Chapter 2126: Invincible

However, Susa Shrine is also one of the four major shrines, and its influence after being destroyed is the same.

Thinking of this, Li Tianchen immediately got up, got off the tram, and walked towards the main road.

People in the tram are talking about it.

There was a couple whispering to each other by the window. The delicate-looking girl suddenly saw something and said in surprise: "Look, what is that person doing?"

At this time the military was dispatched, the entire street was sealed, and military personnel were armed with guns.

And Li Tianchen walked so grandiosely, completely ignoring the cordon.

"Is he going to die?" The boy frowned and said in shock.

The military's armored vehicles and artillery carts are fast, like monsters running rampant, dusty, let alone people approaching, even if the tram stops 30 meters away, you can feel the ground shaking.

Once a person breaks in, it will be crushed into meat sauce.

The passengers in the tram and everyone on the street had noticed Li Tianchen's weird behavior at this moment, and they looked at him.

"Stop! One step forward is going to shoot!"

The soldier in charge of alert immediately raised his gun and shouted to Li Tianchen.

Li Tianchen didn't care at all. His figure just flickered, and he appeared in front of the soldier, and then gently held the gun in his palm.


Li Tianchen's palm emitted a fiery red light, and the whole gun was hot immediately. The soldier screamed and quickly let go, looking at Li Tianchen as if he had seen a ghost.

The people around who were watching were also stunned and unbelievable.

Li Tianchen threw away the gun casually, ignoring the soldier and everyone else, he continued to stride, and finally came to the middle of the road.


An armored vehicle was rolling straight towards him. r7gk


The delicate-faced girl suddenly concealed her exclamation. Even if Li Tianchen's performance was a little weird just now, he is a flesh and blood body after all, and it is impossible for him to survive under the pressure of a fast armored car.

At this time, the driver in the armored car was also stunned. He couldn't imagine that a person would break through halfway, and now it was too late even if it braked sharply.

"Fool, don't come to me after you die, it's you who are looking for death by yourself..."

The driver of the armored vehicle sighed softly and cursed in his heart.

In everyone's expectation, Li Tianchen would be like a dough, crushed on the spot by an armored vehicle and killed on the spot.

Many observers have silently prayed for Li Tianchen in their hearts.

A cloud of earth-yellow brilliance suddenly gushed from Li Tianchen's body, brilliant and brilliant.


The armored vehicle slammed into him fiercely, as if hitting a copper wall and iron wall, it lost all its power in an instant and stopped in black smoke.

Everyone was dumbfounded, and their mouths opened stupidly.

There was no sound around.

Just in front of the heavy and tall armored car, a young man glowing with yellow light, like a god, gently protruded one hand and steadily stopped the armored car.

What a terrifying power is this?

Pong Pong Pong~

The armored vehicles behind were all speeding, unable to stop, and constantly crashing into the bottom of the armored vehicle.

In just a few seconds, it was like playing a Solitaire game. Armored vehicles collided with each other, bursting into roars.

"Bag, what happened? Which idiot stopped?"

A military off-road vehicle slackened over, and an officer jumped out of the vehicle and screamed furiously.

However, when this officer's gaze fell on Li Tianchen, he suddenly stopped, his eyes full of incredible.

The armored vehicle was stopped, turned out to be a teenager with one-handed force?

Suddenly, the officer thought of something, and a flash of horror flashed by, and suddenly shouted: "He is the enemy, let's kill him!"

While shouting, the officer quickly took out a pistol and fired frantically at Li Tianchen.

This officer was not an ordinary person, but came from a certain samurai family. He was not weak in strength. He had seen Li Tianchen's photos and recognized him at a glance.

Bang bang bang~

Amid the ear-piercing gunfire, a round of bullets fell on Li Tianchen's body.

However, when the bullet reached the surface of Li Tianchen's body, the earth-yellow brilliance only rippled, and the bullet was swayed away, not hurting him at all.

"God, am I dreaming?"

"How could this happen? Is he a god?"

"The bullet can't even hurt him? This must be a dream."

The people on the sidelines caused an uproar, and each one was speechless, extremely shocked.


The soldiers of this unit finally reacted.

They were ordered to come here this time, it is said that it was to deal with some powerful characters from China.

After the officer issued the order, the soldiers immediately woke up, gathered one after another, and opened fire frantically at Li Tianchen.

Countless bullets and even rocket launchers were used, covering the sky and the earth in dense rain toward Li Tianchen.

Fires burst into the sky, dust and smoke filled the sky, and shrapnel exploded.

"do you died?"

Seeing Li Tianchen being swallowed by the attack, the officer couldn't help but feel excited. If he could kill Li Tianchen here, he would have done a great job.

All the soldiers and people who were watching, stared blankly.

Under such an attack, even a castle would be riddled with holes, let alone a person.

However, the black smoke gradually dissipated, and an earth-yellow figure walked out slowly.

Li Tianchen was bathed in yellow radiance and his clothes were undamaged.

"how come?"

The officer was shocked and exclaimed.

The others were dumbfounded and speechless.

"God, we saw the gods this time!"

The delicate girl pulled her boyfriend and said with a trembling voice of worship.

At this time, Li Tianchen slowly raised his head and looked at the officer coldly.


A light flashed in Li Tianchen's hand, and the awakening hammer suddenly turned into a meteor and smashed towards the officer.

The officer had no time to react at all, so he was smashed to pieces on the spot, and the Awakening Hammer didn't stop for a while, sticking to the ground all the way, rushing toward the armored vehicles, gun carts, etc.

Rumbling rumbling~

Dozens of armored vehicles, artillery carts, etc. were smashed into broken copper and iron by the Awakening Hammer on the spot, and the fragments exploded.

Many members of the Self-Defense Forces suffered heavy casualties, and those who were lucky enough not to be injured have been frightened.

Dead still!

The smoke billowed in the audience, terrible, but there was no sound.

From Li Tianchen's appearance to the heavily armed team, it was only a few minutes.

Li Tianchen glanced indifferently, and finally landed on the mountain peak in the east. He immediately urged the silver-winged cloak and rose into the air towards Susao Shrine.