Chapter 168: Friendship? (1)

Name:City of Witches Author:
Chapter 168: Friendship? (1)

Friendship? (1)


As Siwoo woke up in the morning, he noticed a different atmosphere with Sharon.

Thanks for the food!

Like usual, Sharon was the one in charge of ordering breakfast.

But today, she only ordered two servings worth of meals for herself.

The sight was unbelievable to Siwoo.

Like, normally shed eat more than three servings without batting an eyelid, but today she only ate two and said Thanks for the food without complaining.

Are you sick?

Huh? No? Why do you ask?

The question came out of Siwoos mouth before she could realize it, while Sharon answered it with a question of her own because she didnt understand why he even asked that question.

Youre eating less than usual today

Ah, that. Well, I dont normally eat much to begin with. Like, I barely ate any before I met you.

Is that really the case?

This wasnt the only anomaly that Siwoo noticed from her, though. She acted strangely during the whole breakfast itself.

How should I put it? The atmosphere is Awkward?

It was the first time since they became friends that they had a meal in silence, so Siwoo was feeling a little flustered.

He suspected that the conversation they had yesterday was the cause of this current situation. The one when she asked him whether he had kissed or had sex or not.

Come to think of it, she began to act strangely ever since she asked that

While Siwoo was pondering about this, Sharon had done the dishes, wiped the remaining water off the plates and went to the living room.



Do you want to come to my room?


Her room?

Ever since she moved in here, Siwoo had never entered her room.

Likewise, Sharon never entered his room, unless they were holding a magic class there.

After all, despite them living together, they werent lovers or anything of that sort. There were certain lines that they shouldnt cross.

Those lines became unwritten rules that they abided on their own.

Its nothing big. Follow me.

Shes giving a vibe as if shes going to do something big, though

Siwoo felt uneasy.

He suspected that there must be something important she wanted to talk about, otherwise, she wouldnt go out of her way to invite him to her room.

Alright, Ill go there after I clean this up.


What is it?

Did something happen?

Maybe its about her debt?

Or did I offend her somehow yesterday?

What is it?

Even when he tried to rack his brain, he couldnt come up with a reason. So he gave up on thinking and decided to hear her out.

He knocked up on the door to her room and entered.

Inside, Sharon was sitting on her bed, wearing a subtle look.

Across her, there was an empty chair, a perfect setup for an interrogation or something similar to that.

What happened?

First, can you sit down?

Siwoo complied and sat down.

As he did, a hesitant look appeared on Sharons face.

It seemed like she had something to say, but the words just refused to leave her mouth.

Can you close your eyes?

Can you tell me whats going on first?

Um, no

Normally, Sharon would respect Siwoos wishes.

But this time, she didnt.

Is she trying to give me a surprise?


He decided to comply and closed his eyes tightly. Soon afterwards, he heard rustling sounds from Sharons direction.

You can open your eyes now.


W-Wait! Wait a second! D-Dont do that! Wait a little longer!

What? What are you even up to?

This only confused Siwoo even more.

But, he decided to trust her, after all there seemed to be a reason behind this.

After hearing his answer, she let out a giggle.

Her response made him look at her with a puzzled expression. At that moment, their eyes met, and she showed him a shy smile.

Its The first time that anyone ever praised my chest

Im just telling you the truth.

But theres a mole on my left chest Doesnt it look ugly?


Phew, thats good then I was worried that youd find it repulsive

The tone of her voice implied that she had been treating this whole affair like some sort of an important mission.

It wasnt something that Siwoo particularly mind, but it did make him question, Why?

In normal cases, she was pretty straightforward, but it seemed like she did possess strange quirks in some specific cases.

So, does it make you feel better?

Im not sure what youre trying to ask, but I guess it does?

Even his lower body parts would agree to his words.

Then, do you want to touch them?


Do you want to touch them? My chest, I meant.

Ms. Sharon, things are progressing way too fast, I cant keep up!

Siwoo felt like he was approaching his limits.

He knew that if he were to cross that line, this peaceful cohabitation would turn into something else entirely.

There was a huge chance that Sharon, being naive as she was, heard about something strange and followed it without even realizing what her actions entailed.

If the reason behind her current action was because she was acting on impulse, even Siwoo himself didnt know what would happen between them afterwards.

The atmosphere quickly turned awkward and rather suffocating for him.

I-I still feel embarrassed to go beyond that, but Im fine with you touching them with your hands

At that moment, her tank top fell down a little, but she quickly readjusted it, shaking the pair of mounds in the process.

After looking at them again, Siwoo just couldnt hold himself back anymore.

Just like Adam when he reached for the forbidden fruit, Siwoo grabbed Sharons chest with his hand.

He grabbed the lower part of her chest, supporting its weight with his hand.


At this unfamiliar touch, Sharons whole body froze.


While Siwoo exclaimed at the heavenly feelings that he felt with his hand.

Its heavy.

What he felt was the texture that was softer than velvet, yet more elastic than pudding.

Sharons chest distorted because of his grip in such a way that it made her nipples stand out more than before.

It invoked an urge to lean closer and suck them out to his hearts content.

After that, he started touching her chest in earnest.

Every time he moved his fingers, it sank into her chest, but as soon as he moved them away, itd immediately return to its former shape without any hitch.

This also happened to her erect nipples as he kneaded them with his palm, the sensation he felt was as addicting as taking up drugs.

After all that, he barely could take his hands off her chest.

He really was nearing his limit. If he were to keep going for another minute, he was sure that hed lose all his rationality and attack her right there and then.

W-Was it good?

Of course, Sharon was no better; She also almost reached her limit as well. As soon as Siwoo took her hand off, she immediately covered her chest with her tank top again.

She corrected her sitting posture and clasped her knees together, placing her folded hands right on top of them.

The corners of her mouth were twitching upwards, showing that she didnt actually find the experience detestable.

I think Its time to proceed with our magic lesson now

Okay, let me get dressed first, then Ill come over You can leave now

Just like that, the two of them exchanged such words, trying to treat as if nothing had happened. Albeit, there was a slightly awkward atmosphere between them.

As Siwoo tried to leave the room, trying to hide his fully erect rod, he could hear Sharons voice in his ears.



If you want to see Or touch them again Feel free to ask me, okay? Especially when you feel depressed or having a hard time

A-Ah Okay

He responded as such to her provocative suggestion before leaving the room.

What just happened?

Siwoo knew that Sharons knowledge about male-female relationship was as lacking as the twins.

Her only source of knowledge were the few romance movies that she had watched.

If it was any other woman, he could assume that she was doing it because she was interested in him, but this was Sharon he was talking about. He was completely clueless on what she was up to.

In any case

That was fun

Still recalling the lingering sensation of her motherhood in his hands, its weight and its softness, he went into his room to prepare for his lesson.

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