Chapter 147: Last Class Standing (3)

Chapter 147: Last Class Standing (3)

Last Class Standing (3)

The inter-class competition, despite its grand name, was one of the blander and gentler events at the academy.

While the fair was a fierce rivalry where nobles staked their pride and while the practical exams were life-altering challenges for commoner students, the inter-class competition lacked both pride and profit. After all, the winning class would naturally emerge as everyone just played along, so why pour a lot of effort into it?

But for the past three years, including this one, the winner wasnt determined automatically but had to be chosen manually.

Even though its called a competition, its about walking together and learning from each other. Someday, all of you thats gathered here will lead the empire and, more broadly, the continent. Therefore, as an elder, I wish for this competition to be a platform for harmony and not rivalry.

Thanks to this, the principals opening speech was long and touching, moving enough to bring tears to the listeners heart. There would normally be no need for such a lengthy speech, but it was necessary to prevent the atmosphere of the competition from overheating.

What a hardship in his later years.

I looked sympathetically at the principals figure as he delivered his pitiful speech. The vice principal beside me probably shared the same sentiment.

Being the academys principal was the pinnacle of ones career. They would be the mayor of the city centered around the academy and the head of the empires top educational institution. It was an honorable and noble position. In the field of education, only the Minister of Education could rival this status.

Of course, this meant nothing compared to the royal family. What did it matter if you were a principal? The royal family could command civil servants with a mere gesture. And since their well-being was at stake, it was pretty understandable why the principal acted this way.

A healthy dose of competition and spirit of victory are catalysts for progress. But remember, today isnt your only opportunity.

The principal emphasized again not to get overly excited.

The speech was repetitive and tedious, but it couldnt be helped. The atmosphere among the first years was tense, especially since Rutis and Lather were confirmed to participate in the four-person event. Specifically, only the classes of Rutis and Lather were involved.

With these two royals throwing their hats in the ring, the favorites for victory narrowed down to their respective classes, and now their classmates were effectively conscripted as bodyguards who were fighting for the honor of the royals.

Behaving casually in such a prestigious and solemn event? It would almost be similar to indirectly announcing ones withdrawal from social circles. They would probably rather participate in the competition with gritted teeth.

What a mess.

The principal probably thought the same, but it honestly didnt seem like it would be effective. I just hope no one loses a limb or something. Maybe I should say a prayer.

May it be a pleasant memory.

With that mixture of anxiety and prayers, the inter-class competition began.

The competition didnt have the slaughter and frenzy permitted by the principal that some joked about as soon as it started.

Fortunately, the royalty were only participating in the last event, so there was no need to worry too much. Given the academys predominantly noble student body, the other events werent too rough either.

Or should I say that these were considered rough?

Theyre really coming up with everything.

I could hear the thundering of horse hooves from a distance.

Eighteen horses were racing across the academys grand sports field. The first event of the inter-class competition, a horse race, had begun.

Theyre doing well.

As I absentmindedly watched, a deep-seated trauma stirred in the back of my mind.

The sight before me, with less than twenty horses, seemed almost cute in comparison. Back in the north, I had seen thousands charging in unison. That was truly horrifying. And it was even worse because I wasnt watching from the side but head-on.

In the end, we somehow managed to win. But Im still baffled at how we caught those things. The Invincible Duke is indeed amazing

While I was lost in thought, a rider crossed the finish line. It was a blonde noblewoman riding a black horse.

The first to finish isIrina Yorun from Class 1-3!


I couldnt help but be impressed. So Irina is a good rider.

Irina smiled and waved her hands in all directions, looking even more majestic as she was sitting on the large, black horse.

The principals expression softened a bit, perhaps feeling a sense of relief.

The inter-class competition wasnt a one-day event, but at least one day had passed without incident. That was enough reason to be happy. Hopefully, the small joys of these overworked civil servants wont be taken away.

That being said, the last morning event had just finished.

Since the afternoon events are a while away, would you like to have lunch?

Thank you for the offer, but I still have other duties.

I see.

I nodded at the principals response. Indeed, other academy tasks dont disappear just because of the inter-class competition.

Unfortunately, this was the same for Marghetta. It felt a bit awkward to join the members for lunch; itd be as if I was an adult who was intruding on kids mealtimes.

So, I went alone. If I wasnt with Marghetta or the members, then I had no one else to dine with. Itd be better to eat quickly and return before meeting anyone else.

Unnie, arent you eating?

I ate earlier.

Then, can I eat it all?

Yes. You have a competition later. Eat everything.

I didnt expect to meet another person before I even picked up my fork.

This was surprising. I thought that everyone would be caught up in the sports day atmosphere and would be eating outside. I didnt expect to find anyone here.

Whats this situation?

Two students were huddled outside the cafeteria, and I could hear them whispering something.

I couldnt just ignore them and walk into the cafeteria, especially after overhearing their conversation. I already ate sounded like what someone who was actually starving would say.

After some thought, I approached them. An academy student struggling to get a proper meal was not just an issue for the academy, but a problem for the empire as well. Being at the academy meant that the student was either a noble or a talented commoner.

Neither should be in a position to starve.

Hearing me approach, the older student who was referred to as unnie hurriedly turned around.

It would be rude to compare her to a startled meerkat, but thats what she reminded me of.

Whats wrong, unnie?

The younger one who was munching earnestly turned to her sister. But the sister, her face pale with fright, couldnt respond.

I expected this.

I almost sighed at the predictable reaction. I didnt avoid contact with the other students for no reason. My dual role as the Executive Manager of the Prosecutors Office and the academys Prosecutor made even the staff wary of me, let alone the students.

As I took another cautious step, the sister visibly flinched.

If anyone saw this, theyd probably think I was bullying a child.


*Kheshig An elite guard unit that served the Mongol emperors during the Mongol Empire (13th century), which was renowned for its cavalry.

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