In order to allow Li Boxi to concentrate on painting Hong, the director specially adjusted the shooting schedule and postponed most of Cheng Ping's shots, allowing him to be free as a model during these three days.

This gave the two of them plenty of time to talk about the song in secret.

When he couldn't understand the song, Cheng Ping watched Li Boxi draw.

He had only seen Li Boxi's commercial design draft before, and although he thought it was amazing, as a layman, he couldn't tell why. This was the first time he saw Li Boxi's true painting level.

The director asked to imitate the paintings of the post-impressionist period as much as possible, so Li Boxi did not refer to the photos much, but stacked large areas of color blocks with a scraper, and the thick gold and red collided with each other, dyeing the pale body with warm colors.

Even so, that abstract figure still bears an astonishing resemblance to Cheng Ping.

It seems that he has thoroughly grasped every inch of Cheng Ping's skin and every bone in the past few days, even if he is blindfolded, he can restore them one by one.

Even Cheng Ping himself couldn't tell where the similarity was, but inexplicably saw a pair of stubborn eyes from the blurred facial features, which ignited a layer of phoenix fire in this thoroughly tragic character.

Li Boxi changed to a thinner brush and began to outline the loose black hair.

Cheng Ping squeezed a chair with him, leaned on his shoulder and watched: "I don't know how to do it, but I think it looks much better than those multi-million dollar items at the auction."

Li Baixi smiled: "The auction is originally for mutual speculation and money laundering. But you can't kill them with one shot, there are also real masters."

Cheng Ping: "So why don't you become a master and still earn this hard money?"

The pen in Li Boxi's hand stopped. Cheng Ping asked this question before, and he prevaricated at that time.

Asked again this time, Li Boxi said slowly: "I don't want to add more garbage to the art world."

Cheng Ping: "...Are you serious? Draw it like this? Rubbish?"

Li Boxi: "If you have no light when you start writing—"

Cheng Ping: "Just 'no soul'? Don't you scoff at that?"

Li Baixi smiled and said: "On the contrary, I am a loyal supporter of the theory of souls, much more loyal than that hypocrite of my junior brother."

Because of this, it was changed.

"I don't need to have a soul when I put on makeup. You just need to have one. But I recently discovered that this idea can be advanced." Li Boxi pointed to the wet paint, "If you are a model, maybe I can have a soul. This collection."

He regretted it before he finished speaking. This was too utilitarian, he observed Cheng Ping's expression from the corner of his eye, trying to find something to remedy.

Unexpectedly, Cheng Ping took it for granted: "It's a pity that I can't be a model with you two during the competition, otherwise I can give you a buff."

Li Boxi: "...No way, I proposed the competition, and the rules have to accommodate him."

The sponsor has already fixed the time and place of the competition, and asked Li Boxi to fly back to China in a few days to broadcast live.

When the younger brother heard that he had appointed a sponsor, he asked to appoint a model. The model he pulled was an acquaintance—the new love that Actor Zhang changed recently.

The younger brother didn't hold back: "It just so happens that he is also the leading actor in Zhang Yingdi's new film, let him show his face, and by the way, put an advertisement for our movie."

Li Boxi: "?"

Junior brother: "?"

Li Boxi: "In that case, I will take Cheng Ping with me."

Junior brother: "How can it be done? Once fans enter the venue, won't it become a popularity contest between two celebrities? We will share a model to ensure fairness."

Li Boxi: "..."

So it was settled. Li Boxi booked a flight ticket for a few days later.

Cheng Ping: "Your junior brother is good enough. You don't even need to be a hypocrite. You should be a real villain with integrity. He won't cheat when the time comes, right?"

Li Boxi: "No, based on what I know about him, he has been waiting for this battle for a long time, and he will treat it positively."

Cheng Ping: "That's hard to say. How about you take advantage of these few days and practice some creative makeup on my face first? If you catch yourself blind on the spot, you can recall my face... Anyway, let me come in handy .”

Li Boxi suddenly turned to look at him.

Cheng Ping seemed to have fully accepted this utilitarian relationship, and even began to enjoy it.

Cheng Ping: "What are you looking at me for?"

Li Boxi lowered his head to draw, but didn't answer.

There was a "click" in his ear, and Cheng Ping took a photo of his half-drawn manuscript, and asked, "Can you send it out?"

Li Boxi: "Please."

Cheng Ping greeted his manager and then posted on Weibo.

Naturally, the fans cheered and began to enthusiastically speculate whether it was related to the movie. Crane Umbrella will not be screened in China, but Cheng Ping's team has gradually done public relations promotion. The effect was unexpectedly good. The theme and lineup were widely circulated, and even before it was finalized, it was passed on as a potential stock in the awards season.

Cheng Ping watched the comments soaring, feeling the thrill of having an affair under the watchful eyes of everyone, and the corners of his mouth slightly turned up.

Li Boxi looked at him from the corner of his eye for a moment, but couldn't help asking: "Is it good enough to be painted like this by me?"

He is used to being an old fritter, and this sentence seems to be asking about art, but it also seems to be asking about something else. If Cheng Ping doesn't want to talk, there is a way out.

He asked in such a cloudy manner, but Cheng Ping broke the barrier in a second: "It's good enough. I'm not as delicate as you are in art. There is no difference between liking and liking, as long as you like it, it's good."

Li Boxi: "..."

Cheng Ping shrugged: "I haven't experienced it much anyway."

This time Li Boxi felt a tingle in his heart.

He thought of the other party's wonderful parents and ironic secret love history. He seems to have forgotten that Cheng Ping's experience of being loved in his life is really barren.

But he took advantage of the void in a grandiose manner.

He didn't want to think about it any more, and interrupted his thoughts with a kiss.

So they spoke again.

At 4:30 in the morning, the alarm clock vibrated, and the two sleeping together on the bed got up in a daze, put on their clothes as if they were sleepwalking, and pushed open the door.

Cheng Ping's feet fluttered, and he muttered "See you later" and was about to float back to his room along the hotel corridor. In order to secretly pass the song under the eyes of the crew, he slipped back in the early morning these days, and walked out of his room in the morning.

Li Boxi half-closed his eyes and said "Mmm", and was about to give him a hug, when he heard a creaking sound, and another door in the corridor slowly opened.

The two of them woke up instantly and froze in place holding their breath.

In the next second, two other figures drifted out like sleepwalking.

Walking in front was the horse button in pajamas without buttons.

The one who sent him out was the male **** of the whole crew with curled hair, Albert.

Li Boxi: "..."

Cheng Ping: "..."

They looked at each other silently, both suspecting that they were still in a dream.

Li Boxi's brain was activated with difficulty, and it ran for a few seconds, killing the speculation of "the two had an affair" in the cradle.

He was searching for other reasonable explanations, when Ma Koukou turned around with half-closed eyes, and took a sip on Albert's face.

Albert accepted it calmly, finally opened his eyes, and looked at the corridor.

Albert: "..."

Li Boxi: "..."

Cheng Ping: "..."

Ma Koukou was still sleepwalking forward with his eyes closed, but Albert grabbed him.

The horse buckle gave a jolt: "..."

Four stubborn stones stand in the turbulence of time.