Chapter 185: A Surprise (1)

Name:City of Witches Author:
Chapter 185: A Surprise (1)

A Surprise (1)


As an apprentice witch, Ravi inherited her vessel from Duchess Tiphereth, and was the next in line to inherit her brand.

To describe her with one word, she was lovable.

Everyone, no matter the age or gender, loved her.

Even birds, animals and livestocks were drawn to her, willingly seeking her company. Stray dogs and birds would gather around her as she walked through the fields, competing for her affection.

With her cheerful personality, she always brought smiles to everyone.

This playful nature of hers even managed to crack a smile on Eloas usually grumpy face.

One day, she approached her master and said,

Master! I want to go to the modern world!

Knowing how adventurous the child could be, Eloa had already anticipated this request.

As a response, she asked the child with a biter smile.

Whats gotten into you, all of a sudden?

As an apprentice witch inheriting Duchess Tiphereth name, I thought I should broaden my horizons and explore a wider world!

You do have a way with words, dont you?

Eloa let out a chuckle, laughing at her apprentices resolute response.

They looked exactly like a pair of sisters talking to each other. Anyone who was unaware of their age difference would think that they were having a cheerful sibling banter.

The modern world is dangerous, especially for an apprentice witch like you. There will be a lot of people whod target you.

Well, that would be fine, Im confident with myself! Ive got a good handle on the magic youve taught me, Master!

Just as she boasted, Ravi was an excellent apprentice witch.

Though she only had received a small portion of Eloas power, she was already strong enough to fight back against an average witch.

The Myriad Weapons Mastery Covenant gave her the ability to master any kind of weapons.

Her natural fighting sense made it as if the covenant in her bowl was entirely her own.

Even Eloa acknowledged that when it came to pure fighting prowess, there were only a handful of witches who could match Ravi.

While magic was crucial in combat among witches, arguing its importance compared to martial skills was a pointless thing to do.

Masterplease? Pretty please?

Seeing her master deep in thought, Ravi seized the moment, trying to win her over with cuteness.

She jumped around, giving her master kisses while swinging their joined hands.

Stop her.

Observing the scene, Eloa was unable to express her murmur as it faded away.

It turned into meaningless babble, fading away to nothingness.

You have to stop her!

Dont let her!

That was her honest feeling.

But, despite her screams, pleas and wishes, the dream she was witnessing remained unchanged, just like a scripted movie.

After all, this dream was a memory from the past. Its ending was already set in stone.

Well, since I have some business in the modern world, do you want to come with me?

Really? Youll bring me with you, Master?

Of course. Have I ever lied to you?

Just like this, the Eloa in the dream chose to undergo this tragic path.


She smiled happily at Ravis cheerful look, the sight that she could no longer see.

No matter how dangerous the modern world might be, given time, Ravi could handle it by herself.

As long as Eloa was with her, nothing bad could happen to her.

Under that reasoning, she made this choice.

In return

Yes! I will do whatever you tell me, Master!

Dont slack off on your magic training before you go. Promise me.

I promise! Actually, Ill double my training time!

So youre saying that you dont want to sleep?

Hehehe, kinda, yes~

At that moment, Ravis joyous expression as she bounced around, turned twisted.

Like a torn and damaged film playing through a projector.

The once-happy images of Ravi smiling and Eloa lovingly looking at her became distorted.

Those crumpled memories of happiness now emitted a metallic scent, stinging her nose and painting the view red.

Eloa looked down.

Beneath her, Ravis body was laid down.

Unlike usual, she looked a little lighter.

Her temperature was much colder.

And she laid there, motionless.

She wasthere

Covered in blood with her womb torn apart. Eloa helplessly pulled her into an embrace.

Just from a slight carelessness, she had lost the most important thing to her.

Foolish, reckless, arrogant Eloa.

Eloa Tiphereth, foolish one.

Did you think that the thing you cherish would last forever?

You must not have expected your arrogance and carelessness would lead to such a tragedy.

The womans mocking voice reverberated, piercing her ears like a shrill scream.

After knocking on the door and receiving permission, they opened the door and entered the room again.

Then, what unfolded was a repeat from earlier.

Master! We have a favor to ask!

As Albireo watched the twins behaving like obedient puppies, she couldnt help but hide her smile.

Trying to distract herself by scratching her forehead with the tip of her quill, she then dipped the quill back to the inkwell.

