Cheng Ping had just mentioned women's clothing when he was arguing with his manager yesterday, but today he saw Li Boxi change into men's clothing.

How could it be such a coincidence?

He suddenly had a terrible conjecture: Could it be that the manager went to Li Boxi and said something? Li Boxi was stimulated, so he changed his clothes?

He anxiously peeked at Li Boxi's expression and tried his best to distinguish, but he couldn't see anything unusual. Li Boxi suddenly changed his appearance, but he didn't look uncomfortable at all, and even felt more at ease, making his posture more chic.

Cheng Ping once thought that Li Boxi attracted attention because of the women's attire, but after taking off the women's attire, everyone's eyes still couldn't leave him.

It's like...that's what he always was.

While Cheng Ping's heartbeat accelerated involuntarily, he couldn't let go of his doubts and didn't know where to ask.

However, today's battle damage makeup was applied again, which took a very long time. Li Boxi was riddled with holes by his probing gaze, and said helplessly, "Don't frown so tightly, you're going to get stuck. Is this how I failed in my transformation?"

Cheng Ping: "...why the sudden transformation?"

Li Boxi habitually understates: "Change your mood." But he glanced at Cheng Ping, and suddenly decided not to cover it up, "For example, an apple suddenly wants to know, if I don't apply this layer of fruit wax, How much more can you sell it for?"

What kind of metaphor is this playing? The two assistants exchanged an indescribable look.

Cheng Ping: "Apple...Apple?"

Li Boxi: "Would you still buy apples that don't look good?"

Horse button: "!"

He understands!

Cheng Ping was taken aback by the question, wondering if he had encountered any setbacks in his career: "Uh, there must be a market for any kind of apple."

Ma Koukou: "Master is asking you. Do you want to buy it or not?"

Cheng Ping: "..."

Li Boxi knocked on the top of Ma Kou Kou's head, very lightly, more like caressing.

When Cheng Ping walked to filming, his limbs were uncoordinated, and he almost had the same hands and feet.

Today is the last scene before Yingdi Lu's finale, and Cheng Ping himself is about to leave the group, this scene is his report card to Yingdi Lu.

In the plot, the police and the writer overcome all difficulties and finally find the hiding place of the murderer played by actor Lu. The police sealed off the murderer's possible escape route, and were calling for manpower to arrest him, but the writer went there alone.

The writer was fully armed, but he didn't expect that the aging murderer was still tough, and he beat him to the ground in two or three hits.

When the writer was wounded and dying, the police broke in in time and stopped the murderer.

Li Boxi outside the court said seriously: "Ma Kou Kou, you interrupted just now..."

Ma Koukou: "I know, I know, I won't dare next time."

Li Boxi: "No. The organization needs you this time."

Horse button: "???"

Li Boxi explained it in this way, Assistant Yang listened and cast a strange look at him.

The policeman's lungs were about to explode, and he cursed at the writer covered in blood: "How can you be so stupid, come and challenge the murderer yourself?!"

Writer: "...I'm overwhelmed. I'm sorry."

The policeman stared at him with heaving chest, suddenly seemed to think of something, reached out and found a pen from his clothes involuntarily.

This pen, which the writer has been carrying around since the script was killed, has been seen by the police.

The policeman triggered the mechanism of the pen in two or three strokes, and the nib retracted, replaced by a sharp thin blade, which was smeared with a strangely colored liquid.

Police: "You're not Tuo Da, you want to kill him before the due process. You know that he must be able to hold you, and you know that he will kill you. You also know that his quirk is to look closely at the dead and dilate his pupils. You want to die with him at that moment."

The writer is silent.

The voice of the policeman trembled: "How can you be so contemptuous of your own life? All your family members protect you with their lives just to watch you die?"

Writer: "What do you know? Precisely because...precisely because they're all dead."


The writer's expression was numb: "I used to live for revenge. But after revenge, why should I still live? Why should I continue to live a life that they will never have the chance to experience again?"

The policeman was shocked, and softened his voice slightly: "I think they will be happy for you."

"But they didn't say that in my dream... I can't bear it anymore, every day I live is a betrayal to them..."

The writer gradually lost control and wailed.

He cried with distorted expression and trembling all over, as if he wanted to release the wailing that had been suppressed for decades at this moment.

In this scene, Cheng Ping won a pass.

The director announced that Best Actor Lu was finished, everyone applauded and cheered, and the staff trotted to deliver bouquets.

Film Emperor Lu bowed in a circle, and finally pulled Cheng Ping and said with a smile: "Hey, I almost cried, and I have to act indifferently, but it's too difficult."

Cheng Ping heard that this was a very high compliment, and felt a little embarrassed: "...Mr. Lu, if I have any doubts about acting in the future, can I ask you for advice?"

When other juniors asked this question, maybe they were trying to get closer, or they were secretly begging for his support. However, Yingdi Lu knew that Cheng Ping's question was really literal, and said with relief: "Of course, I'm waiting anytime."

Film Emperor Lu and Cheng Ping talked alone for a long time before packing up and preparing to leave the group.

Li Boxi walked over and handed him a large gift box: "Mr. Lu, the final gift."

Film Emperor Lu: "Hey? What is it?"

