An Sudong first showed the enemy that he was weak and told the soldiers here that you should not count on them now. They are inferior to the cannon fodder and will drag you back. The second point is to train them temporarily and then take them as cannon fodder.

"Well, I'll stick to it for another two days. If you hurry up, it's almost OK. Fighting depends on people's heads. It almost doesn't matter. Besides, you should repair the bridge quickly. If you don't let my soldiers repair it together, it can be faster."

Thatcher really looked down on ansedon, so he could be appointed commander by King Charles. He thought their commander would be Vanders, even Paul. He didn't expect that he was a young man he had never heard of.

After thinking for a while, I remembered that Andel was the representative who came to surrender that day. Unexpectedly, he became the commander of King Charles. It's really incredible.

"Don't worry about Marshal Thatcher. I'll repair the bridge as soon as possible these days. We'll obey your orders. Larry still points to your rule. King Charlie has agreed under my persuasion. When Larry is reunified, I'll give you the position of King Larry. Don't forget me, marshal Thatcher!"

An Sudong casually told another lie. Now he has to stabilize Marshal Thatcher and let him rest assured to fight with the prime minister. Only in this way can they make a profit!

"Ha ha... Commander Andel is really a talent. Don't worry, you will definitely be the number one hero of Larry. I will appoint you as the new marshal of Larry!"

Thatcher was very happy to hang up the phone after hearing ansu Dong's words. When ansu Dong came that day, Thatcher felt that ansu Dong's mouth was very fierce. She didn't expect that he could really make king Charlie willingly give up everything and give up the throne to him.

"Old fool, I didn't expect to be so easy to fool."

An Sudong involuntarily said such a word, it seems that the new plan will be put on the agenda.

Mok county is the southernmost end of Larry. There are thousands of soldiers stationed here, and there is the largest ammunition depot in the country. Because the south end of Larry is close to the Republic of eman, this country has not been very friendly to Larry, and there has been constant friction on the border. In order to prevent eman from launching a sudden attack, a large number of weapons and ammunition are stationed here, Mok county is also Larry's food base. Generally speaking, it is a suitable place to raise soldiers.

"Deputy marshal Paul, major wandes, you two have a look. This is my draft plan. Now we are going to expand the army. I just looked at the population statistics of the south of Moke county. There are about 100000 soldiers of the right age here. Our goal is 20000 soldiers. Veterans are the priority. We will start the draft tomorrow. I will give a speech in person at that time, You two can cooperate with me at that time. Let's have a look first. "

In one afternoon, ansoudong worked out a draft plan. He wanted to expand his army. When Marshal Thatcher and the prime minister were killing each other, he had to conserve his energy.

An Sudong is getting more and more comfortable. In China, he has no chance to lead the army and fight. I didn't expect that he has such talent for leading the army and fighting. If he didn't come to Larry, he really didn't know he had such talent.

"Commander an, didn't you say there would be operations in a few days? How would our recruits be trained?"

When major wandes remembered what an Sudong had said in the morning about the need for action, now he had to recruit soldiers. He was a little confused.

"There's no delay and no conflict. I'll announce the battle plan at that time. Now you keep it secret."

Ansudong has a war plan to change the outcome of Larry, which can be implemented after the conscription is over.

"It says that recruits only train for half a month, but what can they do in half a month?"

Wandes saw that in ansudong's plan, the recruits only trained for half a month, and half a month's recruits would be seriously injured when they started fighting.

"First, strengthen training for half a month, then if we don't fight, we'll continue training."

Looking at the puzzled look on his face, Anton patted him on the shoulder and comforted him.

Deputy marshal Paul and major wandes don't know what medicine is sold in the gourd, but they have strong confidence in him. He is the God of war. What he said must be reasonable, so they don't have to worry about anything.

Old song's job is to protect the safety of Charlie's family. In recent days, old song has learned a lot of English, and it's very good to communicate with King Charlie.

Now old song has a very leisurely life. Since he handed over the army to an Sudong, King Charlie has been much more relaxed. After going to the battlefield for several times, he is relieved of an Sudong. In his spare time, he talks with old song and drinks tea. Old song has a lot of things in his storage bag, such as tea and chess. When he is free, he asks King Charlie to play chess.

I didn't expect that King Charlie's chess is really good. After several times of teaching, it's just like old song's Youmo. Princess Lina has nothing to do now. She follows an Sudong every day. When an Sudong is too busy, she stays by her father's side and watches King Charlie play chess with old song.

"I'm major wandes. I believe many young people on the scene are very familiar with me, especially the soldiers who have retired in the past two years. I'm very glad that so many young people have come to serve as soldiers. Let's take a look at the video first. These are the rule of the former Prime Minister and the former Marshal over the ordinary people."

Vanders is a god of war in the hearts of young people in Larry. Last night, ansoudong sent more than 3000 people to drive to every corner of Moke county to put up recruitment notices. After they heard about the recruitment, they all came to join the army today.

After watching the atrocities of the former Prime Minister and the former Marshal against the common people, many of them shed tears. These are their compatriots. They are very angry and want to catch the prime minister and Thatcher immediately.

"Now let's have a look at the competition video of our new Marshal Larry. The object of the competition is me!"

In order to make these recruits join the army enthusiastically and obey his orders, an Sudong made great efforts to let the God of war in Larry's heart lead him out first, so as to achieve better results.

After watching it, not only the ordinary young people who came to serve as soldiers were boiling, but also the tens of thousands of soldiers were boiling again. The young people in this picture actually crush the God of war, major wandes. They really adore Anton.

"Commander an is really powerful. We are willing to fight with Commander an!"

"Commander an is definitely the most powerful marshal in the world. I've never seen such a young and powerful officer. He is not only good at Kung Fu, but also good at guns and fighting!"