When we come to this meson space, we all have no way out, only to fight to the death.

The collision inside the hall became more and more fierce. During this period, Murong Feng's cultivation made great progress. His body was black, and he was like a demon. He waved a long ruler of gouyu in his hand, and the wind was fierce.

"I'll clean up Murong Feng!" There are 108 ice blue swords out of the sword box. Compared with the ten banishment swords of an Sudong, they are too spectacular. With fajue in hand, you can wave them down, and the sword will rain and cut into the evil spirit.

"What a sword Murong Feng chuckles, and his ruler doesn't fall. A mass of black material energy explodes. It can project ice blue flying swords, crackling together.

"If I were the old dog of renhaiqiu, I might be afraid of it, but what are you afraid of?" Murong Feng smiles haughtily and the projection rises again.

"The projection of the demon world, you really practiced the magic skill!" Ice blue screamed.

He was known as the first master of Penglai holy land, but he had to lose his temper at this time.

It's also the collision in the late Yuan Dynasty. The cultivation between Bo Zhongfeng and Bo Zhongfeng is the competition of magic weapon and skill. The skill of the demon clan is very strange. At this time, it's displayed by Murong Feng, and it's extremely powerful.

Ice blue forced, can only palm a wave, repeatedly began to impact.

Murong wind suddenly disappeared, appeared again, already in the ice blue head, "go to die!"

"No way!"

Ice blue is not a simple one with these 108 flying swords. He burst out with a brilliant blue light. A blue ancient sword flew out of his body. "Murong Feng, you are the first one who can force my sky blue ancient sword out!"

Murong Feng was also surprised. He didn't expect that he had two magic weapons.

A monk is destined to cultivate only one thing in his life.

But this is not absolute. There are always some amazing people. This ice blue is obviously one of them. The blue sword sweeps out and collides with Murong Feng's ruler. Suddenly, the strong wind surrounds them and they flash away.

"Go Ice blue's flying sword has come back long ago. Under his command, he runs to Murong Feng.

Murong wind projection, sword array hit together again.

"I've seen your flaws." Ice blue laughed, "projection is virtual after all, it can only be used once."

"So what?" Murong Feng was not afraid, "don't you know it's endless?"


Ice blue collides with him again several times, and the flying swords in his hand rush out. This time, he looks at Murong Feng's projection, and the flying swords turn into flying ash. 108 flying swords are also in a mess, but suddenly there is a brilliant blue light.

"This... This is also a flying sword!" Murong Feng roared in horror.

The sword breaks out, Murong Feng spits out a mouthful of blood and falls to the ground.

Ice blue looked down at him and said with a sneer, "I said that your projection is illusory. It's too late for you to continue to project with my sword array. This is a good chance to kill you."

"You're so insidious. The way of heaven is so vast. I'm not reconciled." Murong wind finally issued a burst of unwilling roar, completely not angry.

Ice blue also spits out blood. It is obvious that she has suffered internal injury. It seems that she succeeded in sneaking a sword just now, but only he knows how big the review of his body is. Moreover, Murong is full of evil spirit. Ice blue suffered losses in several close collisions. Evil spirit had invaded his body for a long time and was suppressed by him all the time. At this time, it broke out, and he couldn't hold on any longer and fell to the ground.


The fighting is in full swing inside the main hall, and it's hard to fight outside.

Ansudong's ten relegated swords all flew out, but he couldn't break Wei keyin's defense.

A man stood on the ground, directing the flying sword to assassinate, a man in the sky, wings shaking, the hands of Blood Sword kept waving, the relegation sword back.

It seems that the two people are deadlocked, but each collision causes painstaking damage to them.

"Ha ha... Boy, do you want to compete with the blood clan?" Wei keyin is not arrogant and impetuous. On the contrary, he likes this kind of play very much.

An Sudong was so anxious that he couldn't find a way to defeat the enemy. Maybe he was going to die here today.

The blood clan is full of blood, which is not comparable to that of the eastern friars. If we continue to compete, the loser is undoubtedly an Sudong.


From his arms, an Sudong felt out a five thunderbolt seal script, which was swept away by thunder.


Wei keyin finally turned pale and screamed, "you have thunder!"

"Are you still afraid of thunder and lightning?" An Su East ate already, didn't think that he casually used a means, hit by mistake, can restrain the vampire?

Vampires are evil things. Naturally, they are no better than the orthodox friars. Tianlei specially controls them.

Wei keyin did not dare to make a hard connection. His wings vibrated and danced around the sky to avoid thunder and lightning.

He underestimated the five thunders, even if he avoided the four thunders, the last one still hit him on the back.

Listen to Wei Ke Yin scream, the body burst open a large area of blood, the whole person with meteor general fall to the ground.

An Sudong was overjoyed and let the relegated immortal sword dance around him, running to Wei keyin.

"Don't be proud!" Wei keyin suddenly burst up, his sword was like a rainbow, his sword Qi was cut down, and his blood was red.

"No!" An Sudong knew that this bastard was going to work hard. A lightning strike just now must have caused him a lot of damage.

An Sudong retreated crazily, and all the banished swords in his hand flew out, wringing Changhong in the air.

"All right!"

An Sudong suddenly showed a sly sneer, "then I'll kill you with lightning!"

Wei keyin was startled. "Can you still attract thunder and lightning?"

"Of course, if it's a different person, you may not be able to do it. But you're not lucky to meet me. I'm a famous local rich man." An Sudong is a special chicken thief.

Wei keyin didn't quite understand the meaning of the local rich man. His pale face was completely colorless. He looked up at the sky above him, thundering, which was many times more fierce than just now.

Wu Lei Bang Ding Fu Zhuan was originally the most basic thing in the fairyland, but it was easy to use. An Su Dong used merit points to exchange a lot of them. He didn't feel bad about using them, so he simply used more than 100 at a time, which is not heroic.

All of a sudden, bursts of lightning and thunder, countless lightning with the same split beans, the target is Wei Ke Yin.

"No... no..."

Wei keyin struggles to death, but even if he can struggle, he can't beat an Sudong, the local rich man. What is to kill you with money? That's it.

An Sudong squatted on the ground, smiling at Wei keyin, who was writhing and screaming in the thunder and lightning. He said with a smile, "I'll give you a warning. It's good to be the enemy with anyone, but just don't be the enemy with the rich, because you can be killed with money, and you still play fart!"