My Home(TN:Mai houmu, Engrish. XD)


I asked Fred and Basten to scout the Calvine territory.

While there were no pressing issues, I planned to have them do some insider investigation.

The knights told me about the area where the house of the five managers and the housing complex were built.

A man named Benoit was the oldest of the five, and even in his sixties he had not handed over the family business to his son.

A woman named Donie was the second oldest after Benoit, and after her husband died, she was said to be a brave woman who had displayed her shrewdness.

A man named Lacroix was a macho man in his 40s, and it seemed that of the five of them, he was the most devoted to Havre.

A man named Kesran was the same age as Lacroix, a thin man who didn't show his expression, and seemed to have a personality that liked to plot behind the scenes.

And the fifth, a woman named Magnifica, whose age was unknown, looked like a teenage girl at first glance, and a butler named Lore always followed her like a shadow.

There was a rumor that Lore was the fifth manager, but the details were unknown.

"Somehow, they seem to have one or two quirks."

[ Of course they do. After all, they are the ones that Havre used. ]

In addition to these five managers and butler, the Calvine Family's housekeeper Hegel should also be involved in the management of the territory, so at this point there were seven people to mark.

"Are the five following Hegel's instructions?"

[ Maybe, I don't know either. For the time being, it should have been conveyed that Havre is being restrained and interrogated, so at this point in time, I don't think they can ignore Hegel's instructions. ]

"On the contrary, if Havre died, how would the five move?"

[ That is also completely unknown at this point. We should investigate it first. ]

No matter how much I ask Reinhardt, there would be no way he could understand the thoughts of people he's never met.

"Then, Fred, Basten, I'm counting on you."

[ Roger that. Just like when I investigated Havre, I will also take pictures if necessary. ]

[ For us ... There is nothing we cannot find ... ]

"Yup, I'm counting on you."

The combination of Skeletons that hide in the shadows and modern Japanese electronics was too much of a cheat.

The day after I spoke to Orlean-san, I was planning to head to Marburg for treatment today as well, but before that, I visited Herman-san, the architect.

I could temporarily rent the Guest House, but I had to ask him to build my own house.

Herman-san's company was located in a corner of the warehouse district on the west side of the old town of Volzard.

This kind of place was probably more convenient for storing construction materials.

When I visited, Herman-san was in the middle of a meeting with the people working on the site.

"Good morning, Herman-san."

"Ou, it's been a while, Kent."

"Yes, it's been a while. Aahh, please have your meeting first ..."

"Right, then, let me do that."

It seemed that Herman-san and his colleagues had received a request for construction of a new building in the eastern district of the old town.

Right now, the furniture inside the building was being removed, and the demolition was scheduled to begin around tomorrow.

If that was the case, should I have my genus do it?

The number of genus had increased compared to when Marcel-san's shop was demolished, and the destructive power had also increased ... Or rather, it's no good to take their job, right.

After the meeting was over, the employees went to the site to preview and began preparing building materials for the new construction.

"Thank you for waiting, Kent. Is it a request for the exterior and interior construction of your new house?"

"Ehh? No, I'm going to ask you to build it, but ..."

"What are you talking about? If it's that mansion, isn't it already built?"

"Huh? I don't remember building a mansion ..."

"Beyond the west wall, the newly opened land belongs to Kent, right?"

"Yes, that's right, but ..."

"There are tall trees planted, there's even a wide pond, and there's a huge mansion built, isn't there?"

"Umm ... Excuse me, can I go and check for a moment?"

"Aahh, it's fine, I'm going to be working here today."

"Excuse me. Just a minute, I'll go there for just a minute."

I dived into the shadows from Herman-san's workplace and moved to the planned construction site of my house.

Yes, without a doubt, the house is being built.

It's not a house, is it a mansion? Palace?

"Reinhardt, this is ..."

[ The Kobold Corps piled up the soil, and Zeta-tachi hardened it with all their might. Even if Shuuichi-dono put in all his magic, it wouldn't get a single scratch. ]

The three-story building was gray like bare concrete, with no doors or window frames.

The floorboards and walls were unpainted, so at first glance it looked like a ruin, but it was definitely a mansion that was still under construction.

