Mid May, 1573.

Shizuko thought she understood the person named Oda Nobunaga. No, it should be said that she thought she understood him. When she received news that a letter conveying Uesugi Kenshin’s surrender had arrived, Shizuko thought that Nobunaga’s reaction would not come until tomorrow morning at the earliest. However, when Nobunaga received the news and understood its contents, he interrupted his official duties and made the decision to depart for Shizuko’s place in order to obtain accurate information. Leaving behind his attendants who were taking time to prepare, he rode ahead alone. He was resolute and decisive. No one could catch up to Nobunaga, who acted with great speed. He covered a distance that usually takes half a day to travel in just a few hours, riding horses continuously, and arrived at Shizuko’s place as the sun set and darkness fell.

“I have doubts about the letter from the Uesugi family. I want to speak directly with the messenger.”

Nobunaga, who should have moved like the wind, did not show any signs of fatigue and was overwhelmed by his overwhelming presence. He roughly wiped away the sweat on his face with the hand towel he was handed and immediately brought up the matter at hand. Shizuko was taken aback by Nobunaga’s stern demeanor, but she immediately understood his request and explained the situation to Kanetsugu to arrange for a meeting. Kanetsugu himself seemed to anticipate a meeting with Nobunaga and quickly prepared himself to meet him.

“Let’s ask the messenger. What was the reason for the immediate decision?”

Even if the other party was a child, Nobunaga treated them as a messenger from the Uesugi family. Despite the meeting with Kanetsugu being much earlier than expected, he responded confidently.

“It is the result of careful consideration by Lord Uesugi.”

“Are there any dissatisfied retainers of the Uesugi family?”

“Whether there is dissatisfaction or not, it is the duty of a retainer to follow the decision of Lord Uesugi. Of course, I have no dissatisfaction.”

“What are the desired requests of the Uesugi family?”

“I have not been informed about that. However, it was mentioned that now is the time to bring an end to the chaotic era and provide sufficient livelihood to the people.”

Kanetsugu, who spoke without hesitation in front of the overwhelming Nobunaga, impressed him. He smiled slyly and continued his questioning.

“What is the task assigned to you?”

“Until Lord Uesugi pays his respects as a vassal, I am to be a hostage. If Lord Uesugi breaks the agreement, feel free to take my head.”

“You show determination beyond your years. Well… I have understood the general situation. Thank you for your service. You may leave.”


“It is late at night, and it would be unfamiliar to go out. I will arrange for you to stay in Shizuko’s house and rest for a while.”

“Your consideration is excessive, I am grateful.”

Although there were things that Kanetsugu himself was not informed about, Nobunaga did not seem to be concerned at all. After finishing the questioning, Nobunaga asked Kanetsugu to leave and spoke to himself.

“Hehehe. It’s terrifying how everything is going according to plan. How delightful.”

Alone in the room after everyone left, Nobunaga laughed with genuine joy. It was no wonder, as he had defeated Takeda Shingen and brought Uesugi Kenshin, his equal, to submission. Having accomplished all of this in just half a year, it was a situation where even Nobunaga himself couldn’t stop laughing.

“I can imagine the anxiety of Asai and Asakura! Those fools must be regretting kicking me out. How amusing!”

Nobunaga laughed loudly, considering the anxious actions of Uesugi and the foolishness of Asai and Asakura. The book that described Nobunaga’s state at that time used the expression “exceptional satisfaction,” indicating how much Nobunaga was pleased. The submission of Uesugi was an indispensable event in his path to dominance and could be a touchstone for unifying the country.

“Shizuko! Open the sake cellar and serve the sake!”

Afterwards, a small celebration was held with the horsemen and attendants who had finally arrived. Even Nobunaga, who usually didn’t drink much, raised his cup and drank with everyone at this time. Then, early the next morning, he departed for Gifu with the rising sun, just as he had arrived. Although he didn’t ride alone in unnecessary haste, everyone struggled to keep up with Nobunaga’s sudden actions.

