Mid August, 1573.

As planned by Shizuko, the main force of Shizuko’s army followed behind the rear of the Akechi army, and Shizuko, along with the Dragon Cavalry and guards, acted together with Mitsuhide to pursue the Asakura army. Mitsuhide explained that they were divided into front and rear to avoid unnecessary confusion due to their lack of experience in cooperating with each other, but Nobunaga acknowledged that it was the Akechi army that brought about this situation, and the opportunity to gain military merit should have been given priority. However, this formation was also convenient for Shizuko. Although they were winning the battle with momentum, if it turned into a melee battle, the soldiers would inevitably suffer losses. Shizuko did not want to wear down the soldiers she had painstakingly trained just to gain a small achievement in a battle that had already been decided.

The pursuing armies of Akechi and Shizuko came to a halt near the border of Echizen and Omi Province because the road split into two paths, and they couldn’t determine which path the Asakura army had taken. In historical records, it is said that Yoshikage passed through Tonosaka and aimed for Hikidani Castle, but since they were already taking a different path from historical records, it couldn’t be said for certain that they chose Tonosaka as in historical records. They considered trying to determine it by the footprints left on the ground, but both paths had numerous fresh footprints that seemed to have been made by a large number of people, so it couldn’t be used as evidence.

(Considering it tactically, I think they should choose the route towards Hikidani Castle and Tsuruga Castle as in historical records, but there is also a possibility that they made a mistake in the desperate situation, right?)

Since there was no one with the extraordinary intuition of Nobunaga, it was up to Mitsuhide, the general, to make the decision, but he still couldn’t come to a conclusion. In the midst of wasting precious time, screams of fear from the foot soldiers reached them. They were on guard, thinking it was an enemy attack, but there was only a bewildered atmosphere and no signs of battle. Figures approached as if parting the sea of soldiers, and when they dismounted, they leaned their weapons against their horses and approached unarmed.

“Hey! How long are you going to sell oil here?”

Mitsuhide and Shizuko relaxed their shoulders at the familiar voice, but as the person approached, their strange appearance became apparent. The voice belonged to Nagayoshi, who had come from the road leading to Tsubakiyama, which was a shortcut to Echizen. However, as he got closer, his appearance became more intense, with a strong smell of blood and still steaming blood fat making his armor glisten. Seeing his appearance, as if his head and internal organs were covered in blood, most people were speechless and unable to speak.

“Unfortunately, it seems that the main Asakura army did not choose this path.”

Nagayoshi smirked, pointing behind himself.

“Do you think the Asakura army is not heading towards Tsubakiyama?”

Mitsuhide confirmed, pressing for reassurance. Nagayoshi, with a fierce expression of fighting spirit, asserted.

“No Asakura soldiers have passed through here…”

Despite the fact that there were footprints of a considerable number of people who were not the main Asakura army, Nagayoshi made the assertion. No one could argue when they saw the blood dripping from his armor and the bright red footprints he left behind.

“Then the enemy must be retreating through Tonosaka, not Tsubakiyama. Let’s pursue them before they can escape to our ally’s castle!”

Mitsuhide had obtained the necessary information and didn’t hesitate. They needed to catch up with the Asakura army as soon as possible. Upon Mitsuhide’s command, the Akechi army formed their ranks and began heading towards Tonosaka.

“Good job. You managed to get ahead despite the storm.”

When Nobunaga was attacking Oda Castle, Keiji and Nagayoshi led their troops to break through the Asakura army’s camp and run behind them. Despite the reduced number of guards due to the nighttime storm, it was a desperate action that would have resulted in being surrounded and annihilated if they were discovered. They successfully infiltrated the Asakura’s surveillance and had arrived at this junction ahead of Shizuko and the others. However, they also faced the same dilemma as Shizuko. They split into two groups and set up a stronghold deep in Tsubakiyama, waiting in ambush. Unfortunately, they had chosen the wrong path, and they had to defeat the soldiers who had fallen behind from the main force and join forces to show them the correct route to the pursuing allies.

