the miserable shrieks of the contractor leader.

Looking at the Baotou who had swollen to the size of a pig's head, Ann Sudong smiled lightly in his heart.

This was the result of angering the people who studied medicine!

When everyone had calmed down a bit, Ann Sudong went forward to untie the Baotou's rope. Under the shocked gazes of the surrounding people, the Baotou stood up hurriedly.

"He can still stand up after a fight like this!"

"Yes, I thought that the contractor was going to be beaten to death."


Hearing the discussions around them, Ann Sudong, Lu Cheng and the others all looked at each other and laughed.

Seeing the body covered in wounds, coupled with the screams from before, those who did not understand would definitely think that the head worker was going to be beaten to death, or at least crippled or something like that. In fact, Ann Sudong had purposely stepped on one of the toe of the head worker just now, so the remaining parts weren't fatal, however, due to the pain in his body.

"Alright, enough acting."

Looking at the foreman who looked like he was about to fall at any time, Ann Sudong kicked a rock under his feet and sent it flying, as he looked at the foreman with a serious expression.

Seeing Ann Sudong's expression, the contractor knew that he could not deceive Ann Sudong, so he could only endure the pain and slowly limped over to Ann Sudong's side with a fawning face.

"Apologize, pay up, then scram!"

The contractor was about to say something, but was immediately interrupted by Ann Sudong. After hearing Ann Sudong's request, his face immediately turned ugly and filled with fear.

"What is it? "You don't like it?"

Ann Sudong indifferently looked at the contractor, and then nodded towards Ouyang Kuan. Ouyang Kuan understood what he meant and immediately went up to the contractor's side, lifting his right foot to kick the contractor's abdomen. Kacha.

"Ah …"

The contractor immediately let out a scream like a pig being butchered, and immediately begged for mercy while clutching his stomach: "Stop hitting me, stop hitting me, I'm willing to do it, I'll compensate you right now, I'll compensate you no matter what."

Immediately after, the contractor respectfully apologized to Ann Sudong and the others, and passed over two bank cards as compensation for the eviction.

"We'll talk about the loss after the apology."

Ann Sudong glared at the contractor with cold eyes, and then directly walked towards the Range Rover, getting in the car and starting a fire: "The person you want to apologize to is not us."

The head worker looked at the spot where the 10 thugs fell to the ground, and saw that even the knife-scarred man had escaped at an unknown time, he quickly followed Ouyang Kuan and the others onto the Land Rover.

Until the sun rose, Ann Sudong, Ouyang Kuan and the other two drove the Range Rover back to school, while Lu Cheng stayed in the hospital to take care of his father.

"Hey, number three, how did you become so powerful?"

Chu Heng had always been a free and easy personality, but now that he had settled the matters of Lu Cheng's family, he returned to his usual high-spirited and unrestrained personality.

After Chu Heng finished speaking, Ouyang Kuan also thought back to it, and looked at Ann Sudong with the same puzzled expression.

"I saw my boss was being bullied, so my fighting strength is off the charts."

Ann Sudong smiled lightly, sped up his speed a little, and said with a somewhat lazy voice.

"Tsk, I don't believe it."

"Yeah, last time, you also suddenly became a lot stronger, but this time, you seem to have gotten even more stronger. Quickly tell me what happened."

Ann Sudong pretended to be focused on driving and ignored Ouyang Kuan and Chu Heng who were full of suspicions. The two people in the back slowly curled their lips and no longer asked.

Just when Ann Sudong thought that they would no longer pursue the matter, not even five minutes had passed when Chu Heng suddenly said in a strange tone, "Sigh, I heard that drinking wine from certain parts of the bodies of people with extremely pure Yin and Yang blood could quickly enhance their physique, and could even cause a fundamental change in one's physique. Second Brother, tell me … "

"Is that true? "Don't scare me, could it be that Third Brother …"

Ann Sudong heard the conversation between the two, and looked at the dirty expressions of the two in the rearview mirror, he immediately braked and pulled the Range Rover to the side of the road, then shouted angrily: "Those who don't want to get on the road, get off the road and take a taxi."


Chu Heng and Ouyang Kuan looked at each other, then flattered with a smile. It was just a joke just now.

After blowing on the roadside for a while, the three of them got into the Land Rover and slowly drove in the direction of Medical University under the morning sun.