Request for treatment


"There isn't time, so let me be blunt. I want Kokubu-kun to treat a certain person."

"Ehh, a treatment request is ..."

When I sat down on the sofa in the reception room, State Minister for Foreign Affairs Shiota began to explain why he called me.

Next to him, Kajikawa-san silently bowed his head to me.

"I think Kajikawa-kun told you that the Japanese government would never ask for treatment, but we can't say that this time."

"Would you mind telling me a bit more about it?"

"That's right. It's rude to push a request without explaining the circumstances. The person I want Kokubu-kun to treat is President Azirmat of the Republic of Hazakhstan who is visiting Japan."(TN:Sorry if the name is wrong, I'm not familiar with names of that region.)

"Hazuki ... President?"

"Correct. It must be an unfamiliar country name."

"Yes. Somehow, I wonder if it's the country around there ... It feels like."

"Hazakhstan is a small country in Central Asia, and you can think of it as a so-called dictatorship."

"A dictatorship ... is it?"

After giving a big nod, State Minister for Foreign Affairs Shiota told me about Hazakhstan.

Although the country was not large, a natural gas deposit boasting one of the world's largest reserves was discovered, and it seemed that Japanese trading companies had been contacted to develop it.

It seemed that President Azirmat's visit to Japan this time was meant for entertaining him.

"That Ajiri ..."

"President Azirmat."

"The President suddenly fell ill ... No, I don't think it's necessary for me to come in just for a sudden illness ..."

"The President suffered a serious injury that broke his neck and is being treated at a hospital in Toranomon, but his cervical vertebrae are so badly injured that he is paralyzed from the neck down and unable to move."

President Azirmat was a former military employee who gained control through a coup d'etat, and was said to be a giant, nearly 190 centimeters tall.

The day before last, the President was being entertained by the trading company, and on the way to the next store, he slipped off the stairs.

It seems that a beautiful onee-san was with him, but she couldn't support the President and they fell together, and she also suffered serious injuries such as broken ribs.

"Supposing ... Supposing I don't treat him, what will happen?"

"I talked about it a bit earlier, but Hazakhstan is a dictatorship ruled by President Azirmat. It is also a multi-ethnic country where multiple ethnic groups and religions coexist. If the President can't move for a long time like this, it wouldn't be strange for a civil war to break out."

President Azirmat was said to belong to the second largest faction, although he belonged to the majority ethnic group.

It was said that he successfully suppressed conflicts between groups and factions through conciliation through force and profit, and this was largely due to his own charisma.

"Needless to say, if it develops into a civil war, the development of the gas fields will come to a standstill, and it could also affect Japan's energy policy."

From the gas fields to be developed, there were plans to build pipelines across neighboring countries, and exports to Japan were also being considered.

"Understood. I will accept it."

"I'm sorry. Even though we just made a big deal about not requesting treatment ..."

"Nope, it can't be helped because of the circumstances. Besides, if it's a request from the Japanese government, I'll naturally receive a reward, right?"

"Of course. I'm ready to pay a reasonable amount because you're going to treat a situation where there is no chance of recovery with modern medicine."

"Specifically, how much will it be?"

"300 million. The Japanese government will pay 300 million Yen for this treatment. However, it will be in the form of a success fee, but is it okay?"

"300 million Yen is it, isn't that too high?"

"It's an amount to make you think so."

According to Vice-minister Shiota, this treatment would not be revealed at all, and would be carried out in absolute secrecy.

They planned to release the information to only a small number of people involved at the hospital, but the possibility of it being leaked was still not zero.

In the unlikely event that information on the treatment leaked out, it seemed that the exorbitant treatment cost was set so that there would not be a flood of requests.

"I understand the amount, but I have two requests ..."

"What are they, if it's possible, I'll grant your wish."

"Firstly, I would like you to use the cost of this treatment for the Resenburg compensation."

"Then Kokubu-kun will be working for free, but is that okay?"

"Yes, no problem."

"Alright, let's use it for part of the compensation. What's the other?"

"Secondly, I am planning to send my classmates back in earnest, but when that is completed, would it be possible to make the compensation from Resenburg completed?"

"Hmm ... But, I don't think it's reached the compensation amount estimated in Japan yet, what do you think, Kajikawa-kun?"

"Yes, even if you add this reward, it will be calculated that there is a shortage of about 3.5 billion Yen."

The Goblins sent to Japan as test materials for repatriation were sold for 100 million Yen each, so that's all it took to pay more than 1 billion Yen in compensation.