For the fleeing Asakura army, the despair they felt when facing Nagayoshi from behind must have been unimaginable. The Oda army, who should have been pursuing them from behind, also appeared from the front. Faced with the choice of going forward or backward into hell, the soldiers who attempted to break through the front were all killed. If they had calmly compared the strengths of both sides, they would have realized that their own forces were superior, but the panicked soldiers threw away their weapons and fled. The clash between the group trying to escape to the rear and the group desperately chasing them resulted in chaos reaching its peak. Keiji and Nagayoshi achieved a decisive victory against the Asakura army, who had even started fighting among themselves.

“We’re going to attack the main Asakura army next, are you coming?”

Shizuko should have moved with Mitsuhide, but she needed to give further instructions to Nagayoshi and the others. However, they were allowed to act at their own discretion.

“I want to go, but I’m exhausted. Both I and the soldiers are fatigued. Keiji and I will return to the main camp with the soldiers. You make sure to completely destroy the Asakura.”

“Understood. Although I don’t think there will be any more Asakura soldiers attacking, be cautious just in case.”

“Alright. After taking a long break, we’ll move together. If we happen to see any Asakura soldiers, we’ll kill them.”

“Just don’t overdo it.”

With that, Shizuko turned her horse’s head and left. After a short while, Keiji and Nagayoshi’s soldiers also caught up. Although they were not as bloodied as Nagayoshi, their entire bodies were stained red with blood.

“Oops, we’re a little late. Well, let’s take a break here and then return to camp to sleep.”

“I’m really tired. I thought if we were going to retreat, we should have just fled all the way to Echizen.”

“We miscalculated. The main force must have gone in the opposite direction.”

“If there’s a next time, we won’t make the same mistake.”

They exchanged such words, and then they returned to their camp. However, they didn’t realize something. When a blood-soaked army, where even the flags were dyed red and it was impossible to distinguish friend from foe, approaches, how the defending soldiers would react. They were suspicious of the group covered in blood slowly approaching without any signs of attack, and it was only when warning shots were fired that they noticed the dire state of the flags and replaced them with reserves, avoiding a situation where they would end up fighting each other.

Meanwhile, Mitsuhide and Shizuko were racing through the darkness in pursuit of the Asakura army. Some of the few remaining generals, such as Nagatomo Yamazaki, who had given up on retreat in the face of the rapidly approaching army from behind, turned around several times and bravely attacked the Oda army. The Akechi army, with their momentum, fought back against the Asakura army, delaying their pursuit of the main force. However, the exhausted rearguard of the Asakura army couldn’t match the Akechi army’s momentum, and they were finally defeated, with Yamazaki being killed.

The rearguard had bought time at the cost of their lives, but when the Asakura army reached the middle of Tonosaka, Shizuko and the others finally caught up with their rear. If they could defeat them, only Yoshikage and a few soldiers would remain. However, the loyal retainers who had followed Yoshikage until the end were resolute. Realizing that retreat was no longer possible, they turned around and launched a counterattack against Shizuko and the others.

The battlefield of Tonosaka was a narrow path flanked by steep cliffs. They couldn’t deploy their troops properly, but it also provided a favorable terrain for the outnumbered soldiers to turn the tide.

“Load Type 2 bullets (penetration bullets). Fire in unison with the signal.”

Shizuko raised the military fan she inherited from Shingen high in the air. The fact that the path was restricted to a single road meant that the special ammunition of the new firearms, such as the Type 2 penetration bullets and buckshot, would be most effective.


As the military fan was swung down, a thunderous gunshot echoed. The Type 2 bullets demonstrated their penetrating power even against human targets, achieving more than expected results. Although they didn’t cause instant death due to the bullets passing through, a mountain of wounded soldiers formed in the front row, and behind them, a mountain of corpses piled up. Even if they could step over the mountain of corpses with a heart of steel, it was not easy to trample the wounded. The assault lost its momentum, and the Asakura soldiers missed their last opportunity.

After a momentary hesitation, Shizuko shook her head to dispel her doubts and ordered another volley. Once again, the sound of gunfire rang out, and the group that had been tightly packed together collapsed one by one. The Asakura army, completely losing their momentum, was then charged by Mitsuhide’s main force. Shizuko thought that it was indeed Mitsuhide’s main force. Like fish swimming upstream, the Akechi army trampled and cut through the enemy troops, advancing the front line. The Akechi army, superior in both morale and training, cut through the enemy’s front line and tore through their formation. The Asakura army was torn apart head-on, and their generals were taken down one by one, like teeth missing from a comb.