Several days had passed since Nobunaga’s visit, and there had been no contact from him. The atmosphere was relatively calm, with no preparations for war or any signs of it. Kanetsugu was treated as a hostage, but Keiji took him out without any concern and they strolled around the town. In the peaceful atmosphere, Shizuko also devoted herself to farming after a long time. The cacao tree had grown into a mature tree, the coffee tree had grown to about 70 centimeters, and the pepper plants were increasing in number and showing signs of mass production. The growth of tropical fruit trees such as lychee and mangosteen was also going well. Despite not having the optimal growing conditions, the plants were growing well because they were in an environment with moderate stress, stimulating their survival instincts to grow quickly and leave offspring, Shizuko speculated.

Since becoming a senior vassal of the Oda family, Shizuko had less time to be involved in farming, so she assigned specific people to each crop and withdrew from actual work. Although she had some dissatisfaction with not being able to be involved in the crops she had worked hard to acquire, Shizuko was pleased with the healthy growth.

“I wonder if it’s time to try creating triploid bananas. Maybe if I cross a diploid and tetraploid, I can make them. Bananas need to be seedless, after all.”

The reason why triploid bananas occur naturally is still unknown in modern times, but Shizuko believed that triploid bananas were created by crossing diploid and tetraploid, similar to seedless watermelons. Colchicine, a drug that can artificially produce stable triploids, had already existed in ancient Rome as a medicine for gout. However, due to its strong side effects, colchicine is rarely prescribed for gout in modern times.

“Well, it’s worth a try, but it will probably take several years to reach triploid bananas.”

Similar to the method of creating seedless watermelons in modern times, she treated the banana shoots with a solution of colchicine that she probably extracted. However, she didn’t know if this was successful or if the colchicine was extracted properly. The extraction of colchicine itself should be possible by heat treating the seeds or bulbs of imported autumn crocus with ethanol, but acetic acid ethyl ester is necessary for recrystallization, making it impossible to judge visually. Therefore, she believed that the extraction was successful and proceeded with the treatment, leaving the results to fate. Moreover, the probability of obtaining tetraploids was at most around 10%, so it seemed unlikely that seedless bananas could be eaten anytime soon.

“Hmm, it’s fun to be able to focus on farming without any worries.”

When she stepped out of the greenhouse (strictly speaking, it didn’t use vinyl), Shizuko stretched her body vigorously. The weather was good today, and she was thinking of finishing her work and enjoying some watermelon on the veranda. At that moment, she had a sudden thought.

“Oh, that’s right. It’s about time everyone has settled down, so maybe I should have a housewarming party.”

Shizuko would later regret making this statement.

Shizuko held a housewarming party. The information quickly reached Nobunaga and Nobutada (Kimyomaru/Oda Nobutada). At the same time, the information was also spread to the Oda clan’s retainers, slightly later to the Tokugawa family and their major retainers. Shou, who hastily made a list of participants, handed Shizuko a list organized by clan, and Shizuko was surprised by the thickness of the list, almost thinking it was a joke.

“Um, why am I receiving so many congratulations? Besides, I only informed Lord Nobunaga about the new house.”

“Well… it’s because it’s about Shizuko-sama, so there’s no helping it.”

“No, I don’t understand, Shou-chan. Anyway, go and buy as much food and equipment as possible. Aya-chan will take care of the money if you show her this.”

“Yes! I will prepare a shopping list, so I will take my leave.”

“Okay. Thank you.”

After Shou energetically bowed and left the room, Shizuko looked at the list again. From Nobunaga and Ieyasu at the top to people she wanted to ask “who are you?” at the bottom, the number of participants had swelled. Shizuko, who was slightly wary of how the information had leaked, called for Keiji.

“Well, Shizuchi. Shizuchi’s every move is attracting attention. Everyone is watching her every move. The mansion is conspicuous, so there’s no way to hide it.”

Keiji, who understood the reason for being called, answered with a half-hearted tone. Shizuko was being monitored, whether it was for good or bad. She herself was usually slow to notice, but if she did something visible, at least within the Oda territory, everyone would know. The fact that it had reached the Tokugawa family, which was another territory, meant that someone intentionally leaked the information.

“Hmm, it seems like a small dinner plan has become quite important.”

