Looking at the solemn appearance of the recovery, the lime doubted at that moment whether he knew the intellectual gentle recovery.

The magician suddenly guessed the meaning of her words and said in surprise.

Recovery helpless show hands, how to see how to have a kind of crying and laughing appearance, nodding affirmation.

"Yes, that's what you think."

"Wait a minute. What are you talking about? What D's all of a sudden, it's Fang... Ha!"

In the middle of the story, green lime also thought of a possibility, made an unbelievable voice, and then looked at the recovery anxious to confirm:

"sister Fu Su, you mean... That guy... Has...

" yes... "

resuscitation shakes his head with a wry smile:

" since the awakening, it seems that it has only been more than a month to upgrade to the D level... The original... Alas... "

After saying this sentence, I think about the days when I was afraid, weak and struggling to grow up. I still felt the pain in the left side of D when I was recovering.

Lime's eyes widened, and the magician next to him was stunned. His elegant temperament was stiff.

The air fell silent.

More than a month, the source of the first, D grade.

These three words made the three B-level participants feel deep heartache.

Why can the gap between people be so great.

"Lim, I remember you're the fastest person to upgrade in the night game."

Resuscitation looks at the green lime and asks, the youngest, but because he wakes up earlier from childhood, the "genius" lime quietly puts down his lemon tea and opens his mouth without expression.

"It took me a year and a half to get to the D level."

"I used it for two years, when I was young, I thought I was good enough."

The magician looked at the cup of his favorite black tea, suddenly lost interest, some melancholy sigh.

I remember that the last time I was so depressed, I was chatting with fangran's little brother...

"don't say, I used it for more than three years. Although the healing ability is practical, it is really difficult to improve my own strength."

Resuscitation slaps on the forehead, and the face of intellectual temperament is full of the vicissitudes of the former "hard days".

"By the way, there's something you don't know, do you know?"

Like suddenly think of what, resuscitate the corner of the mouth mercilessly twitch for a while, and then deliberately forced to smile said.


The more naive lime asked unprepared, and the magician next to him was aware of something bad and gave a wry smile.

Resuscitation showed a happy and brilliant expression, and said to them with a smile like sharing good news:

"although not as good as Fang ran, his two teammates are also the original ones."

Lime "...


as a doctor, would you like to make a farewell...



"there is half left."

In the training ground in the huge underground room, the white cubes rising from the ground crisscrossed into complex terrain, including more than 10 meters of height difference, weak gaps, huge pits and other complex terrain. In the training length of 200 meters, a figure is speeding towards the front.

Running clouds and flowing water, like a rabbit out of its cage.

But in fact, fangran's heart is vomiting blood.

He used to think that as long as he practiced hard, the practice of three-dimensional maneuver could make him a little easier.

After strict training, Fang Ran is no longer a quarter of the former three meter height sprain, a third of the five meter height, and one hundred percent of the ten meter high dog eat shit.

He thought that he had become stronger, and the training every morning should be difficult for him, but he never thought that...

training also became stronger...

hahaha... (crying, laughing and sad)

just then he almost shed tears in his heart and bit his teeth to thank him.

Pinch my limit and increase the intensity, brother suqun...

it's really hard for you!!

With a strong step, the figure falls from a height of seven meters, and then rolls and unloads the force. Through the gap like a pipe, it rushes up a four meter high platform again with the momentum. If there is any mistake in a series, it will only be able to stare at the next white cube, which is continuous and smooth.

Finally... Completed the 15th stereo maneuver (Parkour) training.


Fang ran patted it directly on the ground, and felt that there was no energy in the whole body. The feeling of powerlessness and muscle ache almost drove people crazy.It's the same as the 10000 meters he hasn't finished yet.

Every time I run with all my strength, my physical strength is always exhausted quickly.

Ten thousand meters is not terrible. The terrible thing is to run ten thousand meters at the speed of a meteor in 30 minutes.

