Hopes of the ones staying behind


The second return operation using the cage like a lunar rover had ended successfully.

However, the time difference between Volzard and Japan continued to widen, so if we continued as we were now, it looked like they would arrive in the middle of the night.

The classmates who alighted to the warehouse of the Nerima garrison were celebrating joyfully just like the last returnees.

The classmates who were selected to return last time and this time were all mentally unstable and strongly wished to return, so they must have been relieved to be back in Japan.

Kajikawa-san called out to me while I was having Zae and the others clean up the cage.

"Hey, Kokubu-kun, thank you for your hard work, I'm glad we were able to finish the second time safely."

"Thank you for your hard work. Maybe since it's the second time I've done the return work using the cage, but it didn't feel as bad as last time."

"I see, that's good, but to prevent the unlikely event that an accident will happen, it would be fine if the next return is the day after tomorrow."

"Yes, if we do that, it will be helpful for me as well."

"So, Kokubu-kun, I'm sorry, but could you spare me some magic stones again?"

"I don't mind that, but not too many ..."

"I know that, but it's about the Goblins you brought with you the other day. They seem to be getting weaker with each passing day."

The Goblins that were used as test subjects for the repatriation technique and were handed over to Japan as they were, it was said that they were bred in a research institute managed by the government and were strictly managed.

"By any chance, are you going to give the Goblins the magic stones?"

"The biggest difference between that world and Japan is whether magic essence exists or not. Should it be crushed into powder and given to them, or should it be disintegrated in the breeding room and mixed in the air, the researchers said they wanted to try such things."

"I don't mind that, but monsters are strengthened by taking in magic stones, so if you give them too many magic stones, they may become unmanageable, so please be careful."

"Got it. I'll thoroughly warn the researchers."

I waved to my classmates who were going to another room to get a health checkup, sold a trunk full of magic stones to Kajikawa-san, and decided to return to Volzard.

It depended on my physical condition, but if possible, I would like to go to the Dukas Company in Marburg for treatment.

Before that, Katou-sensei seemed to have something to talk about, and when I returned to Volzard, I was told to show up at the dormitory that the teachers were using.

The return work was going smoothly, so what's going on?

When I peered into the dormitory from the shadows, I understood why I was summoned.

The old and new duo with dissatisfied faces as well as Kondo, and with Yagi in addition, it made four of them.

Hey, it looks like it would be troublesome if I show up, so can't I go home.

"It's Kokubu. I'm coming in."

"Ooh, come here, you too, come and sit here."

Katou-sensei beckoned me, but I didn't want to go.

"Sensei, may I ask you what I have to do first?"

"These guys are the reason I asked Kokubu to come."

"What's wrong with the four of them?"

"They say they have no intention of returning to Japan."

"I see. But, does that have anything to do with me?"

"I'm sure it will. Or, Kokubu, are you going to abandon them if these guys are having trouble living in Volzard?"

"No, I'll talk with them about that, but ..."

"In that case, come and sit down. I'm not going to stubbornly oppose it, whether you stay or go home depends on your intentions and whether your guardians agree."

Oh, it's not like he won't allow them to stay in Volzard ...

If that's the case, should I hear what they have to say.

"I understand that you guys want to stay in Volzard. But, from my point of view, I cannot allow you to stay until I can see that you guys can live a decent life."

Kondo countered Katou-sensei's words on behalf of the four.

"That's why, as I said earlier, the guild can arrange cheap lodgings, and even if we can't find a job, we can still make money by going to the construction site of the ramparts. Hey, isn't that right, Kokubu."

"Is that so? Kokubu."

"Maa, it's exactly as Kondo said. The monthly rent for my boarding house is 3,000 Helts, which includes breakfast and dinner, so you can pay for it if you go to the ramparts construction for nine days. There are also other apprentice jobs, so if you work seriously, you can make a living."

Personally, I'd like to see the source of trouble return to Japan, but it's encouraging that my classmates are still in Volzard.

