Su Xun with the Royal zombies, far behind the nine uncle and others hanging.

Nine uncle after they went out of town, and walked about a mile, then lie in ambush in the haystack on both sides of the road.

Su Xun took the zombies away from Jiushu and hid in a tree on the way to escape.

Next, just sit and wait for the show.

"Step, step..."

"Step, step..."

The horse's hooves hit the ground recklessly. Su Xun and the Royal zombies hid in the tree and watched a group of horse thieves gallop to Tan's town.

It was a woman at the head.

The brigands rushed into the encirclement of the villagers without any precaution, and two rows of wooden piles suddenly sprung up at the front and rear ends to block the way and retreat of the brigands.


The leader of the female equine thief called out in mountain dialect.


"Kill them!"

"Kill the horse thief! Kill

Jiushu and other villagers rushed out from both sides with weapons and killed the horse thieves without fear.

Then there was a fierce battle.

The villagers soon found out that the equine thieves could not be killed. Even if they cut their throats, the female equine thieves could quickly heal by spitting out a poisonous insect and wiping the wound on their necks.

Although he had seen this scene in the movie for a long time, Su Xun still felt that the female horse thief was really powerful when it happened in front of him.

Uncle Jiu also found out this and cried out in the confusion: "wipe the blood on the knife and cut it."

They all followed suit.

After the blood smeared knife cuts out the wound again, the female equine thief can't heal the wound even if she uses the poisonous insect. The wound will crack again just after it is closed.

Without this great advantage, the female brigands knew that they had no hope of winning.

"Withdraw! Get out of here

The female equine thief swung her cloak and let out a lot of insects. Then she flew on, and the horse ran in the direction of coming. She rode high over the stake on the ground.

Looking at her move of releasing insects, Su Xun suddenly thought, would she have something to do with Gu Lao?

Gu Lao's method is very similar to her, but Gu Lao is obviously not as powerful as her.

The battle below is coming to an end.

Uncle Jiu, they caught two horse thieves alive, while the female horse thief ran away with the rest.

Su Xun with the Royal zombie quickly followed the female horse thief and others.

The female equine thief ran for a while and found that only two people were catching up. She immediately prepared to fight back.

"Kill him!"

The rest of the brigands immediately reined in and rushed back.

Su Xun yelled, "I can save those two people."

"Stop!" Cried the brigands.

Then she took the rest of the brigands to surround Su Xun and the Royal zombies.

At this time, Real Madrid saw zombies, but she had no idea.

"What did you just say? Can you save the two of us who were arrested? " The female equine thief asked coldly.

Su Xun was calm: "yes, I can only have those two arrested people, but I have conditions."

The female equine looked at him so quietly.

"I save them, and from now on, all of you will listen to me." Su Xun came to the point, because he knew that there was no need to beat around the bush with the female horse thief.

It's easy for a group of illiterates to misunderstand because they don't understand.

"What are you talking about?"

"Roar! You are dreaming

Before the female equine thief spoke, her subordinates were already angry and looked at Su Xun with fierce eyes.

Without the slightest fear on his face, Su Xun stood up and looked at the female horse thief calmly: "are you going to be a horse thief all your life? It's not the first time that this kind of situation happened today. Do you want your companions to die one by one? "

The female brigands were moved. Su Xun was right. This is not the first time that this happened today. Many of them have died.

She didn't want to be a horse thief either. At first, she was a horse thief just for the convenience of tracking down the enemy.

But now in addition to continue to be a horse thief, she really can't think how to support her men.

So now after hearing Su Xun's words, she was obviously moved, but she still said, "I can save them myself."

"Ha ha ha ha." Next, Sue will look for you as a bait, and then use me to make a smile

He was confident in his analysis, because he remembered that this was the case in the movie.

The female horse thief's face became gloomy. Su Xun's face made her have the impulse to punch.

"Loyal to me, I help you save those two companions, and I will support you very well. My patience is very limited. I hope you can give me a result now. If you don't agree, I will go back to sleep."Su Xun looked at the Rolex on his wrist and said.

When he was studying abroad, he bought this thing with him.

But can the accuracy of the output table of foreign countries be improved? There are obvious loopholes.

The female horse thief's face was cloudy and clear. She knelt down on one knee and lowered her head to Su Xun.

If she were alone, she would not be.

But there are a group of brothers behind her. When her father died, she handed them over to her. She has the responsibility to choose a good future for them.

Therefore, she could not refuse Su Xun's offer.

Others can only follow the leader's example, kneel down on one knee and bow their heads.

"You made the right choice. Get up."

Su Xiaozhao helped the female leader to hide herself.

Buy people's hearts, that's it.

You don't see. Throughout the dynasties of the Dragon Kingdom, how do those big men buy people's hearts?

As expected, the female horse thief's face lightened a lot. She thought Su Xun would despise her.

"Get up, too, and call me young master later."

"Yes, young master."

All the brigands got up at the same time.

Su Xun looked at the female horse thief and asked, "what's your name? There must be a name

"My name is Granny Wang." The female equine replied.

Suxu had known from the movie, but still unable to make complaints about it. He said, "a woman must have a decent name. Later you call Wang Ying, and take a new name, you should say goodbye to your past."

"Yes, young master." Wang Ying bowed her head.

Su Xun asked what he had just thought in the tree: "do you know Gu Lao?"

Wang Ying looks puzzled.

"Even if he has white hair and likes to wear black robes, he can also practice witchcraft, which is called" witchcraft of evil moon in Miao area. " Su Xun described his appearance.

Wang Ying's eyes were red, and her anger poured out: "where is that scum! Where is it? "

Other horse thieves also showed their intention to kill.

Su Xun was stunned. He was lying in the trough. It really matters.

"Don't get excited. He's dead." After Su Xun finished, he asked, "do you know him?"

"We all know it when it turns to dust." Wang Ying gnashed her teeth and said with tears: "he is my elder martial brother. He is not talented. But he always thinks that my father didn't teach him the real skills, so he killed my father and stole the evil moon witchcraft of Miao from my family. The reason why we become horse thieves is to pursue and kill him everywhere for revenge."

"I'm sorry. Just yesterday, I killed him myself." Su Xun said in a low voice, and suddenly realized that no wonder Gu Lao would appear in Qingfeng Village.

Most of them went to seek refuge. The reason why they went back to Liwan town was that they thought things were over.

But Wang Ying didn't give up chasing him.

Wang Ying wiped her tears and knelt down on one knee again: "from now on, you are the only one to look forward to!"


The other horse thieves knelt down again.

Su Xun obviously felt that this time he knelt down more sincerely and was completely loyal to him.

I didn't expect that killing Gu Lao would have such benefits.

Su Xun said that Gu Laozhen was so cute.

He's the best person in the world to him. He's also a giver of secrets and money. Now he's got a wave of powerful subordinates.

He felt that it was necessary for him to ask if Gu Lao had been buried, so that he could go to worship him.

Cool Gu Lao: don't come here, don't come here. I can lift the coffin and climb out of the grave in anger when you come!