CH 35

Name:Climb To The Top Author:
Jiang Ting’s new song ‘Today You Will Marry Me’ suddenly made a comeback and her reputation exploded. Her Weibo fans also increased significantly, from more than seven million to eight million in two days.

Although compared to the previous two songs, the ability to attract fans is weaker, the biggest bonus that the song brings to Jiang Ting is that some passers-by have Jiang Ting’s name in their eyes. Let many fans know that there is a singer named Jiang Ting in the music circle who sings very well and has a strong professional ability.

The overwhelming popularity of passersby made countless navies promote it as well and also made the fans of “National Couple” understand that Jiang Ting is still the unbeatable Jiang Ting. Only then did they realize how powerful this song is.

Compared with ‘Trouble Maker’ and ‘Miss Similar’, which only attract fans who like dance music and hip-hop, the scary thing about this song is that it is suitable for everyone. The melody of the song is catchy, the difficulty of learning is low, and it is widely circulated. It seems that these days, everyone can hear this song everywhere in the shops, in the streets, and in alleys.

Especially the barber shop on the street near the university town, people can hear it when they pass by. Who makes the trendy men and women like to listen to this song recently?

At the same time, it also symbolizes that Jiang Ting’s half-foot has officially entered the circle of mainstream music and is no longer limited to catering to fans.

Fans who really love Jiang Ting are naturally happy to see the success and overjoyed. In comparison, some people in the Anti-Jiang Alliance are not in a good mood. In the past few days, they have seen Jiang Ting’s new song data climb step by step, from the dangerous spot to strike back, and finally, successfully counterattack. Every hour someone broadcasts data on time and demand. Immediately, everyone felt like they had just picked up a lemon and the sour smell was visible to the naked eye.

Laugh it off: “It’s good luck that the cancer is gone, it can all turn around.”

Ruodian Jing: “Team Stone Hammer, whoever cooperates with her will be unlucky.”

Erduo Ake: “Disgusting, Jiang fans started dancing on the forum again.”

All kinds of sour comments from the Anti-Jiang Alliance also naturally flowed into Jiang Ting’s fan base.

In the evening, Liu Yu, the president of Jiang Ting’s National Support Club, notified the management of various departments and held a routine video conference with the Jiang Ting Support Club.

When Liu Yu heard the ridiculous remarks of the Anti-Jiang Alliance from others, she snorted coldly.

“Before, our family was busy with data, giving this group of trash fans a chance to spread rumors. A group of trash whose songs couldn’t even make it into the top 50 of the hot song list, had the face to say that the data of Ting Bao’s new song was muddled? It’s really the face that is as big as a basin.”

Seeing this, the heads of various departments of the support club replied to her one after another.

“President, it’s time to slap those bastards ‘Anti-Jiang Alliance’ clowns.”

“That’s right, President. I didn’t have time to deal with those bastards before, now I can free up my hands to clean them up.”

“President, these disgusting maggots must be taught a heavy lesson, so that they can recognize their identity as a bastard.”

The words of the heads department attracted Liu Yu’s attention. It seems that Jiang Ting fans did not care about the actions of the ‘Anti-Jiang Alliance’ before, but were busy making data for their own cooking, and they were exhausted.

Now, once they free their hands, they can not wait any longer. They all expressed their intention to strike hard and teach a lesson to those waste fans hiding on various forums.

Liu Yu thought about it and asked the leader of the anti-black team aloud.

“Xiaomi, these few days, I asked you to investigate who is behind the Anti-Jiang Alliance. Have you found it?”

At the other end of the video, the leader of the anti-black team, code-named ‘Xiaomi’, sneered.

“Almost found out. The first ones were Xu Ya fans, Xu Zhengxuan fans, and Sheng Kai fans. The two Xu fans are in the last position in the PK competition. I think they are jealous, so they spread rumors. As for Sheng Kai fans, they thought they were Xu Jiayin’s opponent and wanted to mess with Xu Jiayin, but someone took the rhythm and tore it on our family. Our family was implicated. They were the three who participated the most. As for the other families, although there were people involved, it’s not many. In addition, I also found out who is leading the rhythm in Sheng Kai’s fan group and guiding the opponent black material.”

Having said that, the leader of the anti-black team was full of anger.

“Who is it?” Everyone didn’t have time to ask Liu Yu, so they asked directly.

“It’s the rhythm of Xu Jiayin’s fans. A few days ago, Ting Ting’s new song data was not as good as the previous few times. The Anti-Jiang Alliance was just formed and Xu Jiayin’s fans were afraid of being implicated. Suddenly some fans spread in the Anti-Jiang Alliance that Ting Ting was a program tumor, a tyrant, etc. Face the news, they desperately want to divert attention and want to throw the bad pot of data on our heads. After a few days, I really didn’t see any negative news about Xu Jiayin.” The leader of the anti-black team thought when she got the news, she was simply mad.

