Are you in love?

It is a mystery how strong Zhu Ai is in the end of the world. It is said that except for the Saviour Ji Qianhuang [1], no one else in the world can be used in comparison to measure her strength.

The two people are famous for their “3 No” in later generations; the Saviour has no morals, no integrity and no bottom line [2] and Zhu Ai has no expression, no emotion and no talking. The only thing these 2 have in common is that their strength limit is not clearly known.

Even now, not long after the apocalypse broke out, Shen Qingjia couldn’t know the true strength of Zhu Ai. Even if she is also level 3, she undoubtedly can beat Shen Qingjia in a fight. Even Xu Kai, level 3 peak, did not dare to speak or act boldly in front of her.

She is the Greatest Villain who can use her talent to dominate the earth from the moment she was born. She is the prideful Daughter of Heaven who is destined to rule the world. All the mountains and rivers belong to her. She isn’t supposed to be here, to stand in front of her, risking her life to protect her, she isn’t supposed to do this for her because she is supposed to be free… [3]

Zhu Ai inserted a layer of blue light to the sword, making a beautiful sword move and stood quietly, looking like a towering mountain.

The mutant beast that resembled a leopard roared irritably but for the first time did not rush to Zhu Ai. Obviously, this natural born hunter has noticed Zhu Ai’s powerful aura that is different from others.

They were equally powerful and they both felt that they were a huge threat to each other so nobody dared to make the first move for a while.


However, after all, it was a delirious beast, and the angered leopard shaped mutant animal did not stay calm for too long after losing its child. With a wild roar, it was like a huge mountain tumbling down, pressing down on Zhu Ai with a huge aura. That kind of invincible aura was like facing a high mountain crumbling down or a tsunami coming in and even Shen Qingjia’s body, which was not standing in the centre of the battlefield, trembled.

Even a rock as hard as granite became as soft as tofu under the claws of the leopard shaped mutant beast. If that claw grazes just a tiny part of Zhu Ai’s body, the result will be torn muscle and broken bones.

“Miss Ai is fighting a hard battle..” Xu Kai sighed from the side.

Shen Qingjia glanced at him, “Why haven’t you left yet?”

Everyone else from Hope base has already withdrawn from this dangerous battlefield and only Xu Kai stays. Shen Qingjia does not believe that this guy intends to stay and help because he can’t see injustice.

Xu Kai smacked his lips, “At least I can be considered a good guy, don’t think of me as the kind of person who lets his team pull out of here to save his own surviving forces, and then plans to watch you and the level 4 mutant animal fight to the death so that he can reap the benefits in the end.”

“You really have to say all of your dark thoughts, you jerk!!!!” [4]

On the battlefield, the red eyes of the leopard shaped mutant animal stared at Zhu Ai. Its muscles stretched into a perfect streamline. Its upper body stood upright, opened its huge mouth and exposed teeth as sharp as a sword. It suddenly threw a large flame toward Zhu Ai that covered Zhu Ai’s vision. At the same time, it suddenly jumped up, its claws stretched out towards Zhu Ai, this is a move that blocked Zhu Ai from attacking and removing the retreating route at the same time.

Although it might not have a high IQ, there is no doubt that this level 4 mutant animal is a terrifying natural-born killing machine!

“Even if the gap is only 1 level, the difference of power between is like 10 times greater. Even if someone is at the peak level 3, facing a level 4 mutant animal, it is as powerless as ants facing humans.” Xu Kai commented with a smile while watching the battlefield.

Shen Qingjia snorted coldly, “That’s for you!”

Xu Kai waved his hand, “Alright, alright, of course I know that Miss Ai is extremely talented but right now, this kind of talent doesn’t have enough time to grow, you have to admit it, right?”


Shen Qingjia clenched her fists and did not speak.

“Just now when Miss Ai blocked the first attack from a level 4 mutant animal, if I am not wrong, she should have been slightly injured… Miss Ai doesn’t seem to be good at dealing with strength ability types and this level 4 mutant animal just so happens to be a strength mutant animal, so…”

“If it is really like what you said, what are you still doing here?” Shen Qingjia looked at Xu Kai and said seriously, “If you really don’t think Xiao Ai has any hope of winning, you should run faster than anyone else!”

Xu Kai was dumbfounded for a moment, “That’s true… It’s just that Miss Ai has an air that makes you feel that you can trust her.”

“You know Miss Xiao Ai so well, trust her with all your heart and treat her like no one else…” He gave Shen Qingjia a meaningful look and suddenly said, “Are you in love with her?” [5]

In a flash it was like a thunderbolt hitting Shen Qingjia’s head, all the blood in her body rushed to her head, she wanted to raise her voice to retort, but her chest felt like it was stuffed with a ball of cotton, her mouth was dry and she said, “…… What are you talking about?”

Looking at Zhu Ai in the field, Shen Qingjia quickly turned red and lowered her voice, “You… how could you think that! Zhu Ai and I are obviously both girls, how could such a thing happen!!!”

“It’s normal for men and women to be attracted to someone like Xiao Ai, right?” Xu Kai smiled, “You dare to say that when you’re with her, your heart doesn’t beat fast?” [6]

………………………… [T/N : So this … are in raw and below this part is a flashback, just a note here. Also, the number of Bang! is indeed increasing lol.]