In addition, the magic stones, Minotaur's Horns, and the cost of this treatment should be around 1.5 billion Yen, but the situation was far from complete.

"Kokubu-kun, do you intend to avoid paying the 3.5 billion Yen?"

"No, in regards to that, I will continue to help with the collection work, but I think that once the summoned classmates return to Japan and the compensation is completed, the public opinion of Resenburg will change. I don't know to what extent the Japanese government intends to undertake resource surveys and development in places such as Volzard and Resenburg in the future, but I think that a friendly relationship, even if only a little, will make things go more smoothly ..."

"I see, you certainly have a point. However, the amount of money is too big to make a decision here. Is it no good to take the second talk back and consider it."

"Understood. That's fine."

"Then, about the specifics of the treatment ..."

I shook hands with Vice-minister Shiota, and when we were about to start a meeting, my stomach growled loudly.

Now that I think about it, I've only had breakfast.

"I'm sorry. I was so busy today ..."

"No, you can't fight if you're hungry. Let's talk after eating."

However, since it was past 3:00 in the morning, the cafeteria staff weren't there either, so I ate rice balls and cup noodles from a nearby convenience store for a late-night snack.

It had been a long time since I'd had cup noodles, and they felt strangely delicious.

In addition, while I was going to eat and do the treatment, I had my smartphone, tablet, mobile battery, etc., charged all at once.

Also, I got a solar panel for charging.

"Ah, that's right. Kajikawa-san, do you have any materials about handling gunpowder?"

"Is gunpowder that exploding gunpowder?"

"Yes, gunpowder has been developed in that world and is actually starting to be used."

"Hou, that sounds like an interesting story. Can I hear about it too?"

When I told him about the development of gunpowder in the Republic of Kilia and its use in warfare, former SDF Vice-minister Shiota listened with great interest.

When I talked about the attacks using Undead, he seemed to remember suicide attacks, perhaps from his experience of being dispatched to the Middle East, and had a sour expression on his face.

"It's not a very pleasant story to be used as a tool of war even after death."

"It's just as you say, but it seems that the effect was tremendous. I saw it in the daytime, but in the battle between Kilia and Jogesen, it was used for night raids and achieved great results."

The Undead, who could see at night, attacked under the cover of darkness, carrying barrels of gunpowder.

If you were on the defending side, it must be a nightmare.

Kajikawa-san would prepare materials on gunpowder handling and gunpowder manufacturing, and would dispatch lecturers if necessary.

Although it was out of season, they arranged for firecrackers and fireworks.

"Now, regarding the treatment of President Azirmat, in order to prevent information leaks, only a limited number of hospital staff have been informed. So, Kokubu-kun will accompany me as a government official, so you'll have to disguise yourself again."

"Vice-minister, I think it would be better if I don't show up and treat him from the shadows ..."

"Is that possible?"

"Yes, or rather, magic can be used more stably in the shadow space where magic essence exists."

When I explained about shadow movement and treatment from the shadow space, Vice-minister Shiota had the experience of actually going to Volzard via the shadow space, so he understood it easily.

"Then, how should we proceed."

"That's right. I don't know where the hospital is, so could you drive me to a place nearby. After that, as long as I know where the hospital room is, I'll follow the shadows inside and treat him."

"Once you're done with the treatment, get back in the car and I'll drop you off here."

"No, if I use shadow movement on the way back, I can come back here, so it's okay."

"My, my, magic sure is useful. Then, I will be waiting here, so I wonder if you can come back after the treatment is over."


I asked them to prepare a floor plan of the hospital, and I was shown the room where President Azirmat was hospitalized.

It was a hospital room for VIPs, and he was a huge foreigner, so there was no mistaking it.

They decided to contact the hospital staff who they had been talking to about the treatment after the treatment was over.

Maa, since it was treatment from the shadows without showing my face, there was no need to worry about my existence being exposed.

When I was guided to the parking lot, a one-box car was waiting.

A black film was affixed to the rear seat glass, and a curtain was drawn between the driver's seat so that the interior could not be seen from the outside.

"I'm Kokubu, nice to meet you."

"Likewise, go ahead ..."

When I called out to the driver, he opened the door for me.

"Is it okay if I leave?"

"Yes, go ahead."

"Then, call me when you get near the hospital."

The car left the Nerima garrison and drove towards Ikebukuro along the Kawagoe Highway in the middle of the night.

Even though it was a weekday, it was before dawn, so the roads were empty.

It took about 30 minutes to go around Ikebukuro, Gokokuji, Iidabashi, and the Imperial Palace to reach Toranomon.