In the Battle of Tonosaka, the Asakura army suffered heavy losses, losing important retainers such as Yoshikage’s relatives, Yoshie Yamazaki and Yasutane Kawai, as well as influential generals like Yoshikage’s advisor, Nagatoshi Torii, and Hikidani Castle’s lord, Rokuro Saburo Hikidani. It would later be revealed during the post-battle examination that Ryuko Saito, the former lord of Inabayama Castle who had once been attacked and captured by Nobunaga, also lost his life in this battle.

No one saw Yoshikage in this battle, and as agreed beforehand, the main forces of the Akechi army and Shizuko’s army, leaving only a small number of soldiers, pursued Yoshikage. Mitsuhide and Shizuko, who were in agreement that their goal was only Yoshikage, pursued without even taking a minimal rest. This lightning-fast march proved successful, and Yoshikage, who had sought refuge in Hikidani Castle, was surrounded before he could reach Ichijodani.

Since a direct assault on the castle would require time and a large number of troops, Mitsuhide began negotiations once the siege was complete. The message he conveyed to the enemy was, “If Yoshikage surrenders, his retainers will not be treated harshly. However, if they reject this one-time offer and choose to resist, everyone, including women and children, will be massacred.” Mitsuhide believed that intimidation, including threats, would be more effective than a direct assault against the Asakura army, who were in a desperate situation of being besieged without reinforcements.

The effect was immediate. With Shizuko’s forces guarding the visible range from the castle, the Akechi army raised numerous flags behind them, making it appear that they had more troops than they actually did. As a result, the fighting spirit of the Asakura army was broken. Soon after, Yoshikage, his close associates Torii Kagechika, Takahashi Kageakira, and the lord of Hikidani Castle, Rokuro Saburo, came out of the castle gate. Yoshikage himself was not wearing armor, as if he intended to commit seppuku inside the castle. Shizuko was relieved that they were able to capture Yoshikage alive as planned.,”I see the head of the Asakura family, Asakura Saemon-no-kami. Am I correct?”

Mitsuhide confirmed just to be sure, as Yoshikage looked completely worn out and even his appearance had changed. Yoshikage, with a resigned expression, nodded firmly as he looked back at Mitsuhide. In response, Mitsuhide made eye contact with Shizuko. Shizuko silently waved a large war fan, and the Shizuko army, who had been surrounding the castle, disbanded the siege and lined up behind Shizuko. Those who had been blocking the road also lifted the blockade and returned.

“As promised, the siege has been lifted.”

With Mitsuhide’s declaration, the main Shizuko army that had caught up began disarming and preparing to withdraw the Asakura soldiers. With the surrender of the lord Yoshikage, there was no longer any power for them to resist. Mitsuhide entrusted the disarming and liberation of Hikidani Castle to the Oda army and reorganized the troops heading towards Ichijodani Castle. They needed to carefully select personnel who could maintain control, as they would be entering the vast castle town of Ichijodani, and it would be undesirable for the foot soldiers to run amok.

“If we can capture Kotokuin, Echizen will have fallen.”

Kotokuin is the name of Yoshikage’s mother. If they could capture not only her, but also the young generals and Yoshikage’s second son, Aiomaru, the Asakura family would be practically destroyed. However, Shizuko considered Yoshikage’s daughter, Yohira, to be the most important person. According to historical records, she escaped from Ichijodani and took refuge in Ishiyama Honganji Temple. It is said that she then married Kennyo, the eldest son of Honganji Temple’s leader. It is unknown what discussions or requests Yohira had with Kennyo and his son, but a year later, the Ikko Ikki uprising broke out in Echizen. At that time, most of the Asakura family, who had defected to Nobunaga, were killed in battle.

“Mitsuhide-sama, may I ask for your approval?”

Shizuko called out to Mitsuhide, who was preparing to head to Ichijodani. Mitsuhide, showing no signs of fatigue from the continuous battles, turned to Shizuko.

