The makeup photos are amazing.

The sword eyebrows are elegantly closed, the folds of the double eyelids are deepened, and the tails of the eyes are slightly raised.

The finishing touch is the lips. Like the most patient oil painter, Li Boxi smudged little by little, covering the edge lip line and increasing the inner layering. Different from the simple and rough lip biting makeup, the final effect is completely matte, and the vertical lines are retained, making the lips naturally thin and sharp.

A lonely swordsman was born at this moment.

The agent was full of praise: "If the makeup in the drama also has this effect, we really want to burn the incense."

"No problem." Li Boxi said immediately, "Let me talk to the makeup artist of the crew later, and I will tell them the key points."

Li Boxi himself also felt that this cooperation was perfect, and it was time for him to open his mouth.

Taking advantage of Cheng Ping's manager walking away, he reached into his bag and took out his hat with lightning speed: "Well, can you..."

Cheng Ping once again had a one-sided understanding: "Do you want to take a photo together?"

Li Boxi: "...not really."

Cheng Ping was puzzled: "Private WeChat?"

Li Boxi: "..." Can't you let me finish talking once?

Li Boxi once again swallowed the denial with difficulty because he was embarrassed to spoil the fun, and forcibly looked forward to it: "Mmm, is it okay?"

The two exchanged new WeChat IDs.

Li Baixi thought about it again, private WeChat is not satisfactory, he can browse the circle of friends of the great **** if he has nothing to do.

However, he soon discovered that this so-called private account was not very private, and the content of the other party's circle of friends was still occupied by work, posting dinner once every three hundred years, and posting a selfie every eight hundred years.

Cheng Ping's selfies are always with his face up to the sky, with an unfavorable expression—the one Li Boxi is most familiar with.

At the same time, Cheng Ping also saw Li Boxi's circle of friends full of rich clothes, luxurious clothes, and the smell of corrupt capitalist alcohol.

At evening parties, parties, mountains and seas, Li Boxi is always dressed in splendid clothes, standing next to various actors and actresses, hugging their waists, and facing the camera with the same pouting fake kiss expression.

Two thoughts flashed in Cheng Ping's mind:

Luckily he didn't take a photo with me.

But why didn't he just take a photo with me?

Li Boxi is a busy person, and usually has no time to pay attention to Cheng Ping's plastic circle of friends.

Until late at night when he came home late one night, he swiped before going to bed while lying on the bed, and suddenly a new post about Cheng Ping came up.

Just two words: "Hold on."

Li Boxi thought that young people are quite cute, cheering him up like a college entrance examination.

He was about to reply "Go to bed early", but found that the post had been deleted in seconds.

Li Boxi took a closer look this time, feeling a gloomy air.

He clicked on the dialog box, and his fingers hung on the keyboard for a few seconds, but finally did not fall. The relationship is not that familiar, and asking the bottom line at this time will only make the other party more unhappy.

Fortunately, they will soon have a new cooperation.

This time it was a party, and the team set requirements for Cheng Ping's image: gentle scum.

The makeup for the party took about two hours, and an additional two and a half hours of photo-taking time was reserved, so Li Boxi rushed to Cheng Ping's hotel right after lunch.

Ma Kou Kou is going crazy.

Ma Koukou watched Cheng Ping sitting in the room in a bathrobe, and Li Boxi stood behind him, pinning up his broken hair to give him hydration and maintenance, and slowly wiped his fingers down from his chin.

And Cheng Ping's skin obviously didn't experience this often, and with the movement of that finger, it turned red inch by inch to the base of his neck.

It was obviously a normal workflow, but because of the skin reaction, it suddenly gave people a feeling of seeing no evil.

Li Boxi handed in the paper with full marks, and made Cheng Ping a shape with gold-rimmed glasses and enlarged back. The root of the eyelashes at the end of the eye is pressed with dark eye shadow over the inner eyeliner, and the eyes are more deep behind the frame. Then put on a slim-fitting dress, and stood there expressionlessly, looking like a ruthless, gentle and scum of the same class, dressed like a beast.

Ma Koukou seemed to be watching something unspeakable for two hours. Although he didn't see anything, his heart was already dancing with ecstasy.

He eagerly waited for Li Boxi to arrange work—Cheng Ping was about to set off for a photo shoot, and their assistants were always watching over the make-up during the photo shoot.

Li Boxi specially smiled at Ma Kou Kou.

Li Boxi said: "Xiao Yang, you will be in charge of Mr. Cheng's makeup in a while."

He turned to Ma Koukou again: "You, come and touch up my makeup."

Cheng Ping didn't notice the ashen-faced Ma Kou Kou, and asked curiously, "Are you going to the party too?"

Li Baixi smiled and nodded: "I am also a guest."

Cheng Ping's manager was busy doing favors: "Then just go together, let's take our car."

So the photographers at the party also went crazy.

Cheng Ping, who wore gold-rimmed glasses and looked ascetic, got out of the car, followed by Li Boxi, who had black long straight hair and was dressed like a black widow.

The flashing light greeted everyone immediately. Li Boxi raised his hand and waved it, showing off his black gloves.

Cheng Ping wasn't as relaxed as Li Boxi, standing upright, saw a figure walking towards him out of the corner of his eye. He turned his head and took a look, surprised - the person who came was a well-known actor, and he had seen the other's movies when he was still a dead house.

The film king didn't know Cheng Ping, so he went straight to pat Li Boxi's waist: "I thought you wouldn't come tonight because you had something to do, that's why you didn't accept my commission."

Li Baixi smiled first before saying anything, and prevaricated smoothly.

Cheng Ping was listening, but heard a problem.

Li Boxi chatted with the actor for a few words, coaxed him away, and said goodbye with a horse button: "Then let's go over there to take pictures first."

Cheng Ping was not someone who could pretend things in his heart, so he asked in a daze, "You didn't take the actor's order, but you took mine?"

But in terms of coffee position and salary, he shouldn't choose this way anyway.

Li Boxi was a little embarrassed.

He really didn't want to tell Cheng Ping that he was avoiding the actor because the actor was an octopus-like old pervert.

So he winked in a very plastic way: "You are handsome."

The tone was extremely hypocritical, and no one would take it seriously, and the implication was just "I don't want to explain".

However, there is no end to death, and there is a filial and touching Ma Kou Kou standing beside Li Boxi.

Ma Kou Kou found a place to use it in an instant, and blew up: "Really, Mr. Cheng, my master heard that he was going to put on party makeup for you, so he started researching and preparing five days in advance, and swore he would turn you into an audience." brightest star..."

Li Boxi wished he could stop this fellow.

Li Boxi glared at Ma Koukou, using his eyes to convey the message of "stop making it up", but it changed in Cheng Ping's eyes, it looked a bit like "stop revealing my little secret".

At this moment, Cheng Ping was stunned.