Damn it, they are also the grasshoppers who are also standing on the same line and take the initiative to attack their family in order to protect their own family. It is really shameless. It is worthy of being the most insidious and shameless Xu fan in every fan circle.

The words of the leader of the anti-black team immediately made a group of cadres of the support club explode. They all cursed angrily.

“It’s really shameless. We haven’t thought that their family Xu Jiayin has weakened my Ting Ting and actually dare to take it backward?”

“Oh, which song of Tingting is not a big hit? But this time, the early data is a little worse than the previous ones. I think it was Xu Jiayin’s life that weakened and dragged down Ting Ting’s new song.”

“President, this must not be tolerated.”

The cadres of various departments of the Jiang Ting Support Club are really angry. There is nothing to be afraid of the two of Xu’s fans jumping into the clown and Sheng Kai’s fans are even more nothing to worry about. But they never expected that Xu Jiayin’s fans would have a hand behind the scenes, which is disgusting to everyone.

Regardless of whether there were conflicts between Xu Jiayin’s fans and Jiang Ting’s fans, in this PK competition, Jiang Ting and Xu Jiayin were naturally in the same camp, so the two fans must be bound together. But they never expected Xu fans to be so disgusting, they backhand stabbed Jiang Ting to divert attention.

Liu Yu’s face became ugly and she said coldly: “As expected of the ‘knives-inserting teaching’, it really can’t get on the stage. It seems that the lesson given to them last time was too light and I didn’t teach them how to behave.”

Liu Yu thought about it for a while, then asked: “This time, did the Chen Yi fans come down?”

The head of the anti-black team frowned and said, “A small number of fans have come down, but they haven’t blackened our family. On the contrary, they have been chasing and beating Xu Jiayin, which is probably why Xu fans diverted their attention and turned the pot on our family. Unexpectedly, although Chen Yi fans were a little faceless, they didn’t stab us in the back. But I don’t know why they did this?”

Then, at the meeting, the head of the propaganda department at the other end of the video also spoke.

“I know this. The Chen Yi fans team is now fully working hard for next week’s PK competition. So far, Chen Yi fans have been quietly taking advantage of the fact that other companies have ridiculed Ting Bao’s new song data a few days ago. On the Ting Bao voting page, they cast 2 million votes for their cooking and the number of votes is far ahead of all the male trainees.”

The words of the head of the propaganda department made Liu Yu look disgusted.

Although Chen Yi fans did not do anything this time, it does not mean that Jiang fans can forget Chen Yi’s blood-sucking behavior toward Ting Ting. After the stage, Chen Yi fans are still shamelessly saying, it was Chen Yi who changed his life against the sky and the dark horse turned black to the end.

In Jiang fan’s view, if he changes his life, it’s all Chen Yi fans who put gold on their cooking face.

In terms of ability, Chen Yi is not as good as Xu Jiayin in other aspects except for his good ability and more obedient person.

At least Xu Jiayin has a good view of the overall situation and has strong leadership skills. He cooperated with Xu Ya in the last issue and was led by him. He directly won second place in the hands of the on-site public judges. After cooperating with Ting Ting on this issue, he directly soared to first place.

Look at Chen Yi, leaving Ting Ting, this time he and Hong Shiyu’s PK stage is not as good as that of Lin Xinxiang and Liu Zhongming. He was the one who sucked blood on Jiang Ting.

At the same time, it is not difficult to understand why other families are fighting against Jiang in the alliance, but Chen Yi fans secretly voted for 200w for the best couple. Presumably, they also recognize the essence of their own blood-sucking. They did not grab it last time, so do they still want to suck it this time?

Thinking of this, Liu Yu spat fiercely and said.

“Bah, Chen Yi fans think so beautifully. Don’t they want to see Chen Yi’s match? This couple’s vote definitely must not let their family succeed.”

“Yes, Chen Yi is not worthy.”

At this time, someone asked: “Then, who are we voting for on this episode? Are we still voting for Xu Jiayin?”

Liu Yu shook her head and explained the situation by the way.

“Xu Jiayin must not vote. If Chen Yi fans are stupid, Xu Jiayin fans are poisonous. These two must not vote. Let everyone share their own opinions. When selecting candidates, professional ability is good enough. After all, if it’s a pig teammate, it can hinder Ting Ting.”

Liu Yu’s words aroused heated discussions among the fans in the support club and they immediately gathered to brainstorm.

