Chapter 145: The Dark Teritorry Part 3

Name:Child from the Dungeon Author:
Chapter 145: The Dark Teritorry Part 3

What day is this?

Oh right, this is Friday.

Right now, after seeing the date in the System Window, I return my focus to frying my meat, frying it using the Vermillion Flame, the Flame said to be from the Phoenix.

I used the flame since I wondered how does the meat will taste after it was fried/burned using the 'Vermillion Flame', surely it will taste different.

" I felt bad for the monster this meat came from. "

" [Valiant Screech Cockatrice (S) -- LVL.88], the most annoying sounded bird I've ever faced, now its meat will be eaten by me, with the 'Vermillion Flame'. " I recount my last battle, the one I did to complete a quest.

< Quest Completed: [Vermillion Fry IV] >

< Rewards: >

< [Cockatrice Feather Coat (S)] >

< [Cockatrice Feather Gloves (S) >


I already equipped those two items, they actually worked as fire-resistant items and can be used in order for me to survive some unpredictable flames in the future, and also...

The Coat and Gloves give me warmth, it heats my body on this cold night in the Elven Realm, a night so cold unlike any other, as if I was at the north pole or something.

< Warmth +1.000.000 >

< Comfort +500.000 >

" Oh my, thank goodness... "

" Even the S Items works generically, had a nonsense kind of item ability like these... "

" It actually was helpful in desperate times *sneezes* "

" Damn, this is the consequence of having an adventure, wasn't it? "

" The extreme temperature and weather, the body and mind must prepare, ACHOOO!!! *sneeze* " I sneezed but already turned my head to the side, making the sneeze didn't get into my cooking, that would be bad for me to do.

" The [Vermillion Flame] is still on, thank goodness. "

" Usually, mere flames would die in this kind of weather and wind *I shivered* "

" But thanks to V. Flames' durability in every situation, I could do things that will maintain my condition in this very cold. " I said as I looked at the Vermillion Flame, cooking the Cockatrice meat.

" How very ironic that the bird-monster Cockatrice's meat would be burned by a fellow bird-monster Flame, the irony. " I speak like that, knowing that Vermillion Flame, gained from Ashford Vermillion actually comes from the Phoenix monster, a fellow bird monster like the Cockatrice.

It was really an irony that a bird monster's flame would burn and cook the other bird monster's meat, I don't know if this fact gives a sense of irony to others' brains but in fact, this gives the irony sense to me.

< Cockatrice Meat Cooked [Perfect] >

< Cockatrice Meat (X11) >

" Let us eat! " I immediately feasted on the cooked meat in the midst of Validur Forests' cold, it was joyful that I could at least replenish myself.

< EP +10.000 >

< Cockatrice Meat -6 >

" Phew, that was great! "

" Time to continue my journey, I guess... " I quickly continue my Open World Journey, after walking for many meters, I already unlocked more Region in my Maps, as in every Elven Region, it had a thing called the [Transport Pillars], that allows one to 'Transport' quickly to another location.

But in order to do that, one must at least unlock two Transport Pillars in order for the <Quick Transport> Passive Skill to be used, the <Quick Transport> Skill is a skill I obtained after unlocking the first [Transport Pillars], it enables the <System Map> to also map the region, thus showing me every way and routes in that very region, where the Pillars were planted.

I still didn't know much regarding the Pillars, but I know that some of the Human Countries, especially those in Westerius, the West side of the Neo Earth, the place where the Elysium Haven Country was placed, already had this technology at our disposal, but we simply had less quantity in this thing rather than the elves who had already made the more advanced ones even.

Well, no wonder...

After all, the [Transport Pillars] were originally designed and forged by the Elves. So it must not be coincidental if they were already advanced in using and harnessing this Technology, it's like a man-made Gate but could only teleport you from one region to another on one planet.

But still, transportation to other regions out of one planet or something might've been possible if I 'had' 'access' to the planet's or a realm's [Transport Pillars], but still, I think only some of the Pillars planted by the Ancient Elves in every Gate Dungeon Realms, outside from their Elven Realm.

" I better try to do it someday, after unlocking many of these. "

< Transport Complete >

< Location: Validur Forest Hills >

" After this, I probably going to go on the right. "

" For I the Map says that there's probably a [ 'Major' Transport Pillar ] that could help the System's Map to synchronize all of the Region's Map Data. " I say that for realizing the ones I just unlocked were simply the [ 'Minor' Transport Pillar ], which only synchronize around the maximum of 33.67%-50.00% into the System's Map, but the 'Major' can synchronize around the maximum sync from 75.00%-88.88% of the whole Region, which is enough for me to know the next routes I should take.


