Chapter 173: In the Midst of Rebellion (2)

Chapter 173: In the Midst of Rebellion (2)

༺ In the Midst of Rebellion (2) ༻

I did complain about it, after all. I said that I couldn’t become mad just to understand their madness and that I had no way to identify an internal spy since I wasn’t particularly skilled in investigating.

Yes. These were my thoughts and also traps I set for myself at the same time.

‘Damn it.’

Was it even necessary to collect those clues so obsessively?

Because of that, two people who were skilled in inquiry and also mad emerged. It was no different from making a declaration that I had no regrets, only to die the very same day.

— Hehe, the Executive Manager looks touched.

— Oh dear, he must have felt lonely.

Their teasing was evident in their voices, driving me to the brink of madness. Why did it have to be them out of all the managers?

‘I guess I’m stuck with these idiots.’

As insane as they might be, they wouldn’t visit the academy just for fun. Given the timing, it must be related to the Red Wave.

So while my heart denied it, my mind agreed. Indeed, these two were the best choices for the current situation.

The 2nd Manager was skilled in gathering information, while the 1st Manager efficiently handled matters. Force wasn’t necessary right now, and they were the perfect candidates.

“...Why are you coming here?”

Still, I asked, hoping against hope. Perhaps they’ve reached a critical point and came without orders.

— Ta-da!

And my futile hope was crushed by a piece of paper that was presented by the 1st Manager.


I understood it at a glance. It was a cooperation request from the Minister of Intelligence, approved by the Minister of Finance. It was an official dispatch order.

So they weren’t completely mad after all. It’s supposed to be good news, but why do I feel sad?

— This is normally a job for the Ministry of Intelligence, but they requested our assistance since they’re swamped. Since you’re also at the academy, they thought it’d be better for someone compatible to go.

I nearly grabbed the back of my neck at the 2nd Manager’s words. Shouldn’t their compatibility mean they shouldn’t be sent?

“Damn it.”

I think I understood why the Ministry of Intelligence was busy. They were tied up in the North, leaving us short-staffed domestically.

Whenever something terrible happened in my life, the North was to blame most of the time. Those useless troublemakers.

— Then, Executive Manager! We’ll see you soon!


I nodded weakly, knowing I couldn’t stop them. I understood the importance of giving up early.

Though I was far from ready to abandon hope, it was necessary.

“I’m going to lose my mind.”

I muttered after confirming that the communication was cut. The Red Wave was trouble enough, but now the 1st and 2nd managers were coming too?

They were meant to be reinforcements against the Red Wave, so why did they feel like a burden? Objectively, they should be helpful, but...

‘Those brats aren’t normal.’

It hit me again; those guys weren’t normal. Who smiled like that when coming to meet their superior?

They really were a perplexing bunch.


I hadn’t visited the principal’s office since my probation. It was a place that was better off not visited for the sake of peace, much like the commander’s office or a professor’s lab.

Unfortunately, I now had to visit it because it was no longer peaceful.

“The Red Wave, you say?”

“Yes, that’s right.”

Unlike when we dealt with the Third Honor during the fair, I informed the principal about the Red Wave.

Back then, spreading the word would have only caused a commotion, and we were fully intent on intercepting them before they could approach the academy. But this time was different.

With the possibility of external invasion and internal unrest, it was essential for the owner to know if there were spies in their front yard.

“Support from the Prosecutors’ Office is also on its way.”

‘The pitiful side should bear it.’

Still, it was better than having the surprise of them suddenly showing up in the club room unannounced. Who knew where they might end up otherwise?

— Executive Manager, do you really miss me that much?

“Shut it.”

The 1st Manager’s interpretation of my words and her action of twirling her hair was particularly annoying. Miss her? What nonsense was that?

My blunt response prompted the 1st Manager to pout and then hit the 2nd Manager, who was laughing beside her.

— Hey, why are you hitting me?!

— Don’t ask me. Who told you to be there?

I kind of liked this. Go on, hit him more.

The 2nd Manager groaned and was pushed out of the communication crystal’s view as they bickered. No, it was more like he took a one-sided beating.

“Why’s he so weak all of a sudden?”

The 2nd Manager wasn’t specialized in combat, but he shouldn’t be losing to the 1st Manager like this.

— He says he hasn’t regained his strength yet.

“That’s unfortunate.”

The reason was sadder than I expected. It seemed like he hadn’t recovered from the aftereffects of the North.

That was correct. After all, the North was a harsh place. Surviving an encounter with the Chauzid tribe and not dying was an achievement in itself.

“So, how far have you come?”

My sympathy for the 2nd manager lasted a mere three seconds before I quickly shifted the topic.

Well, it must not be too serious if he had been dispatched. The empire preferred to utilize its civil servants efficiently rather than wearing them out quickly.

— We’re in Baron Rivac’s territory, so we’ll arrive in about two more days.

“That’s soon.”

I wondered if we could prepare their identities in two days, but it should be quick since the Principal himself was handling it.

As I nodded with that thought, the 1st Manager’s smirking face came into view.

“What’s with that smile?”

I haven’t worked together with her for two years just for nothing. By now, I could guess why she was smiling just by looking at her face.

I could tell by her smile when she was about to make fun of me, when she was just smiling for no reason at all, or when she was angry.

This time, she was smiling because of her excitement. She had the look of someone who couldn’t contain themselves over something they wanted to do.

— I’ve heard a lot of rumors about the Red Wave, and I’ll be seeing them for the first time!

And most of the time, that excitement was about discovering a new ‘collection.’

Cheerfully announcing this, the 1st Manager reached out and pushed a pouch toward me.

— I made sure to bring it this time!

“Ah, right.”

I glanced over at the familiar object. She actually brought it.

She came prepared compared to when we dealt with the Third Honor.

‘Her torture diary...’

That item was the 1st Manager’s favored tool of torture and the diary where she recorded interrogations she deemed memorable.

— Hehe, how many spies do you think there are?

Seeing this, I had a hunch. It didn’t matter whether there were many spies or just one. After all, they were likely going to end up being dissected like parts of Exodia.

She must have been quite bored lately.

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