“How about Sheng Kai? He is second in the qualification competition. The first PK competition was taken off by Zheng Qian, this time changing partners, it did not expect to take off with Lei Yunyun and won fifth place. ”

“Ugly rejection, poor character. My roommate was in junior high school with him in the early years, and he knew that Sheng Kai bullied his classmates in school. This kind of person with tainted may have a scandal one day. Then it will not be good for Ting Ting.”

“What about Xin Jiu?”

“It’s too weak. Anyone who cooperates with him will be unlucky. In addition, his ability is not good. It’s easy to fail during competitions.” Someone shook his head.

“Luo Tianning, Lin Yu?”

The team leader thought for a while and said. But before the others could express their opinions, she immediately looked embarrassed and said, “Well, just forget what I said. Maybe they will be eliminated in the next issue.”

Finally, someone silently nominated.

“How about Xu Zhengxuan?”

Someone looked disgusted, “You have no one to nominate? Xu Zhengxuan can not only sing but also dance badly. “

What’s more, she directly broke the news about Xu Zhengxuan’s fans, “His fans are too capable of acting like demons. When they were in the last PK competition, their eyes were too shallow and they were dissatisfied with Xu Zhengxuan’s cooperation with Lin Xinxiang. After that, they kicked Lin Xinxiang and switched to Xu Ya’s arms.”

“As a result, his heart is higher than the sky and his life is thinner than paper. Lin Xinxiang’s popularity skyrocketed after the team competition. This time, Lin Xinxiang and Liu Zhongming won second place, while Xu Zhengxuan and Xu Ya won the penultimate place. These two pairs can be regarded as complementing each other.” The person who said this was obviously gloating.

Even Liu Yu refused loudly, “No, this time the main force of the Anti-Jiang Alliance is the two Xu fans. Xu Zhengxuan is absolutely not allowed.”

The cadres of the support club looked at each other, sighed, and said silently.

“Then, the youngest Liu Zhongming is left.”

Why did everyone in the support club put Liu Zhongming, who was slowly rising in the show, as the last nomination?

Because it’s really too young, the only underage in the show, and the face is still tender. Thinking of the other party standing with Jiang Ting to perform together, everyone could not help laughing at how incongruous they looked.

No, someone immediately came out to sing the opposite.

“But… Liu Zhongming is too young and his face is tender. I can’t imagine Jiang Ting collaborating with him. The styles of Ting Ting’s previous songs were all sexy dance styles, but this time she is collaborating with Xu Jiayin is more cheerful, but it’s also a sweet love duet. He is an underage child and it is too incompatible with Ting Ting.”

Everyone in the support club has a headache. Jiang Ting’s loose fans do not have their leadership, so they all cast casually. But Jiang Ting’s main fans are all in the hands of the Jiang Ting National Support Club. It can be said that as long as the main fans come out, none of them can play.

However, these male trainees are worse than each other. Jiang Ting fans are really worried about why Jiang Ting participated in the “National Couple” instead of the girl group audition.

Just as everyone was deadlocked, a voice suddenly appeared.

“After Ting Ting’s new song counterattack, the Anti-Jiang Alliance has become a joke. I heard that Xu Zhengxuan’s fans want to turn around again and want to pull Lin Xinxiang back. And Xu Ya fans are also committed to robbing Liu Zhongming…” The sudden interjection of the head of the propaganda department broke the silence of everyone.

The air went straight for a few seconds.

Liu Yu, the president of Jiang Ting Support Club, had a gloomy face and gritted her teeth.

“Xu Ya fans and Xu Zhengxuan fans established the Anti-Jiang Alliance, thinking that if they disbanded, we would let them go? This is just thinking about shit. Liu Zhongming, let’s grab it, especially if we have to snatch it from Xu Ya fans. Let their teeth itch with hatred. In addition, we have to disturb Xu Zhengxuan and Lin Xinxiang’s team. I want them both to fail to achieve what they want.”

When Liu Yu said this, a sarcastic smile appeared on her face.

“As for Chen Yi fans and Xu Jiayin fans, these two idiots and white-eyed wolves, this time I want them to watch Liu Zhongming, who has less than a quarter of their fans, rides wildly on top of them on the last day of voting.”

Just after the Jiang Ting Support Club decided on the next action steps, suddenly the Jiang Ting Support Club Propaganda Department received a message, and the head of the propaganda department suddenly changed her face and shouted subconsciously.

“Look at the trending searches quickly.”

The topic of the first place in Weibo’s hot search is impressively written with the words #”NationalCouple”shady#. In an instant, it attracted the attention of everyone present.


Translator’s Comment:

Just imagine the meeting situation of the Jiang Ting Support Club. Why do I think it’s comparable to a country meeting during the war like the scene in the movie?

So thrilling Σ(°△°|||)︴