The old and new duo and Kondo had better physiques than when they came to Volzard, and they've also experienced the construction of the walls as a penalty for the disturbance.

Compared to me at that time, the three of them should be much more dependable.

The problem is fake glasses that looks like it's someone else's problem.

"Sensei, I think it's okay for the three of them, but Yagi is a little ..."

"Hey, you, Kokubu, even I work when working."

"I think the number of working days is the biggest problem."

"Idiot, you really are an idiot. The reason I'm staying in Volzard isn't to work as an adventurer."

"Then, how are you going to make a living?"

"Fufun, okay, listen carefully. I intend to write a report on my long-term stay in Volzard. Until I get on track, I'll continue to post information on SNS while working in Volzard. Once I get on track and get picked up by the media, it will be alright. After that, with the manuscript fee from Japan, I will continue living a life of ease and comfort."

Yagi had a proud expression on his face, as if to say that I didn't understand even this much.

"But, Yagi, how are you going to receive that manuscript fee?"

"Idiot, you really are an idiot. They can transfer it to my account, or they can pay with virtual currency."

"No, that's why I'm saying, how are you going to use that money in Volzard? Japanese Yen doesn't work here. We also don't do virtual currency transactions."

"Ehh, have Kokubu drop it off ..."

"In that case, where will you exchange money for Helt? By the way, I don't exchange money."

"Umm ... Well then ..."

I didn't know what to do with this tanuki, but I think he intended to sell his reports and get money easily.(TN: Tanuki is a way of referring to someone sly or cunning.)

That precondition had collapsed, and Yagi was sweating profusely.

"I will consider Nitta, Furuta, and Kondo. But Yagi, in your current state, I can't give you permission."

"No, please wait, Sensei. If I were to go home, who will report? Who will tell them about the other world that the whole world is paying attention to?"

"Kokubu, Asakawa, and these three should submit reports."

"No, no, no, that's no good. There's no way an amateur like them can make a report. There's no one more qualified than me who knows what reporting is all about."

"If you're going to go that far, sign a contract with some newspaper company or publisher. While you're at it, get permission from your parents to stay. I'll put you last in the order to return home, and if you can't produce results by then, I'll force you to return home."

"Th, that's tyranny. It's a violation of basic human rights."

"Fuun, say what you will. It's my job to take responsibility and bring you back to Japan. If you want to be an exception, try to convince me. Kokubu, please lend me a hand when I force Yagi to return to Japan. You don't want to be left with a troublemaker, do you?"

"That's right. Yagi is only going to cause trouble ..."

"You idiot, Kokubu, why are you so cold! Come on, in this case, I'll show you I will win a contract. Even if I win a contract for an astronomical amount, I won't give you a single Yen, I'll remember this!"

Yagi ran out of the room leaving behind a throwaway line, but I'm telling you there's no way to spend that astronomical amount of money in Volzard ... I guess he's forgotten by now.

It seemed that the Kondo three had not yet received permission from their parents, and Katou-sensei also asked them to come up with more concrete plans for work, income, and housing.

From the point of view of the three of them, they probably wanted to continue living in a fantasy world where magic could be used, which was like a dream, but from a parent's point of view, it was worrying.

"Sensei. For those who want to stay here, as long as I'm safe, I don't mind sending people to Japan if it's about two or three times a year."

"Is that so. I have no choice but to rely on Kokubu for travel to and from Japan, will you do that."

All three of them seemed relieved, perhaps because they thought that securing travel to and from Japan would have a positive effect on persuading their parents.

"Even so, it was surprising that Katou-sensei would agree."

'What are you talking about, I haven't said I agree yet. After all, if you have a prospect of life and your parents' permission ... It's your life, do what you like."

We couldn't help but look at each other when we saw the transformation of Katou-sensei, who had an image of a stubborn person.

"You guys, do you know how Nakagawa-sensei is being talked about on the internet?"