“Actually, there is something I would like to discuss.”

Shizuko revealed to Mitsuhide what she had been thinking until now. At first, Mitsuhide was surprised, but after listening to Shizuko’s story, he put his hand on his chin and pondered.

“…Indeed, that would be better. If we say it is to obtain a tea utensil, we may not be blamed for the arson.”

Shizuko’s plan was to delay the burning of Ichijodani, as it was historically carried out. Many cultural assets and historically valuable materials remain in Ichijodani. Even now, tea utensils are excavated from the burned ruins, suggesting that there were many tea utensils at that time. In truth, Shizuko wanted to avoid the burning of Ichijodani, even without considering the protection of cultural assets. Burning Ichijodani would leave a great curse on the people of Echizen, as it was the gathering place of Echizen’s culture. However, as Ichijodani was also a symbol of the Asakura family, the burning of Ichijodani was an inevitable event to widely publicize its collapse. Nobunaga was expected to show reluctance to this delay, but as Nobunaga wanted to enhance the value of tea, if they emphasized the protection of tea utensils, he would tolerate it for a while. In the end, they would most likely burn down the entire castle town, but Shizuko wanted to protect at least the minimum amount of cultural assets before that.

“I have already prepared a letter addressed to Lord Nobunaga regarding that matter. I believe a letter alone should suffice, but just in case.”

“Then, I leave the response to Lord Nobunaga to you. We will increase surveillance to ensure that our soldiers do not engage in looting. Protecting the famous items is also important in my opinion.”

At present, they would not set fire to Ichijodani. They would first transport the cultural assets, and explain to Nobunaga that they were searching for tea utensils. They would actually collect tea utensils in parallel, and if they found any, they would send them to Nobunaga, hoping that he would not disregard their wishes.

“Then, please take care of it.”

Shizuko and Mitsuhide felt a sense of shared values.

Just before Mitsuhide and Shizuko captured Yoshikage, Nobunaga had returned to his main camp near Odani Castle. He had already given orders for Shibata and others, who had been assigned as a stronghold in Echizen, to join the siege of Odani Castle. While the Oda army was fully engaged in the siege of Odani Castle, Hideyoshi, who had received a letter from Shizuko, returned to his camp and called for Hidenaga.

“Yes, yes, what can I do for you, elder brother?”

Hidenaga responded with his usual carefree attitude, as if he knew exactly what Hideyoshi wanted to ask, but he pretended not to know.

“What did you give to Shizuko!?”

Hideyoshi shouted, slamming the letter he received from Shizuko onto the table where the battle map was spread out. It was understandable why Hideyoshi was furious. The letter from Shizuko contained confidential information about Odani Castle. In addition to detailed topographic maps of the surrounding area, it covered the scale and details of the defense facilities of Odani Castle, and it was clear that the information was obtained from an insider who knew military secrets. However, what Hideyoshi was concerned about was not that. It was the fact that Hidenaga had given something to Shizuko in order to obtain such information. That was what interested Hideyoshi.

“Um, a while ago, it was… what was his name again…”

“It was Asakura Magohachiro, who served as the governor of Echizen Ono District.”

“Yes, that’s right. That Asakura Magohachi and a few others wrote a letter pleading for mercy, saying that they would betray Yoshikage and move the troops in a way that would benefit the Oda army. I exchanged that for this.”

“That… Oh, is that all?”

Hideyoshi was disappointed that what Hidenaga had given to Shizuko was something so insignificant. Although it was evidence of betrayal, Hideyoshi couldn’t think of any use for a plea for mercy, and he considered it to be worthless.

“It is probably intended to redirect the resentment that Yoshikage and the people of Echizen hold towards them. It is more suitable for them to direct their hatred towards their treacherous allies rather than the enemy who defeated them.”

“I see. However, it would be extremely unseemly to accept a plea for mercy and then disregard it.”

“What are you saying, elder brother? Where is this plea for mercy? If it is not here, then it did not reach our hands. That should be fine. It is already certain that Mitsuhide-dono has achieved the greatest military merit in the Asakura campaign. Whether we help the Asakura clan or not, it does not benefit us. It is best for us not to be concerned about what happens to them.”