“We have no choice but to give up. Muto-san also said that those who want to get close to Shizuchi are aiming for opportunities like this. We have to be careful of those who blatantly try to get close.”

“Please spare me. Power is necessary, but excessive power struggles only tear the country apart.”

“That’s right. But Shizuchi has invested in various places, right? That makes it look like she has a lot of money. Money and power are enough for people to lose their way.”

“Money and power are ultimately just tools to achieve something.”,”There are more people in this world who don’t think that way.”

Keiji shrugged at Shizuko’s words.

“Well, if it’s just this much, it shouldn’t be a problem. It’s good to be cautious, but don’t worry too much.”

“I’ll do that. Sorry for keeping you here for so long.”

“Don’t worry about it. It’s fun to deal with Yoroku (Naoe Kanetsugu). If there’s a problem, it’s that Yoroku (Naoe Kanetsugu) seems to have completely forgotten his position as a hostage.”

Since the news of Kenshin surrendering to Nobunaga arrived, Nobunaga had been in contact with Kenshin several times. According to the documents exchanged during those times, Kanetsugu officially became a hostage under the care of the Oda family, and until Kenshin visited Nobunaga, he would be treated as a de facto hostage. Nobunaga was somewhat skeptical that only one hostage was involved in such a serious matter, but he also considered that if Kenshin broke the agreement, he could spread the rumor that he had cut down a child as punishment. So he accepted Kanetsugu. And even now, Kanetsugu was under Keiji’s supervision, waking up and sleeping at Shizuko’s mansion. However, despite being under supervision, there were hardly any restrictions on their actions, and it was common for them to go out together and come back late at night.

“But isn’t there a problem with Keiji-san?”

“How rude. I’m properly supervising.”

“It just looks like you’re going out to play under the name of supervision.”

Keiji and Kanetsugu would go out to play somewhere as soon as they woke up around noon, and after coming back, they would eat a hearty meal and sleep. Keiji said he was observing for any signs of carelessness, but it just looked like they were playing. Kanetsugu also maintained a samurai-like attitude in situations where etiquette was required. But for some reason, when the two of them were together, their spirits would relax instantly. Shizuko thought that although they appeared sloppy to others, they were showing the naturalness of boys their age, having discarded all their positions.

“Well, as long as they’re doing well. Uesugi will come to pay respects to the lord eventually, so we can overlook it until then.”

“That’s right. Well then, I’ll take my leave.”

As soon as he said that, Keiji left the room. Shizuko sensed that he seemed to be in a cheerful mood, as if he might go out to play in the town again.

“Now… I wonder when Uesugi will come. Well, the lord is considering it, so there’s no need to worry. I’ll handle the participants of the housewarming party.”

Saying that, Shizuko turned to the desk.

While Shizuko was busy with preparations for the housewarming party, Nobunaga was preparing for peace negotiations with Honganji Temple. Kenshin’s surrender had been quite a shock, so Honganji Temple had hurriedly approached Nobunaga for peace negotiations. Asakura and Azai were also shocked, but they were no longer opponents that Nobunaga needed to be conscious of. Nobunaga intended to ensure the right to issue currency as a condition for peace with Honganji Temple.

Fortunately, Honganji Temple was unaware of the importance of the right to issue currency. This was partly because they didn’t understand the intention of controlling the right to issue currency, but also because Nobunaga had made unreasonable demands that they couldn’t accept. Nobunaga had a reason for making unreasonable demands to Honganji Temple. It was a technique called the Door-in-the-Face Technique, a negotiation tactic that takes advantage of the difference in demands. In Japan, it is called the Concession Request Method. This involves making unreasonable demands at first. Naturally, the other party cannot accept them and refuses. From there, gradually lower the demands and make it seem like you have made concessions, and get the other party to accept your demands. This tactic utilizes the psychological principle called the principle of reciprocity, which states that when someone receives a favor or kindness, they feel the need to return the favor in some way.

The reason for using such a negotiation tactic was clear. Nobunaga planned to make it seem like he had “conceded” to the outside world while ensuring that only his desired demands were met. Nobunaga believed that Honganji Temple would negotiate by finding fault or making complaints about the demands. In fact, Honganji Temple sent a plea that was almost like a cry for help.

