Chapter 1: Return to the Beginning of the End

A stab of pain, exhaustion…

After regaining consciousness, Shen Qingjia immediately scanned the body with weakened mental strength and confirmed that only the elbows were slightly injured before gently opening her eyes.

After enduring more than ten years of life, even if the body has no power, strength cannot be improved, and the body was close to being ordinary, the awareness level was unmatched.

Looking around, this was a fairly spacious room but the walls were broken and smeared with bloodstains like the scene of a murder.

There were more than forty people standing in the room. Almost all of them were armed with some sort of weapon, baseball bats or steel pipes. The leader of this more than forty people was a big man who, at that moment, was burdened by several men whispering something. Frequently looking at the injured person sitting beside Shen Qingjia, the gaze was very strange.

How was this scenario so familiar? ! !

Shen Qingjia frowned. She remembered that she had survived for more than a decade of the Apocalypse. The villain BOSS blew herself up to perish in mutual destruction with the Savior, the whole world fell apart, and humanity became extinct.

Her last memory before losing consciousness was the brightness of the sky when the villain detonated.

How could she have survived until now? Is it possible that another Saviour would arise?

“You are awake…” The somewhat young voice of a girl sounded as if she were thousands of miles way, distinctly cold yet as sweet as the sound of an instrument.

The girl sitting opposite on the floor had a strange posture and the wound on her leg appeared frightening despite being bound. This girl was probably about the same age as Shen Qingjia, no more than 17 years old but her face was so smothered under dirt and grime that Shen Qingjia can't see the original appearance. Her eyes, however, were filled with a beautiful brilliance that resembled either some kind of gem or the stars. Even if the face was unclear and the leg was seriously injured, this girl maintained her cold temperament.

Shen Qingjia had lived in the apocalyptic world for many years. Suddenly hearing such a sweet voice, it took her a moment to respond, “En…”

The girl looked around before secretly stuffing something into Shen Qingjia's hand. “Thank you for taking care of me today.”

Shen Qingjia looked out of the corner of her eye and saw it was a piece of chocolate.

Her heart palpitated in excitement and she had a faint premonition about the current situation. However, she did not dare to confirm as it as she was afraid this was just a wonderful dream.

Her eyes looked towards the opened window curtains. Outside, she saw the dilapidated residential district, shattered tiles and bricks strewn on the ground, collapsed houses, and a few cars abandoned on the road apart from the almost ten people moving sluggishly. No! They are already not people, either their body was half-rotted or some part of their arms or legs was broken. One of the heads was even half-rotted away, revealing a grayish and disgusting brain. They didn't feel pain the same anymore but were still able to move!

Slow movement, mental retardation, body rotting… This was exactly how the ordinary zombies looked at the beginning of the Apocalypse! ! !

Shen Qingjia reluctantly smiled at the girl beside her. “Excuse me, today is which month?”

Shen Qingjia, since young, looked tender and delicate. When she smiled, she looked like a pure white kitten and provoked feelings of tenderness. Regardless of whether it was before or during the Apocalypse, this type of girl was probably very popular. Of course, this “like” was not a good thing during the Apocalypse. She didn’t smile for too long and suspected that she must have smiled very strangely.

The girl glanced at her before turning away. “Today is January 24, 2020. However, according to some people, it is now January of the last year.

Sure enough, she was reborn and returned to a month after the Apocalypse had begun.

There was no special space, no way to collect supplies, f**k Heaven, there were no advantages to this rebirth ah! What kind of rebirth was this?

Remembering exactly where she was, the fist that she had started to lift was quickly put down. Although Shen Qingjia’s excitement had quickly turned to anger, she slowly calmed herself down. Regarding her current situation, she still had some vague recollections.

In 2020, countless meteorites dropped from the sky and many buildings were destroyed. Hundreds of unlucky people were killed. However, before humans recovered from this weird meteorite rain, Doomsday came!

After the Doomsday crisis, government and military quickly disintegrated and were replaced by human bases built by strong individuals. Shen Qingjia joined the base of Y City. As an ordinary person with no ability, if she could fully complete the tasks, she could at least survive in the base.