Looking at me sitting next to myself, I saw my little ear tip in my short hair with my shoulder. There was no extra expression on my pretty face. My big clear and bright eyes were not emotional. I slowly put down the cup in my hand...

and my younger brother's sister (draw the key point).

Meng Lang felt that it was the first time that he met such an embarrassing thing in his life.

Silent stop and fangran fight action, feel the whole person is not good.

After a look at Meng Lang, a man who was driving a Ferrari to pull a banner and broadcast on a loudspeaker in his teaching building half a month ago, Fang Xiaoran turned his head and continued to look at Fang ran.

I can't believe the reason Fang ran just gave her.

State secret service? Night game? Don't let the average person know? What's that?

Fang Xiaoran bit her lip gently, and her brow struggled as if it was hard to believe,

but she knew that Fang ran would not cheat her.

Move your eyes away and pretend to turn around as if nothing had happened. That flawed appearance is just his intention to tell you something that doesn't matter. In fact, this guy doesn't lie or cheat people at all,

he only won't let you know at the beginning.

"State secret organs? So you can get into Peking University with state privileges? What is all this about? "

To believe is to believe, but to accept or not is another matter. Fang Xiaoran will not let go of this point before questioning the cause of all this.

"Hello, chief culprit, explain quickly!"

Fang ran pushed Meng Lang aside and tossed the pot to Meng Lang with white eyes. But Meng Lang had to take over, because it was he who pulled Fang ran into the night game for the national war with the participants from northern Europe.

"Keke... That..."

Meng Lang pretended to clear his throat, and Fang Xiaoran tried to organize his words, but he always felt great pressure when he looked at you calmly and without expression.

"Because my brother has very special advantages in some special aspects, I can't disclose his full name by the state secret service last semester. However, it was called in by the night Bureau, and because of some other internal reasons, we decided that it would be safer to transfer him to the capital... Well, appropriate."

Seriously, he tried to make his words look more formal. In order to consider whether Fang Xiaoran would worry, Meng Lang changed his words.

"What are the very special strengths of a particular aspect?"

However, it did not play a small role, and listening to his words, Fang Xiaoran still had no expression on his face, and his voice did not change a bit and directly asked the most penetrating key question.


"Cough, cough..."

Fang ran and Meng Lang both coughed in an instant, and did not know how to answer this sharp question.

they could not say that they were recruited into the night game because they awakened the ability of the magic girl...

"well, this involves secrets, I can't tell you."

Meng Lang swallows saliva, forehead cold sweat, forced to hold the smile on his face does not collapse, is very reluctantly reply.

"What about the necessary documents that need to be signed to enter state organs?"

"Now... It's not in our hands..."

"do you have a job?"

"Position... Well... There is no designated position in our bureau..."

"can you show me the labor contract you signed there?"

Fang Xiaoran looked at Meng Lang and asked quietly, politeness and politeness. There was no disrespect, but there was always a feeling that she was asking questions.

"(~ mouth  ̄;) er... This......

Meng was immediately asked. Lang was in a cold sweat, and his words were choking. He didn't know how to answer. He could only ask for help and looked at the things around him like the following...

-" Hello, brother! Your sister who suddenly appears is a little too powerful! How can people who are not in awe of me tell the secrets of the state? " -

that means.

After feeling his eyes, Fang ran rolled his white eyes to show that...

- "who cares about you? There are normal people who think that you are talking about state secret organs and won't believe it at all when you say state secret organs. -

and then turn around in silence.


Looking at Fang ran twisted his face, a pair of your own pot I don't care. Meng Lang's heart was angry and cried. Looking at Fang Xiaoran, who was still calm and waiting for his reply, he could not help covering his face and crying.

Even if Meng Lang knows that the relevant departments of any other country will have a strict and orderly document process to prove that there are all kinds of things that can prove or can be found that you are a member of this organization and this place.But... They are in the night game!

What's more, even in the night games, you need to sign confidentiality agreements according to whether you are the canteen logistics or the scientific research personnel. However, only the participants do not.

Bullshit, you are the secret itself. Sign a fart confidentiality agreement!

What's more, because the participants themselves are not employees working in state-owned enterprises, who will let you sign a contract document that has no effect on you and will only aggravate your disgust?

Not to mention the night game itself is like a big family, the binding force is not so strong.

So... After Fang Xiaoran asked the question, "are you not a state secret organ, do you have any documents to prove it?"

Meng Lang really can't provide anything reliable to prove that their night situation is really a state secret organ, not a pyramid marketing organization that swindles the two diseases.

Looking at Meng Lang's appearance that he couldn't take out anything, Fang ran sighed in his speechless heart,

it's really useless, brother...

if he were Fang Xiaoran, he would not believe what the guy in beach pants said about the state secret agency.

Well, brother, although you are not bad, why is it that you are abducted directly, or not you, that you are not forced to count?

Fang ran, who is deeply despised for Meng Lang's unreliable loser temperament from head to toe, is finally confronted with Fang Xiaoran's question after Meng Lang's shield, which has not been blocked for a long time, has been exhausted for a long time.

"What's going on? Well, do you know how much trouble it will bring to your family if you are cheated into a void place by a person who can't even take out one of the most superficial documents!"

After the line of sight turns to Fang ran, there are ripples in her calm eyes. Fang Xiaoran looks at Fang ran and can't help but feel a little angry and anxious in her voice.

Meng · can't even take out the most superficial ID card · Lang sits beside him silently,

is thrust into his chest by this sentence and feels hurt.

"How could you go directly to Peking University? This kind of pie falls down and confuses you with rhetoric when you are most down and out, and then asks for rewards several times. It's not like what you think..."

looking at Fang Xiaoran, he seems to think of something, and his eyes are slightly red, his body slightly tilts up, even the tone of his voice He also raised his voice and looked at it as if it was about to evolve into the same quarrel between brother and sister as before.

Fang Xiaoran was also stiff for a moment. He sat back quietly again and looked at Fang Ran's calm voice:

"then give me the evidence that can prove what you said is true."


looking at her appearance that she is obviously not willing to give up, I can't help feeling some headache, but he can also know that if your family has a great change one day and says that you have entered a famous university and been employed by state organs, no one will easily believe it, but suspect that you will be cheated.

It's human nature, Fang ran can understand...

"wait a minute, let me make a phone call..."

looking at Fang Xiaoran sitting opposite to him, Fang ran felt helpless.

There are few people sitting at the square table in menglang on the left and small or on the right. There are only two members of the opposite sex who are forced to ask themselves...

forced by the helpless status quo that elder brother is useless, small or absent, he can only take out his own sea... Oh no, Nuojia mobile phone, dials the call for help.

Meng Lang, who was next to him, was shocked. He looked at him and said:

"what!? My brother, you still have the kind of telephone number that can solve problems like a social person with a wide range of ways? "

It's impossible. How could my brother who died in the house be...

looking at Meng Lang, he didn't seem to think that he had a way to be shocked. He rolled his eyes and said:

"nonsense, who makes you a waste wood that can't even take out a most superficial certificate?"

Meng · can't even take out a most superficial certificate. Lang: "when this sentence runs through it again,

feels hurt again.

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