The smartphone I borrowed from Kajikawa was in the state of being a toy for Mart and the others, so I hadn't looked at his reputation on the internet at all.

Even the old and new duo and Kondo, who weren't really interested, seemed to have heard about it.

"He was beaten so badly it isn't the time to go up in flames. But since he did that much, it can't be helped, can it?"

"Well, if it's Kojima who had her leg amputated or those who were waiting for their turn to return, it couldn't be helped to use harsh words. However, staying in a safe Japan, I can't stand hearing something about it by people who don't know anything about it."

It seemed that the severe arguments against Nakagawa-sensei gradually subsided while the return work was suspended.

However, it seemed that since the return work had resumed, it had been rekindled by reports that Kojima-san, who had her leg amputated, returned to Japan.

"The one who pisses me off the most is Kizawa. That idiot, who was allowed to return the earliest, in spite of everything, wants a profitable experience, and already forgot about the suffering of those left behind ..."

Kizawa-san seemed to be pouring fuel into the flames by revealing that Nakagawa-sensei wanted to leave the students and return first when she herself returned.

"Even teachers are human. If there's something to worry about in one's family, it is only natural to want to go home and do something about it. Even if you can communicate by letter of phone, your worries may increase instead of disappearing."

"But, I told him that the repatriation technique was dangerous ..."

"Even so. You haven't forgotten about Sekiguchi, who took her own life, have you? Even if you know that if you wait a little while and follow the proper procedures, you would be able to return home, there are times when you can't control yourself. It's called being human."

Certainly, as Katou-sensei said, Nakagawa-sensei at that time was eccentric.

Instead of forcing him to endure it, it may have been better to let him go home first.

"From a teacher's point of view, I can't allow you guys to decide to stay in Volzard. That's why, if the conditions are met, I won't force you to be taken home."

"Oooohhhh ..."

"However! Don't allow your decisions to make other people unhappy. If you want to stay here, get your family's approval. I will contact them directly to confirm. This condition is absolute!"

The expressions of the three people, who were about to loosen for a moment, tightened up severely.

They're old enough to start living on their own in Volzard, but in Japan they're minors, and staying without parental consent isn't allowed.

I promised Katou-sensei that the next return work would be done the day after tomorrow, and headed to Marburg's Dukas Company.

Before heading to the Dukas Company, I decided to take a look at the city, and when I peered into the square in front of the Marburg Cathedral, it was overflowing with people.

There were people strumming musical instruments, people drinking liquor with large mugs, and people dancing with their hands joined, it was like a festival.

[ This is the daily life in Marburg ... Or rather, there's no way, right? ]

[ Probably because Kent-sama rescued those who were left behind in the accident. ]

[ Even so, isn't it a big fuss? ]

[ The accident happened at the end of last year, so I guess they gave up the holidays from the end of the year to the New Year. ]

[ I see, this is the backlash of that commotion ... ]

In fact, there were people who lost their lives due to the tunnel collapse accident, and there were also people who were missing.

Even so, the 38 people who there was no hope for were able to come back alive, so there must have been a large uproar.

The street leading to the square, where I didn't see anyone walking yesterday, was also crowded with people.

On the other hand, it was quiet in front of the Dukas Company, which was crowded with people yesterday.

Since the accident occurred, the people involved in the excavation had probably been busy with rescue work, so they may have taken that much time off.

When I was wondering whether to call out to them from the front or hide in the shadows and enter, the door of the company was violently opened.

A plump, slightly thin-haired middle-aged man came out of the building and walked off down the street with a dissatisfied look on his face.

"I'm sorry, Orlean-san. This matter, at another time ..."

Next, a young man came out of the Dukas Company, bowed his head to Orlean-san, and chased after the middle-aged man.

This one had round ears on his head and looked like a young lion.

I didn't recognize the middle-aged man, but I thought I had met the young man somewhere.

As I twisted my neck in thought, Fred told me.