“Kukukuku, you fools.”

Nobunaga chuckled to himself as he sent a letter to Honganji Temple containing the second (…) peace condition that he had prepared in advance. Of course, he had anticipated that Honganji Temple would reject it. Even if they were to accept the conditions, it would come with additional concessions for Nobunaga. If they refused, he would simply send a third peace condition. Either way, Nobunaga wouldn’t lose.

“Soon, they will make a fuss. If there are more pressures and complaints from outside, delay the response. They will soon become impatient and take action.”

It was convenient if the negotiations became difficult. From the public’s perspective, Nobunaga had conceded twice. If Honganji Temple started a conflict because the negotiations didn’t go as they wanted, they had no justification. It was clear that people would support Nobunaga, who had shown magnanimity, over Honganji Temple, who acted selfishly and narrow-minded. When Honganji Temple hurriedly proposed peace, they had no chance of winning. Nobunaga secretly enjoyed the thought of when Kennyo and the others would accept peace, or if they would recklessly start a conflict.

While Oda engaged in such cunning diplomacy, Keiji and Kanetsugu were exploring Owari together today. Although Kanetsugu was a hostage, Keiji, as his supervisor, didn’t seem to care at all. They spent the whole day playing around with Kanetsugu.

“Hmm… as the rumors say, the common people here have bright expressions. There are no sick people or emaciated old people. Even the children are energetically playing around.”

“It wasn’t like this ten years ago. The lord of Oda was considering abolishing this entire area and opening up a trading seat, you know.”

Owari had many fertile lands, but not all of the land was fertile. There were also people living on barren lands.

“The next place we’re heading to is the village that Shizuchi first worked on. We might hear an interesting story there.”

“That sounds exciting.”

While having such a conversation, the two of them entered the village where Shizuko had first been assigned. The first thing that caught Kanetsugu’s eye was a peculiar sight. Rows of greenhouses, vertical farming facilities connected to waterwheel huts, and other facilities that differed completely from the rural scenery he had in mind.

“What… what is this?”

Kanetsugu was confused by the sight in front of him, and after standing dumbfounded for a moment, he staggered towards it.

“Hey! Who’s the one ruining the fields?”

In response to the angry voice from the side, Kanetsugu finally regained his senses. Unconsciously, he had walked quite a distance, and his feet had stepped into the fields. Keiji had been looking for someone and had taken his gaze off Kanetsugu, so he didn’t notice that Kanetsugu had stepped into the fields.

“Who are you guys… oh, it’s Keiji-sama! Hey, you, get out of the field quickly!”

Keiji finally understood the current situation. He pulled Kanetsugu, who was still somewhat confused, out of the field, and bowed his head to the angry man.

“Sorry, it’s my fault for not paying attention and causing damage to the fields.”

“N-No, it’s not that bad, so it’s okay. And who is this child with you?”

“Ah, this is Yoroku (Naoe Kanetsugu). He’s Shizuchi’s guest, right?”

Keiji tried to hide Kanetsugu’s true identity by referring to him as a guest of Shizuko. The man didn’t seem particularly interested in Kanetsugu, and he accepted Keiji’s words with a satisfied expression.

“I’m sorry. I caused damage to the fields because I wasn’t paying attention.”

“No, I’m the one who shouted at you. Ah, I’m Tagosaku. I’m the village chief… If you’re a guest of Shizuko-sama, then you’re a guest to us too. We don’t have much here, but please take your time.”

“I’m Yoroku (Naoe Kanetsugu). It’s not a problem. From our perspective, everything here is new and interesting.”

The conversation suddenly changed, and Tagosaku became friendly. Kanetsugu understood once again how much the people admired Shizuko just by mentioning her name.

“Well… there are still many mysteries, huh?”

“Hehe, Shizuko-sama is too busy, so she has entrusted us with various tasks. Thanks to that, people from other villages often get dizzy.”

“If it’s not too much trouble, may I ask specifically what you’re doing?”

Tagosaku’s expression lit up as if he had been waiting for Kanetsugu’s words. Without noticing Keiji’s wry smile beside him, Kanetsugu waited for Tagosaku’s next words.

