1082 Chapter 67- Trinity – Christmas Celebration for the Cameras Part 1 (VOLUME 6)
It has been a few days now, since the reveal, that is. There has been little to no disturbance so far, and if we are lucky, this is how things will go for the foreseeable future. That doesn’t mean that we won’t be working proactively to make sure that we are viewed in a positive light. There is a lot that we need to take into consideration at the moment, and there is no time at all for us to take it easy.
Still, today was Christmas. I had been busy preparing for this for a while now. Not only was I preparing for this holiday, but I had been getting ready for a week from today, when the quads were going to turn eleven. This was a busy time of year for us, but I refused to let the kids feel like they were being ripped off. They didn’t deserve that. Not with all that they have had to go through in their lives. They needed their special days.
There were some traditions that we had never stopped since Reece and I celebrated our first Christmas together. And there are others that we have added over the years as we have had more and more people added to our family and community. Today, on this day of remembering to be thankful for all that you have and the people that you are with, this day of caring and giving, I was going to make sure that we followed through with them all.
There was going to be a big difference today, something that wasn’t usual for us, but I didn’t mind doing it at all. We were going to be having a visitor today. Someone that wasn’t used to spending the holidays with other people. And that visitor was Lara, the reporter that we had recently struck a deal with. She was supposed to be here before we got started with our typical morning holiday routine.
I woke early and got dressed alongside Reece. He and I were wearing nicer clothes, but something that was still comfortable. We didn’t want to throw our wealth into the faces of others either, although anyone who knew our names knew that we were some of the wealthiest people in the world, so that was pretty hard to do. Still, we got dressed like we usually did. I wore a dress that didn’t hide my belly this time. I wasn’t going to hide Reeselynn this time around.
After my makeup was done, not too much just enough to see that it was there, and my hair was braided into a simple style, I left the tower with Reece and headed down to the front door. We must have had some impeccable timing this time around, because the moment that we opened the door to the swirling snow, we saw that Lara was pulling up in her beat up old car. I could tell that it was one of those loved and well cared for old machines that people had a hard time letting go of.
“Good morning, Lara.” I called out to her as I stepped out into the swirling snow.
“Good morning.” She smiled up to me as she grabbed her camera from her car. “Were you watching the security tapes or something?” She wondered, thinking that we had seen her driving up the long winding driveway.
“Nope. We just had really good timing. It happens from time to time.”
“I bet it does.” She grinned and shook her head. “I have this camera here, but I am also wearing one. That way I get more than one angle. Is that alright?” She was intent on making sure that she didn’t do anything that she wasn’t supposed to.
“That is fine. I just want to make sure that you get all that you need. We have a busy day though, so I hope that you are prepared for it.”
“Most definitely.” She looked ready to take on the world, let alone a busy day in the Gray family.
Reece and I led Lara up to our tower. All the way that we walked with her, Reece and I explained to her how the castle came to be, why it was here that it was built, and the power that the land had in it. We explained to her that it was the magic itself that had built this castle, we just shaped it with our connection to that magic. She was eagerly lapping it all up as well, intent on getting all the data that she could.
“You are going to be the first human to enter the royal tower.” Reece told her as he hit the button for the elevator.
“The royal tower is where we live with our children. In the past, when we first built the tower, our parents lived here with us as well. They wanted to be close to the kids and all that was going on. Now that we have been here for so long though, they have moved on to living in their own homes. Our parents have even had more children. Reece and I each have a younger sister that are almost the same age as our quadruplets.”
“Wow.” I could tell that Lara thought that this was insane, and in truth it really was. Still, it was our family, and we were used to it by now.
When we got out of the elevator at the main living area, we saw that the kids were all waiting for us. I hadn’t been sure that they would be awake yet, so seeing them was a shock to us all.
“What are you all doing here?” I asked them in a shocked tone.
“We were waiting for you. We knew that you had gone to greet Lara, so we wanted to get ready.” Reagan explained. “It is time for breakfast now, if you are ready to eat.”
“Of course.” I stepped forward and hugged him. “Merry Christmas, Reagan.” My hug to him turned into a large family hug between the nine of us.
After the hug was over, we all went into the dining room. I knew that Lara thought that she was just going to be filming our meal and observing things, but that wasn’t what I had planned. I told her to set the camera up so that it could see the entire table and then to take a seat. She was joining us for the meal.
This suggestion surprised Lara, because she didn’t think that she was here to join the holiday, just to observe it. Still, she did as I told her to and took a seat opposite me at the table. She was smiling happily the entire time too. She hadn’t been a part of a celebration like this in a while, and it showed in her eyes.