“Well, that’s true.”

Hideyoshi acknowledged the logic in Hidenaga’s words and gave up thinking further about the plea for mercy. He organized the letter he received from Shizuko and compared it with the map spread out for the military council.

“Then let us do our utmost to capture Odani Castle. With this information, we can make calculated moves instead of relying on blind luck. Now is the time to attack.”

“You’re right, elder brother.”

Hidenaga nodded with a smile in response to Hideyoshi’s strong declaration.

(I’m surprised that she would leak confidential information about Odani Castle. However, how did she gather such detailed information? I thought I was aware of the movements of her spies… Well, it doesn’t matter. This time, an opportunity to give credit to my elder brother has come to us with just a plea for mercy. If I pry too much and stumble upon a snake (Ashimitsu), I won’t be able to handle it.)

Hidenaga laughed as he looked at the spread-out document. He had kept a certain distance until now, but from now on, he would need to actively get involved. After all, other warlords were also becoming more dependent on Shizuko.

(A group of grown men infatuated with one woman. To those who don’t know the circumstances, it may seem like a foolish obsession with a love affair. However, there is no other way. Whether we can win over Lady Shizuko, who is not bound by the common sense of this world, will determine our future.)

Thinking about the future, Hidenaga’s smile deepened.

Shizuko entered Ichijodani with Mitsuhide. The defending soldiers of Ichijodani Castle and the people living in the castle town had fled in a panic upon hearing that the Oda army was attacking. The bustling streets of the castle town, which would normally be lively, were now deserted, and scraps dropped by the fleeing people fluttered in the wind, emphasizing the desolation. Ichijodani, which had boasted a hundred years of prosperity, now looked nothing more than a ruin.

“There may be hidden soldiers. Torii-dono, could you please call for surrender to avoid unnecessary bloodshed?”


Mitsuhide thought that if it was Torii, who was Yoshikage’s close associate, calling for surrender, the soldiers would be more likely to surrender. They wanted to avoid the situation where desperate enemy soldiers would set fire to the town.

“Shizuko-dono, I ask for the protection of cultural assets.”


Mitsuhide assigned roles, and each person fulfilled their assigned tasks. Shizuko energetically carried out the protection and recovery of cultural assets. The soldiers of Shizuko’s army were well disciplined, so there was no fear of them looting. In fact, the efficiency of Shizuko’s army was outstanding, and they efficiently protected and rescued not only cultural assets but also the wives and children of hidden soldiers. As the collected cultural assets continued to increase, Shizuko, who had a certain level of knowledge, saw many items that she had never seen or heard of before.

“There are even Chinese tea bowls.”

Items that could not be physically moved or taken out, except for those that had been destroyed, were being collected. Some of them were accompanied by records that revealed their history, but most of them were unknown as to when and how they were brought in. In addition to the tea utensils they were looking for, there were vases, jars, paintings, hanging scrolls, letters, books, and a wide variety of collected items.

“They have quite a selection.”,”Shizuko-sama! You haven’t finished registering over there. If you’re going to take something, please use the ones that have already been registered here.”

Shizuko picked up a book from the pile of books like a small mountain. However, she was scolded by the soldier who was making the catalog of cultural properties. With an embarrassed look on her face, Shizuko put the book back in its original place and left.

“I got scolded. Shall we read from the ones that have been recorded?”

Since there were a huge number of them, they were sorted and transported to the samurai residence that had been requisitioned as a temporary storage facility after the catalog was completed. As long as the books were placed there, it was fine to read them until they were packed and sent to Nobunaga.

“Shizuko-sama, is now a good time?”

When she thought that and stood up, a page called out to Shizuko. Feeling frustrated, but remembering that Nobunaga was planning to reward her with cultural properties that he didn’t need, Shizuko decided it could wait and sat back down.

“What can I do for you?”

“Um. Actually, Lady Kotokuin, the mother of Yoshikage Asakura, wishes to meet with Shizuko-sama… How should we proceed?”

“I heard that Lord Akechi mentioned it, but what business does she have with me? Well, there’s no point in arguing, so I will meet with her. Please let her in.”

“Yes, right away.”

