Chapter 287 – The following day was Thursday.

Name:Collide Gamer Author:
Chapter 287 – The following day was Thursday.

“And he surrendered,” Jeff said in a defeated tone. “Yes, as expected this fight was over in a flash. Alexej just gave up, how boring.”

John actually didn’t agree with the commentator there; Thana and the blonde Slav had exchanged a few words before the surrender came in. Which was slightly worrying.

“What did you talk about?” Lydia asked therefore once Thana arrived back on the platform.

“He is a fucking dick, and I will rip out his weaselly little tongue and replace it with glass shards so that he cuts himself whenever he spouts some more shit,” Thana answered in a display of random agitation, throwing her hands into the air. “The fucking weather.”

“Typical,” John sighed, and they went back to the mansion as the announcers behind them were still announcing the break to the people. From today until the first of January, they were on the New Year’s Pause.

“So, we are going to enter the new year with a 5 to 5 score,” Rave noted, kicking a pebble once they were outside; “That’s super boring.”

“And disadvantageous for us since they now choose the match-ups. I had hoped to finish this round with a lead, not a tie,” Lydia stated as she pondered about this. “I think that we are likely to win the next Group Fight, however. They can’t counter both Thana and John.”

“It’s highly unlikely at the very least,” John agreed.

“They won’t be able to face me alone next time,” Thana growled.

“Hubris isn’t going to get you anywhere,” Lydia reprimanded.

“It’s not hubris if I can back the statement up, anal queen,” the blood mage countered; “I still have some fuckery I can pull.”

“Explain, now,” the princess said with a warning glance. If there was any power Thana had held back during their last engagement, then Lydia would have been rightfully angry. John already had a rough inkling of what would come next though.

“When I... fought John months ago, I did this weird-ass thing called Soulburn. I have no idea how I did it or how it fucking works or what the hell it is, but it was pretty fucking strong.”

“It was terrifying,” John corrected; “One moment I had her finally beat, the next I am doused in blue fire.”

“And why have I not been informed about this?” Lydia asked. “I seemingly have to remind you that we have an agreement where you help me win this tournament and in return I will free you from your debt, John Newman.”

“Stop bitching at John and I will tell you,” Thana said, changing her steps so that she found herself between the Gamer and the princess.“I didn’t need that thing until recently, so I didn’t want to waste time on it. Again: I have not even the faintest fucking clue what it was, only that I was really angry when I managed to tap into it. My memory of it is also hazy since I DIED directly after it.”

“...This reason is acceptable,” Lydia caved to the explanation and declared the topic done with a gracious nod.

Once back at the mansion, the princess declared a meeting.

“As you all are most firmly aware, we need to get stronger. Schedule allows us a total of 4 days on this end and up to 4 more days depending on where in the order, whose setting is our only advantage in this round, you land. Therefore, I will have to inform you that New Year’s festivities are cancelled unless there are satisfactory results,” she declared.

From her position at the head of the dinner table and being the only standing person in the room, she should have had at least some air of authority around her. In reality, whatever commanding presence she had was eliminated. The problem was that she surrounded herself with people that were... weird.

“Whatever, boss bitch,” Thana said, picking her teeth with a pick which previously had been used on diced cheese.

“Coppy, why do you hang out with Nia all the time?” Rave complained to her elemental.

“Because, aside from the fact that she can eliminate my existence if she isn’t careful, she is way better company,” Copernicus purred as his chin was scratched.

“Would never null something cute,” Nia whispered just loud enough for everyone to hear.

“...Lydia will also do some training she is unlikely to need me or Soulpotions for...”

“Occasional input or help would nonetheless be appreciated.”

“...Jane will only need some of the Soulpotion but need my time to get something to fight...”

“I want a challenge I can actually beat!”

“...and finally, Nia will need a lot of Soulpotions while she does her stuff.”


“What about you yourself?” Lydia inquired.

“I will be going for level 100 and then a level in Elementalist, should give me a slight power jump,” John answered. Actually, it would be two power jumps. One from the level in Elementalist, but the way bigger one would be another efficiency upgrade to Wisdom.

If he could eliminate mana constrictions (which came back no matter how often he adjusted his build against them because Gaia didn’t like him having infinite mana apparently), that would be a large step-up in power.

He was only the slightest bit away from it as well. About 20’000 experience points, which was nothing compared to the amount he needed in the first place. A half hour Assault and that would be done with; afterwards, he could do longer ones with some ease. Would take a bit of the fun out of it, but would also make it way less dangerous.

The orcs would find a way to cope with his stronger arsenal. They weren’t the smartest race, but they were crafty enough to find a way to annoy him.

“I am most happy that all of you have found a constructive thing to spend your time on,” Aclysia chimed in, throwing an assortment of plates and under pads for the pots onto the table. Literally. She was standing in the doorframe and tossing them like throwing stars. They landed perfectly in front of everyone at the table and an extra one was put in place for Nathalia, who was most likely to wake up and come down the stairs in the next few seconds, attracted by the smell.

‘I didn’t even think of it until now, but isn’t Nathalia kind of a freeloader?’ John asked himself as the food, a simple pasta dish, was brought in.

“I advise that you train after eating, especially you, Master. I wouldn’t want you to suffer hunger,” the artificial guardian continued.

“Like I could pass up on your cooking,” John said. “Hey, can you bake a pizza for New Year’s?”

“Didn’t I say that festivities were disallowed?” Lydia pointed out.

“It’s just a slightly fancier meal, Lyly, don’t be so stingy,” Rave countered.

“I don’t think stingy is the right word there,” her boyfriend commented.

“Shush, anyhow, pizza for New Year’s, okay, Aclysia?” Rave turned to the cooking weapon.

“If that is what Master and mistress wish for, I will most happily create the most delicious pizza. Please leave me your preferences in the form of a memo and I will oblige.”

“...How about every-fucking-thing?” Thana requested.

“I would like ananas,” Nia said.

“We call those pineapples in freedom-speech,” Rave corrected her.

“But why?” Nia asked while blinking.

Lydia sighed, defeated. There was no way she could reign these people in.