Chapter 295: Coming Back (3)

Name:City of Witches Author:
Chapter 295: Coming Back (3)


Due to an unexpected appearance of a third party...

Siwoo became bewildered.

So was the witch whose name he didn’t know.

“W-Wait...! Is that really you? THE Witch of Fortune? Cybele Periwinkle...?”

“Thanks for introducing me on my behalf, but why are you looking at me like that? Do you want my autograph or something?”

“Sure! An autograph from you would be awesome! But...wait, what is this about killing the Cowardly Witch?”

As usual, she was clad in a revealing and seductive dress.

Periwinkle then strutted over with an air of arrogance. Her heels clacked against the floor, as if announcing, ‘Look at me, I’m the hottest bitch here!’, then she casually positioned herself right next to Siwoo.

“You have no clue how dangerous the guy you’re flirting with is, do you?”

“U-Um, I...”

“You witches who spend all your time in Gehenna are behind on the news it seems. Do you know about the Red Knight that was under the Cowardly Witch’s control? This guy right here was the one who took it down, you know?”

“No way! They said it was Duchess Tiphereth who killed the Cowardly Witch...”

Periwinkle looked down at the witch, who was a head shorter than her, then flashed a relaxed smile.

“Alright, if you say so, why don’t you have a go, then? I’ll be your referee to keep it fair and square.”

The witch glanced at Siwoo’s face.

As if trying to gauge whether Periwinkle was serious or bluffing.

“C’mon, why are you hesitating now? It sounds fun, no? The winner will get to do whatever they want to the loser, also, before the duel, you two need to agree that both of you don’t mind getting hurt during the thing. So, what do you say?”

“J-Just wait a minute...”

The witch, who had been on her high horse earlier, suddenly spoke in a more subdued tone. Her initial bravado had faded away.

No matter how confident she was as a witch facing a man...

If that man had truly killed the Cowardly Witch...

Moreover, the one who delivered the news was a Grand Witch, Periwinkle...

She couldn’t just shrug it off lightly.

“I-I suddenly have urgent matters to attend to, s-so I’ll take my leave now... H-Hahaha...”

“Sure thing. Take my autograph with you.”

Periwinkle casually grabbed a pen and scribbled on a business card. Then, she slipped it into the witch’s cleavage.

It was like she was giving a tip to a stripper.

“Kyaa! Thank you, thank you!”

The witch, who Siwoo thought would lash out in anger due to such a humiliating act, instead disappeared into the distance with sparkling eyes after receiving the business card.

Periwinkle watched her with an amused gaze, then turned around to face Siwoo.

“Funny, isn’t it? Seriously, who does she think am I, a fortune pig? This is why I hate Gehenna. Everyone’s like, ‘Please hold my hand~ Give me an autograph~ Kiss me~’”

“It’s great to see you again, Ms. Periwinkle, thanks for your help. But, about the Red Knight...”

“Oh, I know, I know, don’t worry, I was just messing around with her.”

She then reached out and straightened his clothes.

“You made it out alive, Shin Siwoo, you Wild Horsey.”

After saying that, she flashed him a wide grin, revealing her pearly white teeth.


The Coiled Serpent Inn, first floor.

Siwoo and Periwinkle, each holding a wooden beer mug, clinked them together in a toast for their long-awaited reunion.

“Now I know why the portal malfunctioned as soon as I entered Gehenna. It was all to meet up with you here, hm?”

Cybele Periwinkle casually tossed out a line that could be passed up as a pickup line.

She had saved Siwoo and Sharon’s lives once, and later, she granted him a four-leaf clover to save his life once again.

In a sense, she became his benefactor and he owed her a lot for saving his lives twice.

He had been surrounded by gazes that treated him like a strange and rare specimen, so now that he found a familiar face, he felt a sense of relief washed over him.

While at first, she was treating him the same way as those strangers, after their night together, she seemed to see him as her equal.

“How have you been all this time?”

“Me? Oh, I’ve been enjoying myself in Guam until a business matter brought me here. What about you?”

“Same here, I need to take care of some things here.”

Now that they were here, he could feel how much of a unique vibe Periwinkle gave off.

With her ultramarine hair, eyes and black dress...

Though she hadn’t worn anything made out of gold, the shabby bar she sat in seemed to shine like a treasure trove just because of her existence here.Rêađ latest cha/p/ters on no/v/e/l(b)in(.)c/o/m

As if this place right here was in a separate space from everything else.