The page who replied turned around to call Kotokuin. After a while, a strong-looking lady and a woman who seemed to have been crying followed, and the youngest woman was led in, hiding behind the other woman. Based on the information she had obtained in advance, Shizuko guessed that the strong-looking lady was Kotokuin, the one behind her was Yoshikage’s wife, and the woman at the back was Yohira herself.

Shizuko stood up from the low table she was sitting at and introduced herself to Kotokuin, who represented them, and offered her a seat.

“I am Shizuko. Please, have a seat. I apologize that it may not be the most comfortable setting, as we are on the move, but it’s better than sitting on the ground.”

“…Thank you for your consideration.”

After Kotokuin expressed her gratitude and sat down, the startled Yoshikage’s wife and Yohira also regained their composure and hurriedly sat on the chairs that had been prepared.

“Before we discuss the matter at hand, let’s have a cup of tea. I assure you, there is no poison. There is no need to poison you.”

Saying that, Shizuko brewed tea herself, took a sip first to show them, and then poured tea from the same teapot and handed it to the three of them. Shizuko demonstrated the poison test, but since Kotokuin was now under her control, there was no need to suspect poisoning, and she drank the tea without hesitation. Yoshikage’s wife and Yohira, while watching Kotokuin’s reaction, cautiously sipped the tea.

“Now, I heard that you have something to discuss with me. However, the ultimate decision lies with Lord Akechi, the highest authority of our army. Whatever judgment I make, if Lord Akechi disagrees, it will not be overturned.”

“I will ask you frankly, what will become of us?”

“Echizen will come under Lord Akechi’s control, and the Asakura clan will be extinguished. Lord Akechi has been made to drink bitter soup by the Asakura clan many times. It is unlikely that he will forgive them even if they beg for their lives now.”

Three years have passed since Yoshikage declared hostility against Nobunaga. Nobunaga has had to swallow bitter pills many times, and just by having the Asakura clan in Omi Province, his troops were divided by the role of a mediator. Especially in the Western Campaign, which Shingen undertook against the Takeda clan in Kai, it came to the point where the fate of the Oda clan was at stake. With all that has happened, it is highly unlikely that Nobunaga will show any mercy to the Asakura clan. No matter how much treasure they offer, Yoshikage and his legitimate heir will not escape beheading.

“It is common in times of chaos for the families of the defeated to be extinguished. At this point, it is futile to resist. What I want to know is how Yohira will be treated.”

“By treatment, do you mean…”

“Don’t play dumb. I know that you ordered Yohira to be captured without fail. Not your foolish son, but Yohira. I would like to know the reason why you ordered her capture. As a last act of kindness towards someone who is about to die, could you show some mercy?”

Shizuko finally understood, but she struggled to explain. Shizuko did indeed order Yohira to be captured. It was because she knew the historical facts and believed that if Yohira survived and reached Honganji Temple, it would lead to the uprising of the Ikko sect in Echizen later on. If an uprising of the Ikko sect occurred in the ruling area, it would result in considerable sacrifices to suppress it. To avoid further trouble in Echizen, Shizuko ordered her capture to nip the problem in the bud. She even added that it would be fine even if she ended up as a corpse.

Kotokuin, who somehow learned of this order, came to ask Shizuko about her true intentions. Considering that, Shizuko understood the frightened look in Yohira’s eyes as she stared at her.

“It is because Yohira-dono has made a marriage agreement with Honganji Temple’s Kennyo. If she takes refuge in Honganji Temple and receives Kennyo’s protection, it would be troublesome if she incites the Ikko uprising. Of course, if an Ikko uprising were to occur, we would completely eradicate the Ikko sect that participated.”

“If an Ikko uprising were to occur, what would happen to Echizen?”

“This is just my personal opinion. First, those who betrayed the Asakura clan and defected to the Oda clan would be killed in the chaos. Then, the Oda army would march out to suppress the Ikko sect and completely eliminate them. In Nagashima, there were reasons to send them back to Ishiyama Honganji Temple, but there are no such reasons for an Ikko uprising in Echizen, so they would be thoroughly crushed until the last person. There would be tens of thousands of casualties. Of course, this applies to the people of Echizen who have become Ikko believers.”