In the same way, every morning, barehanded like a fresh dehydrated salted fish, patted on the track can draw the conclusion of blood.

That's the reason. It's the same with three-dimensional maneuvers.

Therefore, compared with full strength 10000 meters and full strength Parkour 3000 meters...

the baby suddenly feels that it is easier to eat excrement at lunch.

Poof! (a mouthful of old blood)

the throat is just like burning, the feeling that you can't breathe enough and the whole body feels soft. Even if it's like this every day these days, it's still self-improvement every time....

no way... The baby is going to kneel... This is not a training for people...

"it's very good, your movements have improved a lot compared with the last week Especially in the face of complex terrain, the running is very smooth

"Devil drillmaster" - Su Qun still stands beside Fang ran with a tablet for recording, and makes every evaluation. However, suqun has been surprised and praised Fang Ran's three-dimensional maneuver in recent days. He has made great progress.

On the ground, Fang ran turned his eyes.

If you put your life in a place like the ruins of the end of the world and a strange sea besieged city, you have been chased by many hundreds of meters thick black tentacles and the deadly enemies of magic girls (men).

you can also make great progress.

"Before I became a participant, my martial arts master once told me that everyone has the experience of" enlightening ", which will make him understand the main points of moves. I think you have been in this state recently."

Su Qun nodded approvingly, then said seriously:

"so, don't miss the opportunity, we must seize the time to strengthen training."

Fang ran: "do you have any misunderstanding about your master's previous words, or you have any misunderstanding about the baby...

the enlightened state of shenta Niang!!!

(Privacy tax) ╯ (┻━┻┻┻┻┻!)

Can we be a little more halal, my day is full of you, how do you want to "hurry up"!?

Fang Ran's eyes trembled and looked at the host group with despair.

Speaking of it, this is my summer vacation, isn't it, is it, right!?

Then why do I have a feeling that I'm in deep water and want to flee all night!

Ah... No, it's like going home... I want to go to the seaside... It's like seeing what bikini's big sister looks like in reality... (making the sound of a waste man)

in fact, I just got angry with a wave of legends last Saturday night. Boss, according to the routine, it's not supposed to end up as the climax of summer vacation. Why do I still train here when I turn my face back

I went through such a big scene and felt that the war was over and I could go back to my hometown to get married...

it was my illusion again!! (angry)

ah... Wait... And again?



I always feel that this kind of thing happened, and did you say this once...

"well, that's all for today's three-dimensional maneuver, Emma. Stop the random generation of obstacle terrain, and put these away."

The group said a word to the air, and then Emma's mechanical female voice sounded:

"Roger that."

The low mechanical operation hummed, and the whole white cube slowly fell to the ground, and finally changed back to the flat ground.

"OK, let's do the next training."

Suqun watched all the white cubes sink to the ground, then put down the plate in his hand, opened his mouth to Fang ran and walked towards him.

Hello! What are you doing? Stop it. Don't. the baby has eaten six times this morning!

Don't come here!

Fang ran looked at the group who came by and yelled in his heart. I don't know if his angry cry worked. The door of the training ground suddenly opened.

Lime and magician and resuscitation, three people come in together.

"Suqun elder brother, I heard the resuscitation elder sister said, just now, let me and the magician help him train together."


Fang ran was staring at the dog.

With the electric light in his hands, the lime opened his mouth to the group. Fang ran, who was still on the ground, looked shivering and pondered on his face. It seemed that he was thinking about whether the training of Fang ran was of any use to suqun, and his heart was shaking.


What are you thinking over there? Isn't it time for training? Hurry up, let me fight that wood for 300 rounds!Come here!

"Well, liming, the similar fighting style between you and Fang ran should be very enlightening to him. What's more, the magician can also guide Fang ran in terms of magic. And it happens that I want to take advantage of Fang Ran's recent" Enlightenment "to strengthen his training."

Fang ran: "it's all said, God's mother's enlightenment!

And you dare to tell me your master's address, I send him blade ah!!!

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