Chapter 208: Having Two Mothers Must Be Nice (3)

Chapter 208: Having Two Mothers Must Be Nice (3)

I had prepared for the possibility of the Mage Duchess staying at the castle, but fortunately, things were back to normal by evening.Ne/w novel chapters are p/u/blished on no/vel(/bin(.)c/o/m

Of course, the Mage Duchess must be busy with matters at the Magic Tower. Spending a few hours here was one thing, but dedicating an entire day would be too much.

"This has been the most enjoyable time I've had recently. Thank you for your hospitality, ma’am."

Just before leaving, the Mage Duchess bowed politely, and I almost instinctively bowed back.

It was an overly gracious gesture. While I had gotten used to her respect, receiving such respect through actions and not just words still felt unfamiliar.

"I feel the same way. It was an invaluable time, Your Grace."

I slightly bowed my head, trying to hold back from bowing fully.

Would it have been any better if I were a mage? Time spent with the greatest mage on the continent would be worth more than gold to any mage.

Meeting a vastly superior predecessor would be nerve-wracking, but I imagine that the cold-hearted mages would focus on the benefits.

I’m having pointless thoughts.

Of course, these thoughts were meaningless since I was just an ordinary person.

"Thank you for saying that."

The Mage Duchess, smiling gently at my reply, took something out from her robe.

"Ma’am, this is a small token of my appreciation. Please accept it."

"Thank you."

I accepted what the Mage Duchess handed me before I could think. It felt a bit embarrassing, but it couldn't be helped. Refusing something directly given by the Mage Duchess would be inappropriate, and unnecessary hesitation would only trouble her.

The Mage Duchess’s smile deepened, seemingly even more satisfied by my straightforward acceptance. She might have been offended if I had declined.

A badge?

I belatedly examined the item. It was metallic, clean, and white, reminiscent of the Mage Duchess.

Though it appeared plain, it was clearly no ordinary item.


Despite its simple appearance, it emanated a strong aura.

The aura was so strong that I could sense its power even with my basic understanding of mana. Moreover, the subtle glow of mana was visible to the naked eye.

...So, what was this?

"Your Grace, pardon me, but what is this...?"

It was extraordinary. Unless it was a knight's sword energy or a mage's spell, seeing mana with the naked eye was nearly impossible.

It was fascinating, but also confusing. Wouldn't such an item be better suited for the Magic Tower? Why was she giving it to me?

I had to ask since I was unable to discern its purpose or identity.

"It's a token of gratitude."

The Mage Duchess answered calmly, almost as if she was pleased I asked.

"This badge signifies that you are my benefactor. If you show it to the Catoban duchy or the Magic Tower, they will prioritize your convenience above all else."

Despite her calm tone, the weight of her words was immense.

My hand holding the badge trembled again. The Mage Duchess's benefactor? Prioritized by the Catoban duchy and the Magic Tower?


I lost count of how many times I felt dizzy.

This was a treasure that didn’t even need to be used. Even just possessing it would grant immense power.

Receiving the highest priority from the Mage Duchess’s family meant that it would be quicker to find something impossible to do than to find something achievable. My position in the political and social circles would also expand rapidly.

Furthermore, the Magic Tower was the pinnacle of magic on the continent. With its support, I could prioritize receiving all kinds of magical tools and assistance from mages. It would be a tremendous boon for the entire county.

"Your Grace, this is too much. A benefactor?"

I was stunned for a moment, but I quickly made up my mind.

I tried to immediately return the small token as soon as I realized its power. This wouldn't do. It was a treasure too precious to keep.

Of course, the Krasius family wasn't so weak that we couldn't safeguard a single treasure. However, this token was meant for a benefactor. I hadn't done enough for the Mage Duchess to deserve this.

It must mean future favors.

I tightened my grip on the token. If we received something, then we must also give something in return. If we were accepting such a treasure from the Mage Duchess, then we had to reciprocate with equal sincerity.

And that sincerity would most likely be in the form of Carl.

...He’ll manage.

Carl was such a smart and warm-hearted child; he would be able to overcome this without my help.

I trust that he will.

Knock, knock—

I heard a knock on the door just as I was about to close my eyes.


Billy's voice from outside made my eyes snap open.

I had momentarily forgotten about this traitor.

Is he back now?

How annoying. If he had returned a few days later, then I might have thought that he was really busy. But coming back on the same day, and just after the Mage Duchess left?

I couldn’t let this slide. Separate rooms it was. I felt determined not to see his face for a while.

"Come in."

Suppressing my anger, I called out, and the door opened cautiously.

"Wife. I came just in time. Did you just wake up?"

Billy smiled, holding a bouquet and a small box in his hands.

"What’s that?"

"I saw these on my way back and brought them. The flower shop we visited during our engagement is still around."

Billy mentioned the shop as he handed me the bouquet.

"And the box?"

"Your favorite desserts. I got them from a café recommended by Count Horfeld."

He even mentioned my taste as he showed me a box with an elegant pattern.

The corners of my mouth twitched upward at the sight.


"Yes, wife?"

Billy replied softly, noticing my change in demeanor.

"Stop with the sweet talk and get out."

Faced with my resolute words, he meekly left the room.

He does put in effort.

Still, considering his effort, maybe I should reduce the separate room punishment from a week to three days.


Mother contacted me.

— Carl. Don’t overthink things. Just do what you want.

"Ah, yes. Thank you."

The day after I heard that the Mage Duchess had gone to the county of Tailglehen, Mother contacted me with a surprisingly calm face.

This was unexpected. Wasn't she the one pestering Erich to find out what was going on? I thought that she would be in a state of extreme confusion after seeing the Mage Duchess.

— Whatever decision you make, I'll support you. There's no need to rush.


What a strange statement. Why was she saying that she would support any decision I made at this time? She had even chosen Marghetta for me.

Could it be magic?

The thought crossed my mind. Did the Mage Duchess bewitch Mother?

No, the Mage Duchess wouldn't stoop to such petty tactics...

Then how?

Had she won Mother over and swayed her to a neutral stance without using magic?

That would be even scarier. I'd rather it be /genesisforsaken