On the first floor, there were two large halls facing the garden, one of which lead to the back room, which would be the kitchen.

There were several rooms on the side of the entrance hall, and when I was thinking that the layout looked like something I had seen somewhere, it was similar to the layout of Klaus-san's mansion.

It looked like it was made with reference to the Lord's Mansion.

When I went up to the second floor, there were eight rooms facing south, four on each side of the central staircase.

Since all the rooms were the same size and were made in the same way, I thought that these were the rooms for my brides, but there were a lot of them.

"Reinhardt, I guess these are rooms for my wives, but the number is ..."

[ Buhahahaha, there are already four, five if you include Camilla-jou, and there are also Muelle-jou and Meisa-jou ... If it's Kent-sama, it will not decrease but only increase, buhahahaha. ]

No, no, I'm not going to increase them any more ... Muelle-san, huh ... no, no, that's no good, no good.

On the third floor, there was a large hall on the east side of the stairs, and a large bathroom on the west side.

There was a large balcony on the west side of the bathroom, and there was also a bathtub there.

I mean, aren't the rooms and bathtubs too big? Even if the bathtub is nice, I felt like the room would be cold in winter.

"Nya, it won't be cold if you're with Nero, nya."

"I see, there's no shortage of heaters in our house ..."

If it's a room where the whole family gathers, it certainly should be at least this big.

Even with Nero, Zeta, Eta, and Theta, there was still plenty of room to spare.

If it was like this, it would be okay to have all my genus.

[ How is it, Kent-sama. If you don't like it, we'll tear it down and rebuild it as many times as needed. ]

"Yeah, I like it. This is my new home. Thank you, everyone."

After stroking my genus who came out in rotation to the spacious living room on the third floor, I returned to Herman-san's workplace.

"Sorry I made you wait."

"How is the mansion?"

"Yes, it seems that all my genus built it in secret, so I can only say that I'm surprised."

"Hahahaha, from my point of view, I was more surprised that Kent didn't know about it. It's been talked about that the Kobolds were building a house."

"Is that so? No, I really didn't know."

"It had a bumpy exterior that looked like it had been kneaded with clay, and it didn't look like a building at all. And that Black Skeleton went 'Supaa' ... like that."(TN:'Supaa' is sfx for cutting with a blade.)

"I see, so the Kobold Corps were in full swing, Zeta-tachi consolidated it, and Fred cut it ..."

"So, what does the floor plan look like? Because we have to install the plumbing and magic tools."

"Ahh, umm ..."

As I was trying to remember the floor plan, Reinhardt handed me the floor plan.

"Umm, it's like this."

"It looks like Kent really didn't know anything. Let's see ..."

While looking at the floor plan, Herman-san asked about the size and purpose of the rooms.

At the same time, he marked the floor plan and wrote down the necessary magic tools on a separate piece of paper.

"Okay, Kent, let's go to Nott's shop."

"Yes! Rather, Herman-san, what about your work?"

"What are you talking about, Kent's order is a fine job, isn't it? Or are you going to use me for free?"

"No, no, that's outrageous. Please bill me properly. I'll pay you exactly."

We went to Nott-san's magic tool shop and Herman-san asked about various things while ordering the necessary magic tools.

Heating, cooking, cold storage, water supply, hot water, heating and purifying the bathtubs, purifying domestic wastewater, etc, since it was a large order at once, Nott-san also had an energetic face.

"Well, if it's Kent-san, I don't have to worry about you being overwhelmed by the payment, and I'm grateful to have this big of an order."

"Nott-san has been teaching me a lot about magic tools, so I'm looking forward to working with you."

I was asked by Herman-san on the way back to his workplace after ordering the magic tools.

"By the way, Kent. Where should we enter to work?"

"Ehh ... Aah! I see, there's no entrance."

I completely forgot, but my land was outside Volzard's ramparts, created by cutting through the Devil's Forest, and surrounded by new walls.

I and my genus moved through the shadows and entered the ramparts, but it was impossible for Herman-san and the others.

"Even if you make a hole in the ramparts and make a gate, you have to get permission from Klaus-sama."