"Kokubu-san, we'll be arriving soon. The hospital will be the large building on the right side of the road."

"Understood, thank you very much."

With the hazard lights flashing, the car stopped on the left side of the road.

I hid in the shadows from inside the car and started moving.

The hospital was also famous for being used by politicians, and I could see the media in the area.

There were security guards keeping an eye on the entrance to the hospital, but it didn't matter to me as I moved in the shadows.

If I went outside, I might be caught on surveillance cameras, so I'll move while submerged.

As it was a hospital late at night, the hall was silent.

In the inpatient ward, the only lights that were on were at the nurse station.

President Azirmat was hospitalized in a special room on the 11th floor, and only the area around it was on high alert.

In consideration of the domestic situation in Hazakhstan, the Japanese government had not made any announcements regarding the President's detailed symptoms, and they seemed to be very sensitive to information leaks.

Infiltrating such a heavily guarded place was like a spy movie, and it was a little exciting, but I should brace myself until the treatment is over.

The hospital room was further back, past the reception space from the corridor.

In a room decorated to look like a hotel, there was a high-class bed that you wouldn't expect from a hospital, and a man was lying there with his neck tightly fastened.

With black hair and a mustache, his slightly plump face was reminiscent of a famous game character.

I couldn't see him from the neck down, but judging from the amount of swelling in the futon, I was sure he was a little overweight.

If I fell down the stairs with that physique, I would break my neck too.

I put my hand between the cast and his neck from the shadows and poured healing magic into him.

I was told that the misalignment of the bones had already been corrected, so all I had to do was repair the nerves.

In fact, it was a simpler treatment than joining an amputated leg.

The treatment was over, but the patient, the President, was still asleep, so I didn't know if the treatment was successful.

On the other hand, I couldn't wake up a foreign President before dawn.

As I was wondering what to do, the door to the reception area quietly opened.

I thought it was a patrolling nurse, but it was a middle-aged man who appeared.

He had a mustache just like the President, but he was skinny and looked gloomy because the room was dim.

Judging from his appearance, he was probably related to the Republic of Hazakhstan, not Japanese.

The man who entered the hospital room turned around to the drawing room and closed the door shut quietly.

[ Kent-sama, what a dubious person that is. ]

[ I agree. He looks suspicious, doesn't he. ]

The man approached the bed where the President slept while silencing his footsteps.

When I looked at the reception area, I saw two men who had fallen asleep, leaning on the sofa.

There were three cups on the table, one of which seemed to have not lost its contents.

It was kind of a situation, but I didn't want the President who I went to the trouble of treating to be harmed.

It seemed a little expensive, but I'll ask you to forgive me.

I used the repatriation technique to move the cup from the top of the table to the ceiling and dropped it.


THe man who had walked up to the President's bedside was startled by the shattering of the teacup and stopped and looked back at the door.

A security guard in the hallway rushed into the reception area.

"What happened!"

"This is ... Hey, pull yourselves together!"

The two men who were sitting on the sofa in the drawing room didn't wake up even though the cup was shattered on the table in front of them.

The man who entered the hospital room clicked his tongue sharply, muttered something in a foreign language, and took out a knife from his pocket as if determined.

I thought about using a shield of darkness to protect him, but the moment the man tried to swing down the knife he was holding in his hand, the futon covering the President was flipped up.

The President's fist exploded in the face of the man who pushed aside the futon while shouting in a foreign language that I didn't understand.

Having his knife go flying, the man collapsed by the wall and yelled in a foreign language with a startled expression on his face, but the President gave him a stomping kick and fell silent.

After cursing the man with an angry look, President Azirmat suddenly opened his eyes and started at his own hands.

[ Did he finally notice that he's moving! ]

[ Buhahahaha, he was said to be a former soldier, so his body must have moved on its own. ]

[ Maa, anyway, I've fulfilled my role properly, so they can clean up that mess themselves. ]

Whether it was an attempted assassination due to an internal conflict or something, the security guards who jumped in and the hospital staff who rushed to the scene also got involved, creating a big fuss.

Maa, as long as the President is still alive, there shouldn't be any complaints, so let's go back to the Nerima garrison.

It was almost at the same time as I returned to the Nerima garrison that State Minister for Foreign Affairs Shiota's mobile phone rang.

"It's Shiota ... What, assassination attempt, wa, wait a minute, Kokubu-kun, is the President's treatment over?"

"Yes, the President beat down the man who planned to assassinate him."

"Haa? The President himself?"