With her chin propped on her hand and legs crossed, Periwinkle tapped her high heels.

“You’re still not good at leading conversations, huh? If only you can be as good at it as you’re in bed.”

After she brought up sex out of the blue, she set her beer glass down.

She let her heel drop down from its precarious perch on her toe and smoothly slid her foot between Siwoo’s legs.

Though her invitation was crystal clear, Siwoo discreetly declined it, sensing that this wasn’t the right moment.

When his hand brushed against her foot, she let out a giggle, as if it tickled her.

“Because my master is waiting for me up there.”

“Your master...? Who?”

“Duchess Tiphereth.”

At that comment, she shifted her gaze slightly upward.

Then, she went silent for a moment, as if she was trying to process what she had just heard. After a while, her mouth opened wide, as if she had finally figured something out.

“Y-You... N-No way! Y-You hooked up with Duchess Tiphereth?!”

She stumbled over her words, completely shocked by the snowball effect that her pink clover had brought.

At that moment, Siwoo realized that she completely misunderstood him, so he quickly attempted to clarify the situation.

But, he actually had done it with his master.

That fact made him hesitate to say anything, making Periwinkle think that her conjecture was the truth, so she stuck her tongue out.

“Look at you, acting like it’s nothing... Anyway, you’re quite the player, huh?”

“I’ve misunderstood something, that’s not what happened at all.”

“So, you didn’t do it with her?”

He lamented the fact that Periwinkle had caught on to it quickly.

Still, he needed to protect his master’s reputation, so he decided to throw a lie here.

“No, I didn’t.”

“So you did. You know, you really suck at lying.”

But she saw through him in an instant.

With her eyes still wide in disbelief, Periwinkle’s mind wandered.

Any thoughts of sex had long since disappeared as she murmured something to herself.

“That stubborn Duchess...? No way... Even with the pink clover... Just how...?”

“Anyway, it’s great to see you after such a long time. See you again.”

“Now, wait a minute!”

Periwinkle grabbed Siwoo’s sleeves as he stood up, yanking him back down on the chair.

“Seriously, tell me the truth. Did you do it?”

“I didn’t though!”

“You definitely did... But how?”

Even though he knew that she had seen through his lie, Siwoo still denied her words.

Still, the truth was so unbelievable that Periwinkle herself found it hard to believe.

That was why she was all confused like this.

Anyway, he figured that she wasn’t the talkative type, and since it would be better to clear any possibility of misunderstandings and unsavory rumors from spreading out...

“Heh, alright, I’ll tell you the truth... I did it.”


“I’m not! What do you take me for?!”

And so, Siwoo slowly and carefully explained the sequence of events to Periwinkle, who was clearly bewildered.

Gradually, she began to understand and accept his explanation.

At the end of his story, she nodded in relief, regaining some of her composure.

“I see... So that’s what happened...”

“Keep this a secret, okay?”

“Oh, c’mon~! Do you think my tongue is loose like that? I’ll only open my mouth when you eat me in bed, you know?”

But maybe it would have been better for him if she had stopped there.

“How could I, a mere mortal, refuse a request from the heart thief Shin Siwoo... Also... Seriously, this is just too shocking, even for me.”

In any case, she regained her playful spirit and started teasing Siwoo again.


She chugged the last of her beer and got up from her seat.

Probably figured that this wasn’t a situation she should meddle in.

“It’s good to see you too, I’m really glad that you’re okay.”

“Don’t mention it. Thank you for everything, Ms. Periwinkle.”

“Well, I actually want to ask if I could try it with the Duchess in bed... But I guess that’s out of the question, huh?”

“Yeah, not happening.”

After making that provocative statement which made Siwoo’s head spin, Periwinkle grabbed her purse and handed him something.

A business card, but it was different from the one she gave him before.

On it was a strange sequence of numbers.

“Well, you know there’s no signal in Gehenna, right? Can’t even make a call and stuff.”

“Yeah, I know. I’ll get in touch.”

After he received her crystal ball’s contact info so they could communicate remotely, she gave her a quick peck on the cheek and grinned.

“You’re not stopping me from doing this?”

“Figured I should at least let you this much. Take care.”

Just like her storm-like entrance, her exit also left an impression just like a storm. She then disappeared from the /genesisforsaken