Chapter 917: Lin Luo returns

Join Konoha?

It's false to say that you don't move.

As long as anyone with a little eye can see, Konoha's rise is imminent, and it will be a matter of time to replace the holy land.


Although the Holy Land betrayed Lin Luo and others, it was still good to Helen. How could she abandon the Holy Land and ignore it when the Holy Land was in crisis?

Just when she was about to refuse, Konoha suddenly trembled?

It was as if a meteorite fell from the sky of Konoha and hit the space barrier of Flying Thunder God.

"what happened?"

"Did anyone attack Konoha?"

"Enemy attack, enemy attack..."

"Everyone, get ready to fight."

In an emergency, Konoha's advantage is reflected.

Under such circumstances, no one was "chaotic" unexpectedly, but they performed their duties and responded calmly.

In the next second, in the horrified eyes of everyone, Fei Lei Shen's space barrier was directly torn open a crack, and it was frightening to see.

Because in everyone's consciousness, Konoha's space barrier is an invincible existence, and it is almost impossible to open it from the outside.

The pitch-black cracks, like black holes, make people flustered.

"Ahhhhh... I'm going to die, Lin Luo, how do you locate the space node in particular, do you want to die?"

Accompanied by a scream like killing a pig, several voices were spit out from the pitch-black cracks, fell from mid-air, and slammed on the ground. Boom boom boom boom!


The sound of landing, screams followed.

These people were Lin Luo and others who successfully escaped from the realm of the demon.

Originally, Lin Luo wouldn't do things like demolishing his own home, but the situation was critical at the time, and it would be nice to be able to escape. Who would care about this...

Lin Luo hurriedly opened up a void passage, and was hurriedly teleported back to Konoha, the force of the violent space directly tore the barrier of Fei Lei Shen.

Even if Lin Luo transforms into a full-form fairy human body, it is a bit overwhelming. Of course, the most important thing is to protect the three of Avila, Aisha and Maggie. As for the first generation of fairy queen Elos, there is no need Lin Luo takes care of...

"Lin Luo!?"

"Avera, and Aisha..."

"What are you guys doing? How come Konoha was almost taken apart!"

Seeing Lin Luo and the others in a strange way Roddy, Serena's brows suddenly wrinkled, as for the others, they looked like they had seen a ghost.

Especially Ana Tassia, Valkyrie, Leslie, Koj, Ray Allen, Thunder Sword, Rayano and others, they just came from the Noah Empire in the third dimension world, they saw this A weird scene.

Tear the Void ran out. This kind of thing was unheard of. They knew Lin Luo was very strong, but they never thought that it was so strong that it could tear the Void.

"Oh..." Just as Lin Luo was about to get up, before he had time to check the surrounding situation, he felt that his chest was hit by a strange thing.

He looked intently, dumbfounded.

Isn't this Luna, the original mascot of Team Dawn? How come this stuff...

"Lin Luo, give me back my things?" Luna saw Lin Luo, the reaction was not unpleasant, and a soaring drill rushed over, and the hands and feet were used to face Lin Luo. It was a set of combo punches, even the teeth On it.

"Are you a dog? Why did you still bite? Don't bite, don't bite..." Lin Luo slowed down, only to realize that Konoha seemed a little different.

Damn it, why are all here?