[ Kent-sama ... Rockfall accident at Rivarre Pass ... ]

[ Ahh, I see, at that time ... ]

When I was escorting the Volzard Family from Bakkenheim, there was a rockfall accident on the Rivarre Pass on the way, and one carriage was suspended in the air.

One of the two men on board was the young man from earlier.

[ Ohh, come to think of it, he said he was from Marburg's Robere Company. ]

[ Right, his name is Angel ... Heir to the Robere Company ... ]

[ Does that mean that the old man just now was the chairman of the Robere Company? ]

[ Maybe ... Investigate ... ? ]

[ Yup, go and check it out. ]

[ Roger ... ]

While Fred was scouting the Robere Company, I would proceed with the treatment of Sybil-san.

In front of Orlean-san, who returned to the company, I put out a shield of darkness and went outside.

"Hello, Orlean-san."

"Well, well, Kent-san. Will you do treatment today as well?"

"Yes, I intruded upon you with that intention."

"Thank you very much. Then, this way ..."

I asked a few questions while being guided to Sybil-san's room.

"It seems that a member of the Robere Company was here just now ..."

"Aahh, you were watching ... Kent-san, do you know Alonzo-san?"

"Alonzo-san, is that the chairman of the Robere Company?"

"That's right, but don't you know?"

"Yes, the one I know is Angel-san."

"Hou, so you're acquainted with Angel? Ahh, here."

The room Sybil-san used had the smell of medicated water in it until yesterday, so now it had been cleaned and the windows were open.

"Sybil, the healer Kent-san is here. Now, Kent-san, please come in."

"Excuse me ... Hello, Lucile-chan."

Her daughter Lucile-chan was sitting next to Sybil-san's bedside, but when I called out to her, she hid behind the maid-san's shadow.

"At that time, thank you for all the help you gave us."

The maid-san, who had been with Lucile-chan during her treatment in the Irosun Great Forest, bowed her head deeply to me.

"Maa, so you also treated Lucile. Truly, thank you very much."

"Aahh, Sybil-san, please lie down. I haven't finished the treatment yet."

"Is that so? I heard that you treated me yesterday, and thanks to you, I'm feeling better than I've felt in years."

"I'm glad you feel like that, but there are still tumors all over your body, so let me clean them up."

I had finished treating her lungs and trachea, so today I was going to put my hand on her stomach and cast healing magic.

I focused on treating the liver and kidney tumors that I felt yesterday, and also activated other internal organs.

Even so, I wondered how much she had endured until now to feel like she was in good shape.

Sybil-san began to fall asleep while she was being treated.

"Orlean-san, for now, I think that the condition inside her body is fine. Also, she seems to have a few bed sores on her back, but ... It seems she's taking a rest now, so I'll see you tomorrow."

"Thank you very much. I haven't seen her in such a healthy state since we got married."

Sybil-san's physical condition deteriorated after giving birth to Lucile-chan, and her patient personality became a disaster, and it got worse.

Originally, she was not very strong, so she probably had a habit of putting up with her poor physical condition.

Sybil-san fell asleep, so when the maid-san urged her to play in another room, Lucile-chan nodded obediently and left her room.

Perhaps, she was probably accustomed to her mother's poor health.

"If my wife's health continues to improve, will she be able to spend more time with our daughter?"

"Of course. I'll treat her until they can run around and play together."

"Is that true? As Racole said, I'm glad I asked Kent-san. Aahh, we shouldn't talk while standing, so how about having a cup of tea in another room?"

"Thank you very much."

As Orlean-san guided me to another room, we heard lively voices from outside the building.

"Kent-san, have you seen the state of the square?"

"Yes, there was a lot of excitement."

"Because of the cave-in accident, it wasn't a good time to celebrate the New Year."

"It's like a week late celebration, isn't it?"

"That's right, but ... Aahh, this way ..."

"Yes, excuse me."

After being guided to a sunny room overlooking the courtyard, I had a cup of tea while listening to stories about Marburg.