"It won't be that you are too lonely in Nangong and abandoned by others, so come to your husband to solve your emptiness and loneliness?"

While Leng Yichen was talking, he tore off his tie.

It's a sign of wanting to relax.

"Leng Yichen, if you have something to say, don't drag on other people!" An Xiaojing is very speechless.

"Well. How did you come in? "

The tie had been completely removed by him, and the coat was a little messy.

Looking at an Xiaojing, the breath of Leng Yichen is getting closer and closer.

Finally, she put her body on top of her, and it was too late for an Xiaojing to leave.

Damn anxiya, why don't you tell her Leng Yichen is here.

"Leng Yichen, don't be too impulsive. It's time to work."

An Xiaojing pushed the body away consciously.


An Xiaojing was pushed against a desk by him, and her hand had to be held back.

Suddenly, an Xiaojing felt another very smooth ball on her hand. Could this be the jade bead that her father wanted?

The jade bead tightly touched by her is only as big as a fist.

An Xiaojing guessed that this must be the one that an Xiya said.

"Leng Yichen, if you have something to say, it's better to go back to the villa today and do it again!"

The only thing she can do now is to divert Leng Yichen's attention.

"What are you going back to?" Leng Yichen seldom became so patient. He had a slight arc in his cold mouth.

"Do what you want."

An Xiaojing's hand has touched the jade bead. She pinches it completely in her hand.

"An Xiaojing, you are really lonely!"

Cold also Chen evil smile. When one hand tried to touch an Xiaojing's face, she instinctively resisted.

Suddenly, her hand slipped, and the jade bead in her hand fell off.

"Ding Ding Ding Ding!"

The sound is clear and crisp.

Leng Yichen's eyes with the fall of that jade bead, also looked at the past.

An Xiaojing was frightened.

"That's why you came to me?" Finally, the man's face completely smelled down.

"It's so cold. It's our family's stuff."

"Your family?"

Leng Yichen suddenly sneered: "tell me, have you ever seen that thing? Do you know what it does? Or, if you say it belongs to your family, what proof is there? "

"Me An Xiaojing didn't know how to open her mouth. An Xiya suddenly burst in from the outside.

"You, I heard voices coming in." An Xiya explained to Leng Yichen, because Leng Yichen did not allow her to enter and leave the lounge at will.

However, as soon as I came in, I saw an Xiaojing that bitch was seducing Leng Yichen.

"Xiya, come here!"

Leng Yichen's tone was full of orders.

And anxiya's heart rate is ten thousand times faster.

If Leng Yichen discovers the jade beads she instigated an Xiaojing to steal, it will be over.

No, she has to change the situation and speak before an Xiaojing.

"Yichen, what happened?"

"She stole from me!" Leng Yichen's tone is very cold, without a trace of emotion.

An Xiya, afraid that an Xiaojing would refute on the spot, shook herself out and immediately changed her face.

"Sister. I really can't figure out what you want. How can you steal other people's things

However, an Xiaojing stares at an Xiya's performance in a different way. She doesn't know how to pick up her words.

"Anxia, you!" An Xiaojing doesn't want to pierce her because if Yuzhu is really her father's last wish, she will definitely come back here.

"Sister. Even if you work in Nangong's home, why do you have to come to Yichen's office or even his private place like his lounge to steal other people's things? "

An Xiya slightly pick eyebrows: "no wonder before the south palace shares soared, and that time you also went to Ruisi to work, this should not?"

"That's enough. Anxia! Today, it's you An Xiaojing pointed to an Xiya's nose and was about to scold when she suddenly stopped.

She realized that she had been fooled by this woman.

"Are you really like what she said?"

Leng Yichen walked to the ground and picked up the bead that had just slipped from an Xiaojing's hand.

"Nangong Han sent you to steal the bead. You really have no choice."

Leng Yichen made a cruel sarcasm and then looked at an Xiaojing and said, "what should I do? I must be very sad if I can't please your boss!"

"Cold also Chen!" An Xiaojing was so angry that she couldn't speak.This is not the case. She may have been really fooled by Anxia.


"Shut up, too!" Leng Yichen suddenly said to an Xiya behind him. He gave the man a very cold figure.

"Now, go back to your Rath, and don't try to take anything out of me to please him."

"Leng Yichen, that's what you think." An Xiaojing ran out of the rest room.

"She's gone! So now, it's your turn! " Leng Yichen looks at an Xiaojing's far away figure, and suddenly, this sentence comes out.

"Yichen, what do you mean? I don't understand. "

"Don't you understand? Tell me, then, whether the woman on the cruise ship is you or not Such as the eyes of stars, full of dark, cold also Chen a look, can give an Xi Ya to Ling Chi.

"Yes, there will be a fake!" Although the mouth in the defense, anxiya the whole people are a little afraid.

Leng Yichen's fear is different from that of Nangong Han. His ruthlessness is more than dozens of times more than that of Nangong Han.

"Are you still arguing?"

Leng Yichen suddenly gave a sneer, and then threw a piece of information on an Xiya's face: "there are words signed by you and Xia Yuanyuan. You have cooperated before. She told you these things!"

"No, I don't know Xia Yuanyuan. It must be a deliberate fraud!"

An Xiya defends himself, but what Leng Yichen throws to himself is the information flow of Nangong Han before.

"What's more, Xia Yuanyuan has disappeared now. What can this data tell us? Yichen, don't you want me

An Xiya and make a woman's soft and delicate state, has been using the aggrieved expression to look at Leng Yichen.

"Dare you say that her disappearance has nothing to do with you?" Leng Yichen asked.

He has been asking Chengfeng to investigate the women on the cruise ship. The owner of the necklace.

Chengfeng never let her down, and finally found all the clues, but Xia Yuanyuan did disappear.

"Of course not. I don't know her well. Why do you impose all these things on me?" Asked Anxia.

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