“Sure, wait a moment… Ah, here it is. We’re starting with this.”

Saying that, Tagosaku went back the way they came, but soon returned holding something in his hand. Kanetsugu carefully looked at what Tagosaku was holding, but he couldn’t understand what it was. After all, to an outsider, it just looked like plants floating in a transparent box.

“This is a new farming method called hydroponics. Shizuko-sama wants to study this, but she doesn’t have time, so we took on the research of hydroponics. It’s difficult to manage, and I don’t have any knowledge, so I don’t know how they grow without soil.”

Hydroponics is a farming method that differs from traditional soil cultivation. It involves growing plants by immersing their roots in water. Normally, inorganic fertilizers are used, but nowadays, organic fertilizers such as organic liquid fertilizers are also used for cultivation.

“…I have no idea what’s happening.”

“Exactly! I don’t know what’s going on, but they grow! Shizuko-sama is truly different from us, starting from her intelligence!”

Kanetsugu was surprised by hydroponics, but what surprised him even more was how Tagosaku praised Shizuko’s ideas as if he himself had been praised.

“Tagosaku-dono, you truly admire Shizuko-dono, don’t you?”,”Heh, well, we’re all the same now, but at first, there was a lot of resistance. After all, a sudden young girl becoming the village chief, even younger than us guys. Even if it’s Oda-sama’s orders, some people thought it was a bit… you know.”

“Village chief…? Could it be that Shizuko-sama used to be the village chief here?”

“Yeah! Our village was bad at paying taxes. At that time, there was talk of dissolving the village, but Shizuko-sama was dispatched. In just a few years, the struggling village revived in no time. See that kid over there? He used to be a skinny, hungry child, but now he’s grown up after eating his fill. He eats so much that his mother complains about how hard it is to prepare meals for him.”

Kanetsugu turned his face in the direction Tagosaku was pointing. There were several children playing there. They all had healthy-looking skin. Among them, the person Tagosaku pointed to was particularly tall and wide.

“So, have you caught a glimpse of the world Shizuchi is aiming for?”

Keiji, who had been silent until now, asked Kanetsugu, who was captivated by the sight of the children playing. Kanetsugu was taken aback by Keiji’s words.

“That’s enough. However, in this kind of world, warriors are no longer needed. It’s a sad story, but those who make a living solely from war are useless.”

Kanetsugu spoke like that, but he had a cheerful smile on his face that contradicted his words.

In mid-May, a peace treaty was reached between Nobunaga and Honganji Temple. Nobunaga successfully obtained the currency issuance rights that he desired the most. Other agreements were also made, such as facilitating the visits to Nobunaga’s place by those who came, cooperating in the consolidation of landowners, and investing funds in infrastructure projects such as road development in anticipation of economic development. From the perspective of others, it didn’t seem like Nobunaga had gained any land or received any compensation. It appeared to be a very reasonable peace treaty, but Honganji Temple itself remained cautious of Nobunaga. However, Nobunaga, who had already achieved his goals, ordered his retainers to hurry with the development of currency.

“If transportation becomes more convenient, the economy will definitely develop. Since Honganji Temple is providing the funds, don’t hesitate to hire many people. Give priority to those who are struggling in their lives.”

Nobunaga also ordered his retainers to develop roads. In any case, road development was the first and most important step. Without roads, people cannot move, and without people moving, goods cannot move. To promote logistics and activate the economy, it was not enough to have roads only around Kyoto. Regardless of whether it was considered a remote area, Nobunaga intended to connect roads to every place in Japan. Of course, there were many laws and regulations regarding roads, from operation to checkpoints. Honganji Temple was also promised to comply with these laws.

In order to determine the landowners, Nobunaga ordered his retainers to conduct surveys along with road development. There were two objectives for this. One was to clarify the landowners and organize the ruling system. The other was to obtain accurate data on how much land there was, including the estates owned by temples and aristocrats. To manage the entire territory, accurate data was essential. By conducting taxation based on the data, there would be less confusion and disputes between regions due to differences in taxation.

“Understand? No one should slack off. Anyone who tries to deceive the survey will be executed, regardless of their position.”

