The next morning, the alarm bell rang as usual!

"Ring, ring, ring, ring, ring, ring, ring, ring, ring, bell, bell, bell, bell, bell, bell, bell, bell, bell, bell, bell, bell, bell, bell, bell, bell, bell, bell, bell, bell, bell, bell, bell

A hand stretched out from the quilt, felt the rope, touched the bedside table by the window, and beat the alarm clock according to intuition.


"Ring, ring, ring, ring, ring, ring, ring, ring, ring, bell, bell, bell, bell, bell, bell, bell, bell, bell, bell, bell, bell, bell, bell, bell, bell, bell, bell, bell, bell, bell, bell, bell

The alarm clock is still ringing.

"You set such an early alarm clock is to rush to reincarnate it

Ling, who was knocked down by innocent people, roared and smashed directly at the quilt!

"Ah! Cool grip! Cool nose

"Quilt" suddenly drum! There was a vague scream coming out of the bed.

Fang Ran's daily rental housing is a new beginning.

Looking at Fang ran, who was unwilling to restrain his desire to sleep back to sleep, he quickly put on clothes on his hands and feet, and then got into the kitchen, jingling and banging, and his cheeks were bulging again. I didn't know what he ate a few mouthfuls of sea food and figured out the appearance of the door.

"Roar?" Ling was surprised to say, "I planned to go out so early. Are you going to look for the entrance to the scene?"

Then she did not wait for a square answer, but also floated up, showing the way.

"Come on, you're a rookie for a year, and you can't find the entrance."

"Well, what are you talking about?"

Fang ran looked at her with an embarrassed expression.

"Aren't you going out looking for the entrance to the scene?"

"Well, it's not."

"What are you doing out so early?"

Ling looked at him with a sense of inspection.


Fang ran sighed and said naturally:

"after the holiday, of course I will go to school."



Two huge question marks appear in Ling Nei's heart. Ling, the soul of data, has a delicate little face.

School? He said he was going to school?

What school?

After trying to figure out the meaning of Fang Ran's words, Ling asked convulsively:

"are you going to school?"

"Nonsense!" Fang ran rolled his eyes and said, "people always need something, such as going to bed or going to work. Of course, I also have to go to school! How else to find a job in the future? "

Ling was silent.

For the first time, she heard that some people had become participants in the night war, and they had to go to school!?

Still planning to find a job...

Ling took a deep breath (don't ask how she did it at the moment), and silently suppressed all the reasons that Xiang Fang ran explained to Fang ran that the participants in the night war did not need to contact the society as before.

Then it floated into his hood pocket.

"What are you doing?"

Fang ran was surprised and wanted to take her out!

"I'll go with you."

Ling's voice suddenly sounded firm.


"What are you doing with me?"

"You mind me."

"Why on earth..."

"your meow home doesn't even have a mobile phone with internet access. Let me watch TV alone here!"

"Er... But..."

"but what?"

"Don't you think I'm mentally retarded when I don't even have a mobile phone with internet access, but I'm mentally retarded with a power bank...




in the end, Fang ran still took Ling, and the latter stayed in Fang Ran's hat pocket. It's not that Ling wanted to be here, just because Fang ran went to class without a bag except books and pens!

Do it!

Ling angrily scolded in her heart, this is not a good study of the end of the thing!

So the girl of the power bank can only hide in her cap pocket.

As mentioned before, one of the great advantages of fangran's rental house is that it is close to the school. It is only ten minutes' walk to the school, which is very close. However, it takes half an hour to walk from the school gate to the teaching building...

alas, this unfortunate school, so he can only get up as early as his grandson.

As for why it takes such a long time to travel, it has to talk about fangran's school.

Fang ran did not get into a famous university, but it was not too bad. His high school grades were just a little better than most people, but limited.

So he naturally enrolled in this university, following those 985, 211 buttocks of this university.

Not good, but not bad.

Perfect for Fang ran this ordinary to can not be in the ordinary people.

The campus is located on a newly approved land, so it covers a large area. Although there are many open grasslands, the small woods and lakes are also good.This is also a good result, which is a direct result.

Fang ran gets up 40 minutes early every day like Sun Tzu.

"What class are you going to take?" Ling asked casually.

"Well, let me see... Dry, no mobile phone..." Fang ran plans to look at the curriculum schedule, and then suddenly realized that his millet had already sacrificed this fact, and then he smashed it and thought about it for a while and then he said uncertainly: "I remember it seems that it is the principle of computer network and... Er... Data structure?"

"Are you asking me?" Ling speechless heart rolling white eyes, on the IQ of this goods also learn computer?

Next, Ling hid in Fang Ran's hat pocket, followed Fang ran all the way to the teaching building, found the classroom where she had classes, and then saw Fang ran and met his classmates.

"Oh! Fang ran! How was your holiday Two boys came to say hello to Fang ran.

"Oh, how are you?" Fang ran laughed, and then casually found a seat to sit down.

After a while, a few boys came over laughing and talking, and then saw Fang ran and sat down beside him.

"Lao Fang, how is it? It's cool to live outside by yourself?"

"That's necessary. It's cool to have beautiful women with you."

"The single dog is still envious."

"Ha ha, where is there?" Fang ran also laughed and chatted with them.

These are Fang Ran's roommates. They all have a good relationship with Fang ran. A group of people are laughing and talking about some interesting topics. Fang Ran has been listening and laughing from time to time.

Only one roommate looked at the smiling Fang ran, hesitated for two times, pushed him with his arm, and asked in a soft voice:

"brother, are you ok

Fang ran Leng for a moment, turned his head and turned his eyes helplessly:

"ha, what can I do for you?"

Ling in her cap pocket listens quietly and listens to every sentence of fangran's conversation with others. She has never used her mental strength to transmit to Fang ran. She hides in Fang Ran's hood pocket quietly and follows Fang ran to finish her morning class.

Everything is as usual, as if there is no night war in fangran's life.

"Ah ~" one of the roommates stretched himself, then said with a smile: "go, but eat!"

"Well, good." Fang ran also agreed with a smile.

Several people left the classroom laughing and talking, but when they walked out of the classroom, the classroom was just over, and several girls came out together and passed by.

A girl with long hair tied up, wearing a light colored sweater, big eyes with a quiet smile and calm, beautiful melon seed face gives a sense of peace.

The two sides of the people said and laughed, as if it was no different from other people in the whole corridor.

It's been a long time since I went out. One of Fang Ran's roommates responded with surprise and said, "ah! Is that Wei Wenwen? Fang ran, why don't you even say hello

"Yes, not even a greeting?" Next to a person laughing and teasing.

Fang ran sighed helplessly for his roommate's juggling. He also laughed: "ha! What do I say to someone else when I'm dead


in addition to Fang ran, the others were stunned.

"It's not the one..."

the most straightforward roommate just wanted to say something, but the roommate who asked Fang Ran's words had an elbow in his side rib.


"I'm starving! Let's go! Let's go! It's too late. There's no place for the canteen! "

Another person pushed them, several tacit understanding of uncovering the topic, toward the direction of the canteen, only by thinking from other perspectives to see Fang ran Ling found.

When the corner, pretending to sleep with tears yawning Fang ran seems to inadvertently return to the head. , the fastest update of the webnovel!