"That's right. Even if there is a new ramparts outside, all of my genus are running around on my land."

"Right, if someone accidentally gets lost and suddenly runs into a Gigawolf or a Lizardman, they'll be surprised and be frightened."

"That's right ..."

Of course, at first Herman-san and the others would be involved in the construction work, but considering the future, I decided to build a gate near the ramparts gate in Volzard.

If it was close to the ramparts gate, I thought of having the advantage of having the garrison rush over if there was a commotion.

I planned to hollow out the original ramparts and install an iron lattice gate on the outside.

Or rather, I had to prepare the all important gate ... It might be quicker to order it from Japan than to have it prepared in Volzard, where iron was expensive.

Let's talk to Kajikawa-san over the phone for a bit.

"Yes, it's Kajikawa. Did something happen?"

"Ehh, no ... There's a small something I'd like to talk to you about personally."

"Then, there's no trouble?"

"Yes, it's fine."

"No, it's rare that I get a call from Kokubu-kun, so I thought there was some kind of serious trouble."

"I'm sorry to startle you. So, I'd like to ask for a large iron gate ..."

"A gate? Is it the gate for a school or a large mansion?"

"That's right, that's right."

"What size do you need?"

"Let's see, it's about the size that a large carriage can pass through ..."

"Really, that is pretty big."

"Yes, actually ..."

When I talked to Kajikawa-san about the purpose of the gate, he gave me a good suggestion.

"Alright. If that's the case, I'll find you a second-hand gate."

"Second-hand is it?"

"Yup, building a new large iron gate would cost a lot of money and take a lot of time, so when it comes time to dispose of it, it's more profitable to sell it than to scrap it."

"But, will it be the convenient size?"

"If they don't have it, it'll have to be ordered and have it made."

"I understand. I'm sorry, but could you make arrangements?"

"Roger that. This is an easy task."

After asking Kajikawa-san to arrange the gate, I visited Klaus-san to get permission to install the gate.

Looking into the guild's office, besides Klaus-san, there was also Augusto-san, Angelina-san, and even Beatriche.

Somehow, it looked like the Volzard Family's living room.

I went out into the corridor and knocked on the office door.

"Who is it?"

"I, it's Kent."

Instead of Klaus-san's blunt voice, Angelina-san's gentle voice responded, and I was a little nervous.

"Come in!"

Aahh, Klaus-san's voice was a little more calming.

"Excuse me ... Uwah."

As soon as I entered the office, I was hugged by Beatriche.

"Welcome, Kent-sama."

"Hello, Riche. I was surprised."

"I was wondering if Kent-sama was distracted by Onee-sama ..."

That's why, it was just a little bit.

"I don't think you just came here to flirt. What do you want?"

"Ahh, yes, I came to ask for permission to install a gate on the ramparts."

"Is it finally time. Judging by how you look, did you ask Herman to do the interior?"

"Yes, they need a gate to enter for the construction ..."

"I don't mind if you install it, but please make it as sturdy as possible. In the unlikely event that monsters enter the city, measures will be taken to block the gate ... Rather, will your place be okay."

"Nope, in a situation where monster are invading Volzard, my genus will also go out to defend the city, so I'll think about keeping the gate tightly closed."

"I see, alright."

"Umm, changing the subject, Augusto-san and Angelina-san ..."

"Aahh, I plan to have the two of them gradually take over my work."

It would mainly be Augusto-san, but it seemed that he would start taking over the work as a Lord.

"But, Klaus-san is still too young to retire."

"I'm not going to hand over the leadership right now. Still, you never know what will happen to humans, so it wouldn't be a bad thing to have them learn my work early."

"I see ... It's for Klaus-san to take it easy ..."

"D, don't be ridiculous. Just think how long I've been working, I won't get punished for having a little fun."

Klaus-san looked indignant, but the grinning smiles of the other three seemed to tell the whole story.

"S, speaking of which, Kent, what happened with that nomination request?"

"Ahh, yes, if I do the treatment again today, it will be over. When I visited the day before yesterday, she was in a pretty terrible condition, but it's almost completely healed now."

"I see, I heard that the Dukas Company was a company that was doing well in Marburg, but what kind of person was the chairman?"

