Chapter 214: My Name Is... (2)

Chapter 214: My Name Is... (2)

I quietly turned to look at the Executive Manager. It seemed that my plan to surprise him with something out of the ordinary was successful, seeing how he kept glancing at Eli.

It worked.

Of course it did. I planned this myself; there was no way it would fail.

The Executive Manager wasn't the type to lose his composure around women, but it was only natural to do a double-take when someone you knew well dressed differently.

Moreover, Eli was a beauty. I wasn’t saying this as her senior, but from an objective standpoint. Even though her personality and mannerisms were somewhat unbecoming, she was a beauty that everyone would admire once she placed effort into her appearance.

Then, I turned my attention to Eli.

...Should I kill her?

That thought sprang to mind the moment I saw her.

_Hold it in,_my rational self said. Everything would be ruined if I got angry now.

This is so frustrating.

I couldn't help but clench my fist. I even ended up scratching the plate with my knife.

I felt like I was about to explode. The usually talkative girl was just sitting there silently like she was praying in church.

Why are you just sitting there with your mouth shut?

Sure, I told her to act differently, and that quiet demeanor was certainly different. But did she really have to do that now?

I took a sip of wine, barely holding back a sigh. She was usually so noisy, so why was she suddenly obedient now?

This wouldn't do. Eli needed to be striking enough to draw the Executive Manager's attention. She should combine her usual lively chatter with her new appearance. Just being different wasn't enough.

Speak up already.

I desperately glared at Eli and she shivered, perhaps feeling my stare.

Instead of trembling, she should use her mouth. Did she want to be the one throwing the bouquet, or the one catching it?

There won't be a next time.

Failing here meant more than just missing an opportunity. This was a place implicitly endorsed by the Crown Prince and Princess, and the element of surprise due to her new appearance could only be used once.

If Eli didn't speak up now, then there would never be another chance for her to confess. It was no different from trying to walk to a place you couldn't reach even by carriage.

"The Executive Manager seems to have many connections with beautiful women."

Just as I was contemplating flipping the table to change the atmosphere, His Highness spoke.

It was a blunt remark that could provoke the Executive Manager. However, it was a blessing in disguise right now. Emphasizing that many people were after the Executive Manager might finally get Eli to act.

As expected, Eli flinched at His Highness's words.

"...It’s an honor I don’t deserve."

The Executive Manager, who had paused for a moment, spoke calmly.

He's flustered.

Looking closely, the corner of his eyes twitched slightly. Despite his words, he seemed quite shaken inside.

I'm sorry, Executive Manager.

After apologizing to him inwardly, I opened my mouth. Attacking him together with His Highness felt a bit mean, but I was doing this for my junior's sake.

Besides, I believed that this was also for the Executive Manager's benefit in the long run. Wasn't this giving him a chance to get a pretty and lively bride like Eli? Thus, it was definitely for his benefit.

"Fufu, that’s indeed true. With Lady Marghetta, the Mage Duchess, and Lady Elizabeth, there's quite a lineup."

With that, the Executive Manager's gaze turned to Eli.

Yes, this was how it should be. I needed to keep mentioning Eli and make the Executive Manager look at her more.

Nothing would happen if none of them acted. Shy crushes and destiny-driven connections only existed in fairy tales. Results didn't come from passiveness.

"Yes, the 1st Manager seems to have quite a lineup herself. I wonder who’ll end up with her."

The Executive Manager, after a moment of contemplation, spoke softly.

Eli was currently my guest. So even though it seemed like he was just being polite rather than sincere, it didn't matter. The important thing was that he said something positive.

Now's the time.

I turned to Eli again. Say something. At least something like, ‘You should end up with me, Executive Manager!’


But Eli only let out a silly laugh and quietly sipped her wine.


Should I kill her?

Don't hold it in, my rational self.

Today was Eli's last supper. Let’s just wait until tomorrow.

She lifted her head and smiled awkwardly.

Of course, she didn't look better at all. Her face was flushed from the alcohol, and there were slight tears in her eyes. Was it from a headache? How much did she drink?

"I can walk by myself."

"Walking on all fours isn’t walking."

"I’m serious!"

The 1st Manager shouted and pushed my hand away, trying to walk on her own.

Of course, she didn't make it far before collapsing.

"Take my hand. If you’re going to lie down, do it on a bed."

Seeing her pitifully sitting on the ground made me sigh. I had been careful not to dirty her dress, but she ruined it herself in an instant.

All my efforts were wasted...

"Executive Manager..."

"What is it?"

"Executive Manageeeeer..."

However, she kept mumbling instead of taking my hand.

This annoyingly drunk habit of being difficult was wearing my patience thin.

"You won’t ever get married if you keep getting drunk like this."

With a small sigh, I grabbed her shoulders. It wouldn’t have mattered if she were wearing her Prosecutors’ Office’s uniform since people would avoid getting involved.

But a finely dressed lady acting like this could attract attention, and rumors about her sprawling on the ground could spread. Her chances of marriage might already be slim, but appearing undignified was unlikely to help.

"It’s fine... I probably won’t get married anyway..."

Her blunt self-awareness left me momentarily speechless.

Sure. I’d vaguely thought the same, but hearing it from her own mouth was a bit too much.

"What do you lack that you can’t get married? Where would anyone find someone like you?"

I encouraged her. Criticizing her was my right, but I wouldn’t let anyone else do it. Despite her self-deprecation, I wouldn't tolerate anyone looking down on my subordinate.

Besides, the 1st Manager had plenty of marriage-worthy qualities. Setting aside her personality, she was more than eligible.

Yes, apart from her personality.


Thankfully, my words seemed to comfort her a bit; she let out a small smile.

"So then... Executive Manager, could you marry me?"


I frowned at her unexpected question.

"I... I really like you, Executive Manager. So much..."

Undisturbed by my reaction, she continued, giggling.

"I’ve liked you since I first saw you... I really, really, really do... for two years..."

Suddenly, tears started streaming down her face.

"I liked you first... maybe not as much as Hecate, but still, more than anyone else..."

"1st Manager."

I patted her shoulder, trying to calm her down. She was out of her mind and was too drunk to control what she was saying.

Stopping her quickly was the polite thing to do. How embarrassed would she be once she sobered up?

"Don't call me 1st Manager!"

But she pushed my hand away and yelled, crying as if she were heartbroken.

"My name is... Elizabeth... not 1st Manager, but Elizabeth!"

Her words made me freeze.

"...I know, I know very well... that you only call me by my title... I know why..."

After shouting, she continued in a softer voice.

"But still... Not being called by my name by the man I love... do you know how sad that is?"

Tears streamed down her face as she smiled distortedly.

Her white hair looked especially feeble under the /genesisforsaken