Shizuko emphasized her words to Kotokuin, as if chewing them. In reality, just like in Nagashima, they would send the Ikko sect to Ishiyama Honganji Temple, but it would be more effective to describe the horrific fate that awaited them.

“Even though it may be my prediction, it is not far from the truth. Please keep in mind that if the three of you choose to flee even after knowing this, please escape to Honganji Temple. Of course, we will send pursuers, but you may still have a chance to escape.”


“However, please remember. Once the war begins, much blood will be shed, and many lives will be lost. If you are not prepared to bear the deaths of tens of thousands of people in Echizen for the rest of your life, it would be wise to refrain from rash actions.”

Shizuko’s calm tone of speech seemed to have instilled fear, as Yohira dropped the tea bowl she was holding to the ground. In addition, she seemed to have lost strength in her legs and almost fell backward, but was supported by Yoshikage’s wife in a split second. Because the battlefield chairs had no backrests, she fell, and because of that, she was able to react quickly, but even the supporting Yoshikage’s wife seemed startled, and it seemed a little pitiful.

“I may have been a bit too threatening. However, that is a possible future. Building a mountain of corpses in Echizen and staining the land with fresh blood to retaliate against us, or quietly spending the rest of your life with the burden of calamity, the choice is yours.”

Although Kotokuin looked Shizuko firmly in the eye, her complexion turned pale and she broke out in a cold sweat.

“Victory or defeat is common in warfare. It is not to say that we should forget the calamity. However, there must also be a target for the raised fist to strike. With that in mind, I will now make a certain document disappear. It would be good to think about where the failure lies.”

After finishing her speech, Shizuko stood up, received a letter from the page, and casually dropped it towards Kotokuin before returning to her seat. Kotokuin, who didn’t understand Shizuko’s intentions, opened the letter and examined its contents, and wrinkles appeared on her beautiful forehead.

“…The outcome of the war is uncertain. As a mother, I wanted my foolish son to win. He has been cornered to this point, and he has finally been able to fulfill his duties as the head of the family…”

Kotokuin clenched the letter, as if trying to suppress her rising anger.

“However, I cannot forgive these people. They have enjoyed the sweet taste of victory and have only opposed the head of the family and even betrayed the head of the family…”

What Shizuko showed Kotokuin was a copy of a letter pleading for Kageaki’s pardon. With the Asakura family divided by the calamity caused by Yoshikage and Kageaki, which would later lead to the Echizen Ikko uprising, it was necessary to cut off the source of the disaster here. It was a political decision that deviated from the right path, and if Shizuko were to speak her true feelings, she didn’t want to resort to such tactics. However, if the source of the calamity was not cut off here, it would sprout in the form of the Ikko uprising, and tens of thousands of lives would be lost later on. Even if it went against the right path, rulers sometimes had to make ruthless decisions, and Shizuko had learned this through her own experiences.

“…If you follow our instructions, we will provide an opportunity to retaliate against Kageaki.”

Kotokuin, who had been bowing and holding back tears, raised her face at Shizuko’s words.

“However, what we offer is only an opportunity. Whether to avenge Kageaki or pretend nothing happened, it is up to you. We will not force you.”

“But, this is…”

“I repeat. This is a conversation that Lord Akechi and Lord Oda have also acknowledged. The rest is up to your judgment.”


“Please keep in mind. Selling out those who have colluded is not commendable. However, betrayal is something that should be done with the preparedness to face destruction if exposed. This is also my personal opinion, but perhaps Kageaki is no longer of any use to Lord Oda.”

After clearing her throat, Shizuko clapped her hands. The sound startled Kotokuin and Yoshikage’s wife, making them straighten their spines.

“There is no need to think about unnecessary things now. Simply put, forgive Kageaki or not. That’s all.”,Kotokuin shifted her gaze from Shizuko to the letter. She had been staring at the document for a while, but she suddenly grabbed it and tore it in half.

“Very well.”

Understanding that this was Kotokuin’s answer, Shizuko ordered a nearby page to arrange for the torn documents to be delivered to Mitsuhide.