If only we, the humans, didn't put the price of this technology so expensive, that even the Royals had to waste millions for having one, how stupid.

If the Elves could produce these things within months, then don't be surprised they could use this technology, by simply planting them in a safe location, making them their beacon for quick teleportation transport.

Understanding these things even more, I could simply hypothesize that some of the invading Elven Army had already put some of this after their first trip through the Gates to the human world.

Thus making them able to seem 'appear out of nowhere', surprising the unprepared humans that must've not realized that they've been duped all along by the Elves.


I wonder who from the Elves started this Technology, was it the 'Elf Emperor' the one I learned in the Academy, to be the one who had immortally ruled the Elves for ages or centuries?

I really need to meet the creator, hoping that 'we', 'somehow', could collaborate, making thousands of these in the Human World, making transportation faster, unlike those Cars, Bikes, Railways, and Trains that had already been filled with the sea of humans.

With this, I could only hope that 'this' will decrease those troubling traffic, but I hope the other humans would like this idea, for I believe some of them, wouldn't like this.

I simply thought, while remembering that some Royal Houses control the Oil, Electricity, Solar Panels, Magic Fuels, and those other energies.

Already knew that those Houses would be the first threat to this 'idea' of mine.

But before thinking much further into that...

" Better get some materials in the new regions. " I simply said to myself, for I will scour more from these Elven Regions until the Black Shadow had finished with their tasks.

" I wonder what the others are doing while I'm here. "

" Hope the time didn't flow so fast in the Human World. "

" They probably going to realize that I'm gone from the Medic Room, wai- "

" <Black Shadow Watcher>* is there, right? " I said to myself, for I use my <Link> (with the Help of the System) to communicate with it.


< [System Chat Messenger] >

< [BS@Watcher] >

< [ 'Black Shadow Watcher' ] >

< Watcher: " #$#$#$##$#$# (Young master, don't worry). " >

< Watcher: " #$$#$##$##$#$##$##$##$#$### (I already create an illusion projector to fool the others. ) " >

< Watcher: " ####$$$#$#$##$$#$ (Those people will be swayed and be fooled, Master) " >

< Watcher: " ####$$$# (Rest assured) " >

< User@Donovan: " You did a great job, Watcher! (^-^)" >

< User@Donovan: " Even though I still don't understand how your [Black Shadow Swaying Projection] Skill actually works. " >


" Good grief, Watcher's skill managed to fool those people. "

" But still, I wondered if it could sway both Carlos and Carol, though? "

" Will it be possible? " I wondered while continuing my journey, a lot of Farming Materials waiting for me.



( Meanwhile. )

[ Location: Vigalon, East Region beside Validur. ]

" Why only both of us are sent to Validur? " asks the Sea Elf Chief to the Flame Elf King.

" You mean both of us with our armies, wasn't it? " the Flame Elf King says, he then tells the Sea Chief, telling him that the two of them with their armies are sent here to eradicate what the Elf Emperor suspected to be a horde of the re-emerging Dark Elves.

" Dark Elves!? " the Sea Elf Chief burst out, asking it.

" Are you serious, Flame Elf King!? "

" Those Impure of our kind had already been extinct! we saw it with our own eyes!? " he says to the Flame Elf King, while the rest of their armies begin to debate about it, after hearing such facts coming out from their Elven Elders. n(-o/(V).e()L/(b./I/(n

" The Dark Elves are returning!? "

" No, it can't be! "

The soldiers begin to raise their voices, and the Flame Elf King sees this and listens to their worries. Instead of shutting the off, he then thinks something, something inside his head.

" Dark Elves? "

" Could it be...? "



* <Black Shadow Watcher>, look at Chapter 133: Personal Things Part 4.

< Archive: >

< Object: Transport Pillars >

The [Transport Pillars] is a Teleportation Transport Technology, made by the Elves using the Energy from the Gates. They made this in hopes of their own effectiveness in their daily life transport, making things easier for them in the process.

But still, there are some setbacks for this technology, for this tech could only transport one individual at a time, it still can't be used while the teleporter wants to bring others with them, the technology still can't manage to hold such a feat, making it only be used by one person only.

It is still a mystery, whether it was the Elf Emperor who is responsible for designing this kind of tech.

Besides that, in the human world, the humans once imported some of these from the Elves who gave at least thousands (it's a small amount of quantity produced at the time) to the humans. Hence, why these techs is only available for the Highest of the Royals and also be sold at the highest prices.