"Yes, it was a thin man who seemed to be related, but the President beat him down and the security guards restrained him."

"Hello, is the President safe? I see, please make arrangements so that the commotion doesn't leak outside, right ... I'll ask of you."

After hanging up the phone, Vice-minister Shiota let out a big sigh.

"Haa ... Kokubu-kun, please don't scare me too much."

"Even if you say that, I was only asked to treat the President. I wasn't even asked to provide personal protection, so for the time being, I worked things out so that it would only be an attempt."

Vice-minister Shiota seemed to understand when I explained what had happened in President Azirmat's hospital room.

"For the time being, the President has regained his health, and from now on they will have to take care of it themselves."

"Maa, that's true, but if possible, I wanted them to not bring the internal mess to Japan."

That's not my business.

"Then, since the quest has been completed, is it okay if I return to Volzard?"

"Ahh, wait a minute, Kokubu-kun."

Vice-minister Shiota gave the OK, but Kajikawa-san stopped me.

After seeing off the Vice-minister who hastily returned to his official residence, I was invited to the reception sofa.

"First of all, I apologize once again. It's really pitiful to be in such a state of mind, even though we made a big deal about not asking for that kind of treatment."

"No, no, this case can't be helped, please raise your head."

"From what I've heard from Kokubu-kun, people wouldn't think that Kokubu-kun was involved in this case, and I'm grateful for that as well."

"No, in the first place, it's easier to use healing magic from the shadow space."

"However, in this incident, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs recognized the usefulness of Kokubu-kun."

"Does that mean that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will make requests like this one?"

"Of course, I'll try to refuse as much as possible, but for example, if the President of the United States or Russia collapses during their visit to Japan ..."

"Maa, it can't be helped. It's a problem if I'm going to have to spend 365 days, 24 hours a day on treatment, but once every few months is fine."

"Is that so, it's helpful if you say that. But ... Kokubu-kun, I need you to understand your own value a little more properly."

"My own value ...?"

"That's right. After all, you can freely transfer people between another world and Japan. If you were brought to Washington in advance, wouldn't it be possible to even send armed soldiers to the Oval Office of the White House?"

"That's, maa ... If you say whether it's possible or not, it's possible ..."

"Injuring the blood vessels in the brain and assassinating an important person by pretending they died of disease ... Isn't that possible?"

"M, maa ... It's not impossible, but I won't do it."

"Of course I know that, but foreign governments don't always understand. In fact, you were almost assassinated."

"Ahh, Takagi-san ..."

I dared not ask about the status of the investigation after that, but Takagi-san, who tried to assassinate me, must have been someone from a non-Japanese organization.

"That's why, Kokubu-kun. I want you to refrain from sightseeing in Tokyo casually."

"Uuh, did you find out ..."

"Don't underestimate public security in Japan. I know that the Asakawa family went to Volzard, and that a girl came from Volzard. I'm not saying it's absolutely no good, but if you don't let us know in advance, we won't be able to set up a security system."

"I'm sorry ..."

I didn't think that they would find out that I invited the Asakawa family.

"Frankly, I don't mind if people go over there. The people in this world can't touch you. However, if you come here, I want you to think more about them being targeted as someone related to Kokubu-kun."

"But, I had my genus watch over us from the shadows as escorts."

"Even so, if some organization intervenes, even if the person themselves is safe, there is a concern that the people around them will be involved, right? Will you be able to protect all the tourists in the Sky Tree?"

"That's ... That's impossible."

"As I said earlier, I won't say it's definitely no good, and I will be asking the Lord of Volzard for an official visit sooner or later. That's why, please let me know in advance. Is that okay?"

"I understand, I'm very sorry."

It was kind of strange that we were just apologizing to each other today.

"Haa ... But, Kokubu-kun consented to the treatment, which was a big help. I don't want to bring up the matter of bringing a girl from Volzard like a bargaining chip."

"Excuse me, I'll be more careful from now on."

"No, I'm also being taken care of by Kokubu-kun, so I don't mind as long as you don't mind, but I want to put in place a perfect system ... That's right, can you rely on me a little more."

"Yes, well then, I will rely on you without hesitation."

"Ehh ... No way, you can refrain from doing it for a while."

"No, no, I'll stop behaving like a stranger and rely on you."

"No way ... It was just a little bit of a slip of the tongue ..."

In any case, it seemed unlikely that I would be able to refuse any request from the Japanese government, so in that case, let me ask you for a favor.

With Kajikawa-san, five days later, I promised to resume the return work, and then I returned to Volzard.