With just those words, the faces of Nobunaga’s retainers turned pale. Nobunaga had executed those who violated discipline, regardless of their position, in the past. Therefore, if they tried to deceive the survey, they would face severe punishment, almost equivalent to having their families destroyed. Understanding this, Nobunaga’s retainers feared displeasing him and carried out their work without slacking off.

On the other hand, with the peace treaty between Nobunaga and Honganji Temple, Kenshin indirectly reached a peace agreement with the Ikkō sect in Kaga and Etchū. Of course, due to the conflicts that had been going on since his grandfather’s time, the peace agreement was not smooth. However, Honganji Temple had reached a peace agreement and there was a condition in the agreement that said they would facilitate visits to Nobunaga’s place. And if anyone violated this condition, Honganji Temple would not interfere with how Oda dealt with them.

“It feels strange. Those who joined hands in Kyoto are now heading to Oda-dono’s place together.”

Kenshin left Kasugayama Castle with 5,000 elite soldiers. Even if they were to exchange promises between Nobunaga and Honganji Temple, Kenshin couldn’t fully trust them. That’s why there were several of Kenshin’s close aides among his troops, such as Naoe Kagetsuna and Kawada Nagachika. He also left Honjō Saneyori in charge of Echigo.

“…My fate lies with the Oda clan, and I haven’t been a shogun for a long time. This time is an exception among exceptions.”

“Hahaha, that’s right. But… oh, you haven’t said anything yet? Don’t make such a scary face.”

Ashimitsu reluctantly replied to Kenshin’s words, and Sakihisa (Konoe) teased him. Ashimitsu glared at Sakihisa (Konoe) in the middle of his sentence, so Sakihisa (Konoe) didn’t finish his sentence, but he had a smile on his face. Ashimitsu understood that Sakihisa (Konoe) was clearly finding it amusing, so he clicked his tongue in annoyance.

“Don’t be so impatient. We’ll be able to see him soon.”

“…What do you want to say?”

“Oh? Can I say it?”

Seeing Sakihisa (Konoe) shrug his shoulders, Ashimitsu understood that it was pointless to say anything and clicked his tongue before urging his horse forward.

“Hahaha, I guess I teased you too much. Wait, my friend. I wasn’t just teasing you for no reason. You always have such a gloomy… cough, I mean, difficult expression. How about smiling a little more?”

“It’s none of your business. Whether I have a gloomy expression or not, it has nothing to do with you.”

“It’s advice from a friend. Wouldn’t it be good to listen a little?”

“It’s not worth considering.”

Kenshin watched the exchange between Ashimitsu and Sakihisa (Konoe) with a dazzled expression. He even felt envious. Although they seemed to have a bad relationship on the surface, Sakihisa (Konoe) and Ashimitsu were deeply connected on a deeper level. They could speak without pretense and rely on each other on the difficult path they were walking. It seemed like a rare miracle to have such a friend who could speak honestly. Due to the strong attachment of samurai to their land, there were constant internal conflicts and conflicts between vassals in Echigo. Especially in the early days of the Uesugi clan, factions were formed in each region. It is also said that Okuma Tomohide, one of Kenshin’s early close aides, left and later served the Takeda clan due to dissatisfaction with the unique environment in Echigo or being expelled due to factional disputes. Because of such circumstances, Kenshin didn’t have any trustworthy friends. Even though he didn’t seek friends, seeing them in front of him made him feel envious.

“Friends are good. You can exchange words without hesitation and have someone by your side without asking questions, even when walking a difficult path.”

“My lord Kenshin.”

“I apologize. It’s just a selfish request.”

With just those words, Kenshin quickened the pace of his horse. Kagetsuna, who called out to him, didn’t fully understand Kenshin’s thoughts, but he understood what Kenshin was trying to say. However, Kagetsuna didn’t verbalize it. If he did, Kenshin’s hardships would be in vain.

Even though the Ikkō sect in Kaga and Etchū, which had a strong tendency to be independent from Honganji Temple, couldn’t face both Kenshin’s elite soldiers and the Oda army that had defeated Takeda at the same time, they avoided direct confrontation. They did some minor harassment, such as placing Mikoshi on the road, as Mikoshi was considered the domain of the gods.