We enjoyed the meal that was made for us. We had apple strudel French toast, cinnamon swirl pancakes, baked and fried biscuits, bacon, sausage, ham, hash browns, eggs, sweet rice, and fruit. It was delicious, and we all ate to our heart’s content.
With the meal over, it was time for us all to go into the living room to open presents. This wasn’t anything overly special, everyone that celebrates Christmas does this same thing at some point during the holiday. However, I think that the amount of presents under our tree was a lot compared to most. We had some for me, Reece, Reagan, Rika, Talia, Zachary, Zander, Zayden, Zaley, and all our extended family that would be coming here later this evening. That was when they would open their gifts, and the kids would open more from all their various aunts and uncles.
There was one more person that we had gifts for as well. Lara, who wasn’t expecting anything, was shocked when Zaley took the first gift over to her.
“We got you some things as well. I hope you don’t mind.” I saw the look on my little girl’s face as she watched the woman apprehensively. She was nervous for a moment, but then she lit up. Zaley’s face lit up about a second before Lara’s did.
“Y..you got me something?”
“Yes. You are celebrating with us, so we got you gifts. Don’t worry about not getting something for us. We have all that we need.” Zaley looked at me and Reece with bright, smiling eyes before looking back to Lara. “We have more than we need, and we want to share it with you now.”
“That is so sweet.” Lara wiped a tear from her eye and then looked up at Zaley again. “Which one are you again?”
“I am Zaley. The youngest of the quads. I was the surprise baby, because my brothers were hiding me in the womb. The doctor didn’t see me on the ultrasound.”
“Oh, isn’t that sweet. A surprise baby or not, I know that you are very loved, Zaley.”
“Thank you.” She smiled back at the woman and then went to grab another gift from the tree. The others did the same. Zachary, Zander, Zayden, Talia, Reagan and Rika all took gifts over to Lara as they increased the size of her gift pile.
“Why did you get me so much?” The reporter looked at me perplexed.
“You haven’t celebrated the holiday in a while, right?” I asked her with a knowing note in my voice.
“Well, no, I haven’t.”
“Then I am making up for all the missed holidays. I guessed at the sizes, and I hope that you like what we got you. If you need to exchange anything, we can take care of it. They were mainly bought from the various stores that we own, so we can handle the exchanges with no issues.”
“This is too much.” Lara wiped away another tear as she stared at the pile before her.
“No, it’s not. I wanted to do something special for you. You are celebrating with us. Not just observing the holiday that we are having. I wanted to make sure that you felt as included as possible.”
“Thank you, Mrs. Gray.”
“Call me Trinity.” I smiled at her as I handed her one more gift. “I got this one as well, but I am not sure how much you are willing to part with your other one.” The gift in my hand was small, just a little box that held something small.
“What is this?” She asked as she took the box from me.
“Just open it, then you will see.” I smiled as she excitedly pulled off the bow to the gift that I had handed her.
“I..i..is this the key to a new car?” She looked up at me.
“I admit that I got it when I saw that you had such an old car. I know that it has to be close to thirty years old. However, I also know that you love the car that you have, so you are not obligated to take this one if you don’t want to.”
“Th..this is too much. I can’t believe this. A..a..are you sure, Trinity?”
“Of course. You know something, the first Christmas that Reece and I were together, before we had a family, he gave me a car. It was a Jeep, big and sturdy. It was the first car that I had ever owned, and I loved that thing with all of my heart. So, I know how you feel about your car right now.”
“Thank you. This is so sweet of you. I can’t believe that you did this for me.”
“I just wanted to help you out, Lara. I hope you like it. We will take you to the garage later to show it to you. For now, though, open the rest of your gifts.” I encouraged her and the others to start tearing off all the paper that covered the presents. It was a happy and cheerful morning with everyone enjoying their gifts and sharing the love.
Once all the gifts had been opened, Reagan and Reece helped Lara carry her gifts down to the garage as we showed her what her car was. It was a sedan, nothing overly special, but I thought that she would like it. It had room for her to carry all her equipment with her, some people if she needed to, and it was big and powerful enough to handle the winters here in the Rocky Mountain State.
Lara loved the car. She cried again when she saw it, and that left me feeling really happy as well. She was feeling cared for and appreciated, or at least I thought that she was. And that was how I wanted her to feel. I didn’t want her to feel like an outsider on Christmas, that wouldn’t be fun for anyone.
What I saw when Lara opened her gift, and when she saw her new car, that was what the holidays were about. Making others happy, spreading cheer, making memories, these things and more are what the holidays were supposed to mean to everyone. It wasn’t just the gifts or how much they cost, it was the joy that they brought to Lara when she opened them. And I hoped that when this footage was edited and aired, they would be able to see that as well,