"Gu Hanzhou..."

She carefully read his name, he raised the corner of his mouth, the previously repressed breath suddenly disappeared.

He laughed and touched her head: "do not ask for your approval, I hope you can understand Yi Qing, she is really not easy. And Wen Yan has forgotten Bai Huanhuan. "

"What?" She exclaimed, "how could that be? Who did it? It's unfair to Huanhuan... "

"Bai Huanhuan knows that Christie went to see her and she didn't refuse. Wen Yan forgot her, so he agreed to marry Christie. They have a good relationship. They were engaged a month ago and are married now. "

When Xu yinuan heard this, he didn't know what it was like.

Bai Huanhuan even knew that Wen Yan had forgotten her.

She didn't stop it.

This is tantamount to pushing the beloved to others!

Is Bai Huanhuan's heart not painful?

If you let her hand over Gu Hanzhou, the pain must be heartrending.

When Huan Huan left, did you cry?

Can a person hold up?

She wanted to call her and ask her if it hurt.

But, she can't contact Bai Huanhuan.

"I can go with you, but I'm afraid I can't bless them."

"You accompany me well, I don't trust to leave you alone in the imperial capital."

Xu yinuan can't nod, and his heart is heavy.

I went back to clean up, sat for more than four hours, and finally arrived at manleton.

Gu Hanzhou took her to Wen's house, and she saw Christie.

The two of them just came back from shopping and bought a lot of things.

Christie saw her coming, took out a paper bag and said, "listen to Wen Yan that you will come today. I must have given you a present to see if you like it or not."

She opened it and found it was a riding suit.

"I'll ride another day."

She blinked playfully.

She nodded and forced to smile, which was not good.

She looked at Wen Yan, who put on glasses, a white shirt and light gray pencil trousers, showing that the whole person was very clean and sunny.

He grinned at her shyness and scratched her hair.

"Gu Hello, Miss Gu

"Uncle fool, here we are again."

Gu Gu on one side sighed and said helplessly.

Xu yinuan looks at him, and his thoughts suddenly return to a year ago.

When I first saw Wen Yan, he was like this!

Shy, shy, easy to blush when talking to girls.

"Hello, Wenyan."

"Are you two here today? I How dare I have There are still guests who are not visiting? "

"Wen Yan, if you look at a girl who can't speak, look to one side. Don't look at the girl's face. Try it." She suggested kindly and immediately replied, "there is no one left. We are the two of us today."

Memory can be touched, but the feeling at the bottom of my heart can also be erased?

Is Bai Huanhuan the guest Wen Yan is expecting?

She wanted to ask, but felt unreasonable.

She did not expect that the two of them, one far away, the other completely forgotten.

When Wen Yan heard this, he looked to one side and found that he could really answer.

He couldn't help feeling a little excited, and finally he could stop stuttering.


Just raised the corner of the mouth suddenly darkened.

Why is this practical?

Why do you seem familiar?

It seems that there is a girl who said the same to him.

It's just that his brain is blank, like being forced to erase by an eraser.

Pale and breathless.

Christie saw that his face was not good, and immediately stepped forward to hold his arm and said, "Wen Yan, I'll try on the wedding dress for you to see. It's just brought back today. You haven't seen the final version yet."


Wen Yan nodded pale, and then took a deep look at Xu Yi and turned away.

Xu yinuan is afraid that he will stay any longer. He can't help telling the truth. He says that he is not feeling well and wants to go back to the hotel.

"I'll go back with you."

"No, I'll take a taxi and go back. You can chat with sister Yi Qing here. I I want to be alone

"That's good."

He didn't force him. He knew that Xu yinuan cared about Bai Huanhuan. He was afraid that she would not be comfortable here. He also felt distressed.

He called her a car and told her to call him when she got home.

She nodded and went all the way back to the hotel.

She took a cold bath.

The difference between the two cities is that it is mild all the year round, so it is not hot at all in summer.

But she also felt sweating and impetuous.Just then, her mobile phone rang, a text message from a strange number.

This is Jane. When are you coming to manleton? I want to see you. ]

Xu yinuan was bored and wanted to talk to someone, so he replied immediately.

The two met at an ice cream shop.

It's really deep in her heart.

When Dracula pushed Jane in, she went to the door and waited.

[in a bad mood? Eat so much, be careful not to eat bad stomach. I'll order you a cake. Take it easy. ]

she nodded and didn't know how to say it, so she buried it in her stomach.

She said, "it's nothing. I'm just being honest with myself. After a long time, both of them are relieved, and I don't have to worry about it. At the end of the day, I'm just an outsider. I've done everything I should, and I can't change the rest. "

"I'm just a little upset and I want someone to complain. But you're so cute, I'm out of temper again

She pinched Jane's cheek. She felt really good and enviable.

Jane had no choice but to smile. The girl was addicted to teasing herself.

"By the way, it's a coincidence. I just came here today, and you came to ask me! "

This shows that we are predestined. ]

he would not tell her that there were people in the immigration control bureau.

As long as she gets on the plane over there, he knows.

My heart was shaking when I heard she was coming.

Nervous throbbing, like a restless child.

When I saw her, the heart hanging in my throat returned to my stomach in an instant.

"We've always been predestined. It's very happy to know your beautiful little sister."

It's good to see you happy. ]

"where are you going? Gu Hanzhou is eating with sister Qing. It is estimated that she will not come back for a period of time. I am bored in the hotel alone. And Good news for you. We are going to get married. Now that I have finished my studies, I will be of the legal age of marriage by the end of August, and I will be able to get married in good faith. "

She said happily, simply want to tell good friends, let her also happy for themselves.

But Jane's face was ugly at that moment.

Gray, like a moment, the whole body's blood has been extracted in general.

The fingers trembled slightly, and the teacups fell on the table with a crisp sound.

Xu yinuan noticed that he was strange. He was worried and asked, "Jane, are you ok? What are you doing? It's like losing your soul. Is it physical discomfort? "