Li Boxi: "Don't worry, it's just clothes. You said you liked the costumes in this play, I made a new set, keep it as a souvenir."

Film Emperor Lu was flattered: "This is so thoughtful."

Li Baixi smiled and said, "It's just a matter of raising your hands. Can we add a contact information? I will ask you if I have any questions in the future."

This is clearly to pull the relationship. Film Emperor Lu took out his mobile phone and said casually, "Don't dare to be, don't dare to be, the distance is like a mountain, how can I..."

Li Boxi: "I want to ask you, Cheng Ping asked you something."

Film Emperor Lu: "...?"

After sending away Yingdi Lu, Li Boxi went to touch up Cheng Ping's makeup.

In the crying scene just now, Cheng Ping's make-up was all washed out, mixed with the fake blood on his face, it was too bad to look at. Li Boxi looked left and right, and simply unloaded the heavy chemical for him.

Cheng Ping: "I've increased your workload."

Li Boxi said nonchalantly: "Why are you so out of touch. By the way, what project do you want to take on after this show is finished?"

Cheng Ping: "Well, Mr. Lu has invited me. His company is preparing two dramas."

Li Boxi: "What about movies?"

Cheng Ping: "Not currently."

Li Boxi: "Wait and see, maybe there is an opportunity to star in a movie, which will also be good for your market positioning."

Cheng Ping was a little hesitant: "This is rare..."

His real selfishness is that Actor Lu recognizes himself and Li Boxi, and there is a great chance that they will continue to be in the same group. Even if the crew didn't invite Li Boxi, he could still try to bring people in like last time.

Before the agent left yesterday, he had already let go. In the future, the team will look for other makeup artists and minimize contact with Li Boxi.

Who is Li Boxi? He was afraid that the team's attitude would offend Li Boxi so badly that he would never see anyone again.

But he himself couldn't come up with anything enough to attract Li Boxi's invitation. There is only one styling director, maybe the other party is still a little interested.

And movies are another circle, another way of playing. He went there, and he was a newcomer at the mercy of others, let alone Cypriot.

Life is not easy, Cheng Ping sighed.

Li Baixi winked to the side.

Ma Koukou bloomed according to the order: "Oh, master, didn't you say last time that you want to make a movie to compete for an award? I'm still waiting to slap your junior brother in the face."

Cheng Ping couldn't help raising his eyebrows slightly when he heard the words "junior brother".

Li Boxi: "I'm picking a project."

Ma Kou clapped his hands together: "Is this good, you two will continue to cooperate in the film crew? Mr. Cheng, my master often said that it is not the makeup artist who gives the soul of makeup, but the model. And you are the master's Miao." Si!"

Cheng Ping: "?"

Li Boxi: "..."

Ma Koukou asked with his eyes: Is it too much?

Li Boxi shrugged: It's up to you.

The horse button continued to bloom: "Look, only Master can shape your peak appearance, and your aura just happens to be able to present the best makeup. This is called mutual achievement."

Cheng Ping has gotten used to Ma Kou Kou's flamboyant style, he half-heard, and what he thought in his mind was: If you say it as if I agreed, this thing will be done.

Actors can't fill people, so can makeup artists?

But listening to what Li Boxi said, it seems that TV dramas can no longer satisfy his appetite, and it must be a movie that can win awards.

This... I (mute) want to find it, where can I (mute) find it?

Li Boxi observed Cheng Ping's expression, and saw that the more he listened, the more unhappy he became, so he was puzzled, and waved Ma Kou Kou to stop.

Li Boxi thought about it for a while, and then started a new idea: "Apart from filming, what are the arrangements for other jobs?"

Cheng Ping felt guilty when he mentioned this: "There are some announcements to be rushed, commercials, programs, etc..."

He was afraid that Li Boxi would ask about makeup, but he didn't know that Li Boxi had already heard it clearly yesterday.

Li Boxi: "Oh, can you send me the announcement schedule?"

Cheng Ping: " can...but, but you don't necessarily need to make up."

Ma Koukou raised his eyebrows when he heard it: "Hey, what do you mean?"

"Ma Kou Kou, forget it." Li Boxi paused, then smiled sadly, "Maybe I'm too angry."

Cheng Ping: "..."

Cheng Ping: "No!"

Li Boxi finally succeeded in getting Cheng Ping's schedule.

After returning to his room, he studied the list of announcements for a while, and finally picked an invitation to watch an overseas fashion show.

He thought for a while, then dialed a call: "Your show, give me an invitation letter."

The other party: "Aren't you not coming?"

Li Boxi: "I suddenly want to provoke you."

other side:"?"

After hanging up the phone, Li Boxi fell on the bed and stared at the ceiling in a daze, his expression became silent.

No one knows, not even Ma Koukou himself, but the exaggerated speech of the Muse Soul today has exposed the truth.

From the first time Cheng Ping acted out his drawing in front of the camera, to today's crying scene where the makeup was applied but infected the audience, there is a weak twilight gradually brightening.

He may not fully understand what he is going to do, but there is a voice in his heart that keeps urging: Do it, or it will be too late. You may never be able to shine that light yourself, but as long as you catch it, you will never be extinguished.

He must sell this apple, free of charge, free shipping.

Broker, right? He Iron Weaver Girl is going to meet the Queen Mother for a while.