What are you cheeky brats up to today? You even kicked the door open and all.

We didnt kick the door, Master!

Yeah! We just gave it a little push!

Both of them seemed to be on the same page, eager to show that they hadnt been acting rudely.

Sure, sure, just be more careful next time. So, what is it that you want?

Their cute display had brought some much-needed joy to the Countess, making her willing to consider almost all of their requests.

However, the twins remained silent, not uttering a word.

Odile gave Odette a nudge, urging her to speak up.

It seemed like the former had won their silent rock-paper-scissors game.

M-Master, do you know what day tomorrow is?

Of course I do. Its our little darlings birthday, isnt it? Ive already arranged for a fancy cake from Kipushi Bakery for you two.

Usually, just hearing about a special cake from Kipushi would make the twins cheer loudly, but their reaction this time was rather lukewarm.

This made Albireo suspect that there was something going on with them.

She guessed that they had more to discuss than a simple birthday request for tomorrow.

T-Thats great, but, umwe have something specific we want as a birthday gift

Is that so? You can go ahead and tell me.


Seeing her sister hesitating, Odile, unable to hold back her impatience, stepped forward with confidence.

Master, for our birthday present this year, we want to go to the modern world and have some fun!

Their request was exactly what Albireo had anticipated.

This was the reason why they chose to approach Albireo directly at this hour as they knew that she was more lenient compared to the strict Deneb.

In this late night, Deneb would usually be locked away in her lab, engrossed in her magic research.

Playing the weak card in negotiation before getting to the favor, huh? Albireo mused, admiring their unusual cleverness.

She casually folded her arms before asking,

Be honest. Do you want to go to the modern world, or do you want to meet with Assistant Shin Siwoo?

Meet with Mr. Assistant.

Im sorry, but the answer is no, regardless of the options you chose.

It wasnt a surprising response,

After all, the modern world was a dangerous place.

Even experienced witches were in danger of being attacked by criminal exiles, and Homunculi, and the danger was even more so for mere apprentices like the twins.

Duchess Tiphereth herself lost her own apprentice due to a momentary lapse of vigilance, there was no way Albireo would carelessly give them her permission,

M-Master, please! We promise we wont do anything strange! You can even monitor us closely!

Thats right! Not seeing Mr. Assistant for five whole years? Thats unfair! Its only been 141 days and its already tough on us

Hes our friend! A friend!

Despite hearing Albireos firm answer, the twins kept on pleading. In the first place, they realized that obtaining her permission wouldnt be easy.

They earnestly shared various reasons to convince her, all the reasons that they had prepared prior to this.

Meeting face-to-face and addressing lingering doubts would be more beneficial than leaving things unresolved, at least they believed so.

In their persuasion, they even mentioned that just by glancing at the Assistants face could motivate them to study even harder.

Not only that, their curiosity about the modern world and their eagerness to learn something new would also fuel their determination.

They even proposed that the visit wouldnt necessarily need to be on their birthday, as they could just accompany her whenever she planned to visit Korea.

Furthermore, they expressed their concern about their dear assistant living by his lone self in the modern world.

And many more.

They stated at least fifty different reasons on, Why we need to meet Mr. Assistant.

Please, Master We have been attentive and well-behaved recently

Yeah! If you grant us this request, well work twice no, thrice as hard!


Albireo thoughtfully considered as she rubbed her chin.

Go back for now, I need more time to think it over.


Yeah. Also, this is not a decision I can make by myself. Ill consult with Deneb.

The twins widened their eyes, not expecting her to actually consider their request.

Its late so go back to bed. Ill give you two the answer before your birthday ends.

Okay! Thank you!

Thank you so much, Master!

They beamed with satisfaction at their accomplishment.

Like job applicants at the end of an interview, they bowed politely before leaving Albireos office.


In reality, this matter had always been a dilemma for her.

She didnt show it, but she did notice the sadness in the twins heart, and more importantly, she felt a little guilty for throwing the Gemini Households benefactor into a somewhat solitude life in another world.

But, she had to consider the risk of doing so, that was why she couldnt simply nod her head.

Well, maybe keeping an eye on them from the sidelines wouldnt hurt.

Given their personalities, they might decide to run away without a word.

Since thats the case, it wouldnt be a bad idea to give them some lenience under supervision

Her dilemma only deepened as she contemplated the situation.