The news of the fall of Ichijodani Castle was immediately delivered to Nobunaga. However, the burning of the entire Ichijodani area, including the town, had not yet taken place. The reason given was that valuable items such as tea utensils were being collected to fund the war. After hearing all the reports, Nobunaga did not utter a single word. His expression showed no emotion, and the soldiers who had finished reporting were sweating on their foreheads, biting their lips until they turned blue. The Oda clan’s senior retainers standing on either side also held their breath, waiting for Nobunaga’s words.

“Thank you for your report. You may leave.”

Upon hearing those words, the soldier breathed a sigh of relief. Nobunaga saw him off with a bored look. In reality, Nobunaga was disappointed. Asakura had been destroyed, and Hideyoshi was actively moving against Odani Castle. Despite setting out to subdue the Asakura and Asai, he could not have the opportunity to settle it with his own hands. He didn’t realize that simply waiting for a report with a clear outcome could be so boring. There was no one present who could comfort his boredom.

“Father, is everything alright?”

Just as he was about to divert his thoughts to something more enjoyable, Nobutada, who had remained silent until now, advised Nobunaga. Thinking that it might serve as a distraction, Nobunaga allowed Nobutada to speak.

“I have heard that the head of the Asakura clan and his heir have not yet been beheaded, and the burning of Ichijodani has been postponed. Although they say it is for the collection of war funds and valuable items, it seems somewhat lukewarm.”

“…You may leave.”

Nobunaga pressed his temples and spoke to Nobutada, who had said something absurd. As instructed, the senior retainers on the left and right left, and once Nobunaga confirmed that only he and Nobutada remained in the room, he continued speaking.

“I no longer care what happens to the Asakura. All that matters is whether Shizuko can become a daimyo and face that trial.”

“Trial… you say?”

“Yes. Shizuko is weak when it matters. Even in battles with Takeda, she let Suwa Katsuyori (Takeda Katsuyori) slip away. The same goes for the Ikko sect in Nagashima. She makes various excuses about needing to govern quickly, but…”


Nobutada voiced his doubts, questioning whether it was acceptable to let it go. If it had been deemed unfavorable, Shizuko would have already been punished. As long as Shizuko had not been punished, Nobunaga understood her weakness, yet he still accepted it.

“Even Shizuko’s weaknesses have value. However, rulers sometimes have to make ruthless judgments. They can order their subordinates to die, but they cannot kill the small to benefit the greater politically.”

“Is the Asakura clan the perfect trial for overcoming that? Is that what you mean?”

“Yes. Not to protect as before. Shizuko must attack on her own and make political judgments.”

“But… can she do it? Shizuko has always avoided making political judgments.”

“She can. Shizuko will definitely pass judgment on her enemies. It just happened to be the Asakura this time.”

Until now, Shizuko had fought against foot soldiers, ashigaru, and military commanders. But she had never invaded another province and executed local lords. No, she couldn’t do it. Although she had been avoiding it herself, in situations that required such ruthless judgment, Nobunaga and Ashimitsu had always acted as her proxies. However, this time she had to do it herself.

“Ashimitsu may not always be there. Considering the danger Shizuko faces due to her own weakness, he silently watches over the trial I have given her.”

“Father, do you hold such high expectations for Shizuko?”

“Of course. If she becomes an outstanding daimyo, I may even entrust Owari to her.”

Nobutada painfully understood the significance of entrusting Owari to her. It was something that even the loyal retainers who had served the Oda clan since Nobunaga’s father’s time had not considered. Nobunaga was saying that if Shizuko grew up to be a capable daimyo, he would entrust her with the entire province of Owari. Nobutada couldn’t help but feel jealous of being regarded so highly.

“She still has a long way to go. But if Shizuko becomes a daimyo and can cooperate with Uesugi and Tokugawa, she will have a perfect hold on the eastern provinces. I can concentrate on ruling the western provinces without worrying about my back. It’s an easy task.”

Nobutada wondered if Shizuko could really do it. However, Nobunaga already had confidence and believed that Shizuko would overcome the trial he had given her.

And soon after, Nobutada would come to know that Nobunaga’s confidence was justified. When Asakura Kageaki’s head was delivered to Nobunaga.