“Throw it away.”

However, even though it was a form of harassment, it had no meaning to Ashimitsu, and instead, he realized the cold, realistic nature of Ashimitsu, which could be considered cruel in a sense. He judged the Mikoshi placed on the road as trash and threw it off a nearby cliff. The heavy Mikoshi shattered upon impact. Without even glancing at the pitiful sight of the broken Mikoshi, Ashimitsu resumed marching. His attitude was the complete opposite of the soldiers of Kenshin, who didn’t dare to approach out of fear of divine punishment.

“Terrifying. Is he not afraid of divine punishment?”

Even Kagetsuna, a seasoned warrior, felt awe when it came to divine punishment. In fact, Kagetsuna’s attitude was considered normal for samurai in the Sengoku period. It was abnormal for someone like Ashimitsu to casually throw away a Mikoshi without any hesitation.

“For him, gods and buddhas are not objects to be feared. I don’t understand his way of thinking. Well, no one can understand his thoughts.”

“Isn’t Oda-dono worried about having someone like him?”

“At first, he was certainly surprised. However, Oda-dono must think that sometimes it is necessary to make use of someone like him. Occasionally, he gives him tasks. I can’t estimate what Oda-dono’s purpose is for giving him work.”

Despite his words, Sakihisa (Konoe) casually answered Kagetsuna’s question. Ashimitsu respects gods and buddhas, but he doesn’t have any special feelings of reverence or fear towards them. Sakihisa (Konoe) understood that what had changed about Ashimitsu was only that he was no longer the same as he was during his time as a general. The current Ashimitsu is a cold realist who has thrown away morality, ethics, and conscience like ice. However, because the core of his being hasn’t changed, Sakihisa (Konoe) continued to associate with him as before.

“Doesn’t Konoe-sama also fear divine punishment?”

“Our severed ties have been reconnected. This is also the work of the gods and buddhas. If that’s the case, then this time, until the end, I will cherish this connection without considering gains and losses.”

“Do you value the bond with a friend more than divine punishment?”

“It would be laughed at in the world if someone willingly went to be involved in divine punishment. However, this bond is also something that the gods and buddhas have given us. Is it strange to cherish it? No, it’s definitely strange.”

Kagetsuna couldn’t say anything. Even if they seemed to have a bad relationship on the surface, Sakihisa (Konoe) and Ashimitsu were deeply connected. Neither gains nor losses nor public opinion mattered in that connection. They simply acted for the sake of their friend. It was simple and could be considered heretical in the Sengoku period.,”No, I envy you. Friends are such precious things,” Kagetsuna said with a bright smile, his previous stern expression dissipating.

Honganji Temple, which had made peace with Nobunaga, was also gathering information. They needed to understand why the Takeda army had been defeated overnight in order to respond to Nobunaga. What they discovered over the course of several months was shocking to Kennyo and Rairen.

“So, did Oda already have plans to deal with the Takeda from the beginning?”

The information that surprised Kennyo and the others was that Nobunaga had been acting under the assumption that he would crush the Takeda, who would be dragged out when he conquered the Oda encirclement. Nobunaga believed that a powerful army was necessary for the Oda encirclement, and it was highly likely that the Takeda, rather than Kenshin, would fulfill that role. And as he predicted, the Takeda marched out from Kai and suffered a defeat at the Battle of Mikatagahara. Takeda’s participation in the Oda encirclement, as well as the subsequent actions of Honganji Temple and other factions, were all part of Nobunaga’s plan from the beginning. In short, the anti-Oda alliance was merely dancing in the palm of Nobunaga’s hand.

“So, can we assume that he has some ulterior motive in the terms of the peace treaty?”

“Wait. We have considered that as well. However, he is not demanding land or asking us to leave. And if we reject his proposal, it will be seen as a lack of willingness to make peace with Oda.”

“We have the support of the Mouri. We just need to hold out and endure. We have unlimited resources of gold and rice. While we do that, we can surround their sources of funding, and they will naturally lose their national power.”

