Chapter 131: Personal Things Part 2

Name:Child from the Dungeon Author:
Chapter 131: Personal Things Part 2

House Calibur, is one of the strongest Royal Houses in the whole Elysium Haven Country, the world even.

This House is known for its innate magic, the Star Magic.

It's still not known when this House had this kind of Magic, but it is said that they get it thanks to them being the descendant of King Arthur, the king who ruled Britain many years before the days of Ragnarok happened.

Despite the vagueness of the facts, despite the vagueness of their bloodline's history like many other Royal Houses in this world. The Calibur House is still confident that they're Arthur Pendragon's rightful heir to the throne and also, to Excalibur, the lost sword of the ancients.

No one could protest them since the House's very members are very well adept in their swordsmanship as they use it as their way to show their might, using their magic to increase the sharpness of their blades. In order to make themselves look more like their mighty ancestor who holds the Holy Sword from the Heavens, as he was known to slash many enemies with it.


For generations, this House gained many victories as its name become more known after the days of Ragnarok. This House was the first Royal House that presents itself to the masses before the others joined in.

Even once in one of Elysium Haven's age, this House once becomes the 'Sole Ruler' of the country, making themselves the king of Elysium Haven before another power rose to rival them, the rise of the other Houses who also want to expand their House's power.

This is why the Calibur family is known to have that high and mighty attitude towards other people, even to the other Royals, for they still think that the whole country of magic still belongs to them only, hence why some Royal Houses hated the Caliburs for their arrogance.

None of the other Houses even liked them, originally, until House Calibur started their strategy to gain more Royal Allies, by marrying their children to other Royal Houses' children.

With this, House Calibur not only gained more allies but also increase their next descendants' chance of being born with more powerful magic.

As they continue this strategy, after a lot of royal marriages with other houses, comes one descendant of the Calibur family that will become the Apex of their bloodline, for this Calibur was known to be the most glorious of those before him.

Arthur Pendragon Calibur III, known publicly as Arthur Calibur.

This Calibur is the first House Calibur descendant that has the Star Magic after the magic was lost in their bloodline for years after the first Caliburs showed themselves to the world. With that, Arthur become such a powerful figure as he was known to be the 'Almighty Monster Slayer' that was known to slay even dragons during his young age.

It is said that Arthur Calibur, once massacred an entire Dragon Dungeon alone with his Magic and Sword. The person was so indomitable that many monsters had to fall victim to his blade as he kills them mercilessly.

Not only his powers achievement, but he is also the most popular Royal known to the masses of people, despite his arrogant attitude. Many would adore him for his strength and prowess, many also adore him for his wealth as a Royal, and many would also want him to bless themselves with his progeny in order to increase the status of their families.

As he gained more chances at females, Arthur Calibur begin to scour every female he was offered, but none would satisfy as it is rare to see one that could withstand him so long, even from the Royal Bloodlines.

But one day, the unthinkable happened, after many years of scouring every female he could mate with, he finally found the woman.

A Commoner woman, with a high altitude of Mana, a Hunter...

As he made the relationship with this woman, he begin to produce his first progeny ever, his son that also possesses his might and magic despite his commoner blood within him.

Carlos Antares Calibur, his half-blood son would be the one who will continue his legacy in the future, as he put all of his efforts and the ancient Calibur House's secrets onto his very own son. Even if it means abusing him to make him follow his ambition.


( Back to the present.)

[ Medic Room ]

" Father...! " Carlos says as he sees his father suddenly appeared in the Medic Room as he deactivates his <Area Alter Magic>.

As Carlos calls his name, he then looks around the whole place, scanning it with his magic senses as the people around that medic room was the kids from the Prodigal Academy that had some serious conditions, and most of them are not awake.

" Hmph, only two can withstand the damage, huh? " Arthur says as he scans the person beside Carlos, seeing his Mana.

" You, behind the curtain... "

" I see you're quite strong... " Arthur says as he then removes the curtain that separates Carlos's bed and Donovan's bed, revealing Donovan to his eyes.

" Oh, you're... " Arthur immediately recognizes who's in front of him.

" Well, well, if it isn't the 'Adopted Royal Boy'... " Arthur says as he sees Donovan, seeing him arrogantly which kinda pisses Donovan off at the moment.

"( Oh, I see why he's a difficult person to talk with... )" Donovan says as he stares at Arthur too which made Carlos and Carol more afraid as they pray in their minds.

"( Oh Arthur/Father, please don't cuss at Donovan right now...!? )" both of them pray in their minds, as they pray Arthur to hold his arrogant attitude in front of the subject he used to comment very much.

" Greetings, Master Calibur... " Donovan greets Arthur while still sitting in his bed, he does this formally to show him that he is polite, despite Donovan will never respect him in his mind.

"( Oh yeah, greetings, Mr. Cali-brat!!! )" Donovan cuss Arthur in his mind, cussing him with the same slur his grandfather always used to describe House Calibur in their family meetings.

As Donovan greets Arthur, Arthur begins to ask him how's his condition Donovan politely replies that he is recovering which made Arthur chuckles.

" Well, it seems you are as strong as your grandfather boasted you, hehehe... "

" Ashamed he is not around right now... " Arthur suddenly says which made Donovan triggered as his eyes go sharp after hearing that.

"( Oh, don't tell me you're going to...- )" Donovan says as he knows Arthur Calibur's talking pattern for insulting someone.

As Carlos sees it, Carlos gulps as he thinks about what to do in order to save Donovan right now from his often-unpredictable father. He scoured his brain for ideas which made him realize that he had to speak, he had to revert his father's attention back to him.

"( My father is quite a provocative type, he will go out of his way to find anything to insult someone in the first bout of conversations... )"

"( I think right now, Father is trying to insult Donovan as much as he can since we all know that he deeply disrespects the House of Richter, especially their decision in adopting Donovan which was against his very ideal. )"

"( You must speak now, Carlos... )" Carlos says to himself.

"( You must prevent your own father before he causes another havoc! )" Carlos says to himself as he tries to find the moment while his father shit-talks to Donovan about everything. Even Donovan himself is trying his best to contain his every-triggered anger, from him and his Black Shadows that could also hear this from their <Link>.

"( Patience, patience... Donovan, do not let Mr. Cali-brat ruins your cool! )"

"( You can't be 'Draven' and unleash the 'Black Shadows' in front of the public now, that will be too early... )" Donovan says as he clenches his fist.



Arthur Calibur is the type of person that has beef with almost everything, there's nothing in this world he wouldn't comment into.

The reason for this is yes, because of his prestige and achievements, the things that will always heighten his ego in every way.

This arrogance and ego are also the things that make Carlos hate his father, for that's the reason many people disregard him for being his son.