"Mr. Su, I'll give you a move."

Canggu is a straight man with a violent temper. He thinks that his Jinxian cultivation is a bullying immortal. He has no face.

But what he didn't know was that the one who had no face was still behind.

"Elder Canggu, you'd better do it first."

Su Xun was afraid that the other side didn't even have a chance to fight.

"In that case, I'm offended."

As soon as Canggu threw the dust, he stepped into the air. The dust silk was like thousands of sword lights.

Su Xun took off his folding fan, which suddenly changed in the air, just like a wall blocking the sword light.

"And despised you!"

Canggu's eyes were full of seriousness. It was enough to be proud that a fairy could catch him.

Next, he has to be serious. It's also his respect for Su Xun, and he must defeat Su Xun with one move.

If the second move can't defeat Su Xun, in his opinion, he has lost.


He stepped on the ground, roaring, the ground cracked, smoke surging, rosefinch, Xuanwu, white tiger, green dragon, the virtual shadow of the four great beasts in all directions.

"Four Saints kill the enemy!"

With him a cold drink, the four beast virtual shadow issued a roar, roar! He took Shenwei to Sushen, and all the disciples around him were shaken back for several meters.

"Four beasts? It's just animals. "

Su Xun laughed contemptuously and made a move in the void. A dark black sword appeared in his hand, and he cut out four swords quickly.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom

The Four Swords tore the earth apart and increased the decoration expenses for the Shushan sect. The four beasts sent out a howl and were cut to pieces mercilessly.

"Stab -"

the long sword broke away and went through the air. The edge of the sword was close to Canggu's throat. It was only half an inch short of sealing his throat.


The four of Qingwei were shocked and moved. They could no longer keep the previous calm.


The disciples in the crowd were also in an uproar.

Canggu, the Zhenwu elder with the cultivation of Jinxian and the second strongest of Shushan sect, was defeated by a young immortal elder in Tianyong city!

Jinxian shows the strength of Jinxian.

But human immortals are not human immortals

No! Is this horse riding immortal?

Did I fix a fake fairy?

A cold sweat fell from Canggu's forehead. He felt the threat of death from the sword.

The next second, the sword turned into smoke and disappeared.


Canggu seemed to have been drained of all his strength. He was sitting on the ground with a fart. He was in a trance and lost his soul.

He was defeated by one of the immortals.

He has some doubts about life.


Xu Changqing quickly came forward and helped him up.

"Elder Canggu, I have offended you."

Su Xun took back the folding fan floating in the air, looked at Canggu and said with a smile.

"Hoo -"

Canggu felt ashamed, slowly exhaled a breath and said to himself, "it's a shame."

"What does the leader of Qingwei think? Can I be the leader of the alliance? " Su Xun looked at Qingwei.

I used to say I'm here.

Now call yourself this seat.

But no one thinks it's wrong. It's all in my heart. I have his accomplishments at his age, and Laozi can be a hundred times more crazy than him.

Qingwei said: "is elder Su really an immortal?"

"If it's fake, it's guaranteed." Su Xun has no face and no skin. College students pretend to be junior high school students to bully primary school students.

Qingwei took a deep breath: "elder Su's cultivation is profound. I admire him. This meeting of removing demons should respect elder su. Listen to elder Su's order to remove demons and defend the way!"

In fact, he felt that he could beat Su Xun if he ended up.

But he can not end, because there has been a Canggu to bully the weak, but also lost.

If he comes again, it's funny.

Well, one of the three big illusions of life: I think I can do it when I go to school.

"In that case, I would rather be respectful than obedient." Su Xun showed a bright smile.

With the recognition of Shushan faction, he became the leader of the alliance of the demons elimination conference, and his position was stable by 70%.

It's 30% short. It'll be done soon.

As a demon removal conference, he became the leader of the alliance.

This is equivalent to the enemy emperor mixed into our forces, and then became our president, but also clamored to kill the enemy emperor.

Life is so dramatic.

"Please come in and discuss the details of the meeting." Qingwei said.

He is also dedicated to the people in the world, as long as the meeting is to get rid of demons.

Let Tianyong city be the main city, let Tianyong city be the main city. Anyway, it's all for the sake of the world.One morning, Su Xun was in Shushan sect to discuss with Qingwei and others about the demon removal meeting.

After all, it's just a day after the demonization.

At noon, he stayed in Shushan paiqia for an employee meal, and Su Xun left.

Instead of going back to Yuzhou City, he went to the lock demon tower built by Shushan school.

In the lock demon tower, there are the demon emperor and some small demons who invaded the world in those years, as well as the evil ideas formed by five people, such as Qingwei, and a magic sword is sealed.

That group of evil thoughts is the later evil sword fairy.

At that time, the demon world invaded, but the heaven world did not care. The human world could only save itself.

However, the situation is weak, and we are in danger.

In order to deal with the enemies of demon world, the four elders of Shushan sect, Qingwei, Youxuan, Canggu, Jingming and Heyang, had no choice but to practice one kind of forbidden skill.

This move made their strength increase a thousand times temporarily, and forced out the evil ideas in their bodies, and finally defeated the enemies of the demon world.

But afterwards, there was no good way to deal with the evil thoughts, so he had to be locked in the demon lock tower.

But it's a disaster.

All kinds of evil spirits gather in the demon lock tower. This evil idea absorbs these evil spirits to strengthen itself.

I didn't expect that cultivation had taken shape, and I had self-consciousness. Once I escaped, it would be a disaster to the world.

Only when it is sent to the Tianchi Lake in the heaven for purification, can new disasters in the human world be avoided.

Without Su Xun, Jingtian, Xu Changqing, Tang Xuejian and Mao Mao would be on the way to send evil thoughts to Tianchi.

But now with Su Xun, the evil sword immortal would be a dog for him.

As for the magic sword in the lock demon tower, it was the sabre of Prince Jiang Longyang thousands of years ago. It was born from longkui, Longyang's sister, who died for the sword and turned it into a sword spirit.

Longyang is also the former life of Jingtian.

When he was about to arrive at the lock demon tower, Su Xun changed. He was dressed in a black robe. His appearance was blurred and his evil spirit was around him. He was like a demon coming into the world.

This is in line with the image of the national teacher in people's imagination.

When he came to the lock demon tower, he found that there was still a figure above the lock demon tower.

The Lord of the demon world, the demon house.

Is this guy here to steal the magic sword for Jingtian?

At that time, the magic tower and Feipeng, the God General guarding Tianmen in Tianjie, fought in a new fairyland. They were discovered by Tiandi, and then Feipeng was demoted to earth.

Several reincarnations have become today's Sedum.

Mozunchonglou and Feipeng cherish each other. They always want to finish the last battle with him.

So in the original play, Chonglou steals the magic sword from the lock demon tower to Jingtian and wants to fight with Jingtian.

"Who are you?"

Chonglou looks at Su Xun solemnly, and his heart rises to war. He can feel that Su Xun is very strong.

"Magic tower?" Su Xun thought about it with a smile, but he didn't expect to buy one and get one free.

Chonglou hummed coldly: "I dare not call you the devil in front of you. You look more like a devil than I do."

"I'm a good man." Su Xun said.

Chonglou said nothing, but the meaning was obvious:

although I was reckless, I was not stupid at all.