“I’m afraid…”

Kennyo’s subordinates panicked upon hearing the reports from the spies, but when Rairen spoke, they immediately fell silent.

“Instead of blocking Oda’s economy, it would be better to consider how to deal with Oda’s main force, Konoe Shizuko (….).”

“That may be true, but… she is just a woman, after all? What can she do… No, I apologize.”

One of the monks objected to Rairen’s words, but when Rairen glared at him, the monk quickly retracted his opinion. Rairen then continued speaking, looking at Kennyo’s subordinates.

“Each and every one of you may think it’s easy to deal with a woman, but we have been defeated by her strategies. That is an undeniable fact. Even if we make excuses now, our situation will not change at all. Or do you wish to be underestimated again and suffer a defeat that cannot be remedied?”

Rairen’s words silenced even Kennyo. In truth, even Kennyo had slightly underestimated Shizuko because she was a woman. However, Rairen, who was not only a military commander but also a skilled politician, did not underestimate Shizuko. He sensed that everyone had overlooked her rise to power precisely because she was a woman. And even now, there were still people who underestimated her because she was a woman. Rairen realized how terrifying that was. No matter what she did or what achievements she made, she would always be underestimated. If she could make her opponent underestimate her, she could overturn the disadvantageous situation. Rairen envied Shizuko’s position to the point of thinking it was extremely desirable.

“Even if they are women, or rather, precisely because they are women, they can make their opponents let their guard down. We unknowingly fell into Shizuko’s trap. Complacency is our greatest enemy. We should recognize Shizuko as an enemy on par with Oda, not just as a woman. Otherwise, we will meet the same fate as the Takeda.”

“But… what specifically should we do? We have been investigating Oda, but this Shizuko is a completely unknown entity.”

“That’s why we need the peace treaty. We need time to slowly investigate Shizuko. What we know about her now is that she possesses exceptional knowledge, has a passion for collecting swords, is loved by the people of the land she governs, and her army is unparalleled.”

Rairen cleared his throat and changed the atmosphere. He himself felt humiliated to see a woman as an enemy. However, if he let his anger cloud his judgment and easily lost to a woman, he would be laughed at as a weakling in the future. So he decided to endure the humiliation and strive for victory.

“Her army has eight close aides. Mori Katsuzo, Kani Saizo, Maeda Keiji, Ashimitsu, Toudou Yokichi, Genro, Jinjo, and Shikichi. They all have unique backgrounds. Normally, such a group of strong-willed individuals wouldn’t function as an army, but she has managed to bring them together. That alone speaks to her leadership abilities.”

“Indeed… especially someone like Maeda Keiji, who is known even to us as an eccentric. It’s quite strange why a man who refuses to yield to anyone would willingly serve in the military.”

“That is her strength. However, every strong person has weaknesses. We must endure until we discover them.”

Rairen’s words were convincing. As they were now, they had no chance of winning if they directly clashed with Oda. Even if they were to defend themselves, the mysterious explosives possessed by Oda rendered the castle gates useless. So, for now, the most promising option for Honganji Temple was to pretend to hold hands with one side while waiting patiently for the moment to strike with the other hand.

“For now, we must endure until we find Oda’s weakness and Shizuko’s weakness. Let those who mock us continue to do so. If we win in the end, their mockery will disappear.”

“That’s right! Just as Shimotsuma Minister of Justice and Abbot said!”

One of the monks participating in the war council stood up and shouted excitedly. The others began to join in with his voice.

“Yes, if we win in the end, that’s all that matters.”

“Let Oda say what they want. There’s no way a warrior like a beast can defeat a monk who resides in the clouds! We, who are blessed by the Buddha, will be victorious in the end!”

“Let’s start preparing for the siege right away. We have plenty of gold and rice. We can endure for ten or twenty years if necessary.”

The previous silence was now replaced by everyone enthusiastically raising their voices. Rairen, who had been concerned about the decline in morale, felt somewhat relieved by their attitudes.

However, neither Rairen nor Kennyo and the others realized that Shizuko had deliberately exposed her weaknesses without hiding them. They had established a system where they could protect each other’s weaknesses. If they had realized this, their approach might have changed, but unfortunately, they never did.