"Let's see ... Is he someone who is the owner of an advanced way of thinking."

"Hou, do you think he can be trusted as a business partner?"

"Yes, I also learned for the first time when I went to Marburg, but there was a cave-in accident at the mine owned by the Robere Company."

"How many people were involved in the cave-in accident?"

"Yes, more than forty people were involved ..."

I talked about the situation of the cave-in accident, the details of the rescue, and the active participation of the miners belonging to the Dukas Company in the rescue operation.

"I see. Rather than pursuing his own profit, is he emphasizing the profit of the entire mine."

"Yes, in face, the reward for the rescue will also be paid by the Dukas Company."

"What's that, isn't Robere paying?"

"Yes, on the contrary, it seems that Robere has also filed a complaint regarding the rescue."

Klaus-san let out a sigh of exasperation when I told him that Alonzo, the chairman of the Robere Company, had entered into a direct negotiation.

"That is, he's a typical problematic old man."

"However, Angel-san, who is said to be the successor, seems to have similar ideas to Orlean-san."

"If there is such an heir, then it would be better if he handed over the head of the family quickly ... I will retire before I become such an old man, so I'm counting on you, Augusto."

"Yes, I know, Father."

From my point of view, Klaus-san seemed to be too flexible, maa, it's better not to say that.

"What are you grinning about, Kent."

"No, I just thought Volzard was safe."

"Fuun, if the S-rank adventurer in front of me could calm down a little more, it would be even safer."

"That's ... Please watch over me with warm eyes."

"Fufuu, you're going to be my relative, I'll watch you with a strict eye. Kent, you're going to Marburg again today, right?"

"Yes, the treatment will be over today."

"I see, I know you're busy, and I don't mind if it's when you have some time, but please visit the Dukas Company from time to time."

"Is there some reason?"

"Yes ... It's iron."

"Are you going to do business with the Dukas Company?"

"Idiot, high-purity iron is coming from Japan to Volzard, so the relationship with Marburg may be reversed from now on, or it may become a rivalry. Besides, if the Japanese are serious about resource development, they will definitely make a deal with Marburg. As preparation for that, I'll make a network of contacts."

"I see ... The relationship may change significantly from now on."

"That's right. That being said, Kent, there's one thing I'd like to request of you."

"Request, what is it?"

"Summon me."

I couldn't understand Klaus-san's unexpected request for a moment.

"Huh? By summoning do you mean going to Japan?"

"That's not it. You took the daughter of the boarding house to Japan, didn't you."

"Yes, I let Meisa-chan go to Yuika's house to play ..."

"If you are summoned, you can get the knowledge of words, right?"

"Ahh, I see, so you're trying to learn the words for negotiating with the Japanese."

"That's right. I don't care if you don't send me to Japan or anything, just try moving around to the next room or the hallway and see if I can learn the words. And if it succeeds, I'll request that you take similar measures for the remaining three."

"Umm, is it okay to have it be a nomination request?"

"Fuun, how about 100,000 Helts per person as a success reward?"

"No, I'm joking. It's not a big deal, so it's not necessary."

"Riche, handle the formalities. If doing that is a success, the reward will be around 100,000 Helts."

Certainly, if you think about it, at the negotiating table, your advantage would change greatly depending on whether you understood the language of the other country.

In the negotiations with Japan, I didn't think the superiority would change as long as I was on the Volzard side, but it was still better to have an advantage in terms of language.

"Then, I'll try it, so please don't move."

"I know, I don't want to suffer from being one leg short."

"Then, here goes. Summon!"

In the office, it was a summoning technique that just moved from right to left about 2 meters, but I did it with the image of imparting knowledge of Japanese.

"How is it?"

< Aahh, this is Japanese. >

< Yes, it seems to have gone well. >

< It doesn't seem to be a problem. I also ask you for Augusto-tachi. >

< Roger that. >

It was only a two-meter movement, but it seemed that I succeeded in imparting knowledge of Japanese.

After that, Augusto-san, Angelina-san, and Beatriche were given knowledge of Japanese, and later, I was asked to perform the same treatment for Marianne-san and Baldini-san.