“I don’t understand why you keep worrying that I will kill you.” Zhu Ai’s face was still calm, she sighed softly, “But I want you to know that you don’t have to worry about that in the future.”

Bang! Bang! Bang!

“I’m not saying this to you to ask you to pity me, to feel sorry for me, I just want you to know the real Zhu Ai.”

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

She scratched her nose and there was a faint smile in his words, “From a dirty cat to a lazy cat.”

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

“The level 4 mutant animal is burning its life force for fighting power, Qingjia, this is the end of the world and you’ve already won if you can survive under its claws.” The figure walked in front of Shen Qingjia, her voice slightly hoarse compared to normal, “Leave the rest to me.”

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

Shen Qingjia recalled all the things she had done with Zhu Ai in the past, her heart somehow actually beat faster and faster, like it was about to pop out of her chest …… Suddenly she remembered something and said to Xu Kai: “You just said that men and women are attracted to Xiao Ai, do you mean that you are in love with Xiao Ai?!”

As if she had finally found a reason to convince himself, Shen Qingjia breathed a sigh of relief, looked Xu Kai up and down and forced a tone of disdain and contempt, “A guy like you could try for a hundred or a thousand years and she wouldn’t even look at you!”

On the surface, she looks calm but in fact she is currently fighting an inner battle.

How is this possible?! Zhu Ai is such an excellent girl, how could she have such thoughts about her… how could it be like this…!

No! It is definitely this frivolous guy Xu Kai who is talking nonsense! It must be! That is right!!!

“You …” Xu Kai turned his eyes to Zhu Ai in the field and sighed, “Poor Xiao Ai, there is still a long way to go.”

Zhu Ai, who was in the centre of the battlefield, did not panic facing the deadly attack and leaned back to avoid the fireball. She leans back to avoid the fireball, using her heel to turn her body around, sweeping her sword hilt towards the waist of the leopard-shaped mutant like a flowing water.

The leopard shaped mutant animal’s scaled armour, which could not even be penetrated by bullets and grenades, clashed with the sharp blue glowing sword in Zhu Ai’s hand with an ear-splitting metallic clash, before a deep wound appeared on the mutant animal’s body, spilling blood and sending scales down with clinking sound to the ground.

The mutant animal was in pain and took a step back. Zhu Ai has a solemn expression on her face. In the face of this powerful mutant animal, Zhu Ai does not intend to carry out a protracted war of attrition. It is best to kill it with one strike!

The long sword in Zhu Ai’s hand shines brightly for a while, like the bright moon rising above the river. The ripples are sparkling, bright and clear, pure and pristine. The simple cave was reflected in the colourful glow of this light, as if it were a holy place of immortals.

The light that filled the entire cave gradually converged and condensed at the tip of the sword, a small glow that was even more dazzling than the sun, as if it was an eternal divine light that could penetrate the past and pierce the future. Even Shen Qingjia and Xu Kai, who were far away from the centre of the battlefield, felt as if an ancient beast was about to be unleashed in Zhu Ai’s hand! It was about to cover and swallow the sky without anyone being able to stop it!

That was a forbidden technique that would surely kill!

The level 4 mutant animal also felt the change in Zhu Ai’s aura. The red vertical pupil flashed a ferocious cold light and a burst of crimson light suddenly flashed on its body. It suddenly burst out with an aura comparable to Zhu Ai.

“No good! Run!!” Xu Kai’s expression changed, and he suddenly pulled Shen Qingjia back without hesitation.

“It’s going to explode!!!”

Translator’s notes :

[1] In case people forget, he already mentioned from chapter 3. I guess we will meet him later? Also previous translator write Saviour with big S and so I will do the same, unless I forget lol.

[2] 无道德无节操无下限; err, are you sure he is not the villain here? The [道德] means ‘basic social norm’ and honestly I want to use ‘common sense’ because that sounds less ominous but seeing the other two well, so I use ‘moral’, [节操] means ‘ethic/integrity’ so yeah, I use ‘integrity’ and [下限] is ‘bottom line’ so…seriously, this is the good guy right?

[3] 她不该在这里为她出生入死,为她赴汤蹈火,为她浪迹天涯,不该为她……; honestly this paragraph have a ton idiom I hope I do this one justice. 出生入死 means going through fire and water: risking one’s life. 赴汤蹈火 means going through boiling water and walk on fire and while I know this sounds close to the previous one, this means to going through all sort of trouble for someone else’s. So yeah, 1st half is about how Zhu Ai is destined for greatness [which I won’t explain since just look at the literal translation it should be obvious] and the 2nd half is about how she isn’t supposed to risk her life, then author make further statement on the risking part is for her, SQ. Then last is 浪迹天涯 which means ‘roaming around the world’ so that is where the ‘free’ part comes from.

[4] 你那些阴暗的想法你全部都说出来真的好吗魂淡啊!!!!; alright so this is a word play. Up to this part 你那些阴暗的想法你全部都说出来真 is as it is but for 好吗魂淡啊; 魂淡 this is pronounced the same as 混蛋 [means a**hole, bastard and so on you get it] so yeah, I use ‘jerk’ since I don’t hate Xu Kai, you will see why later, so I want to use less bad words for him.

[5] 你该不是喜欢上她了吧; this is why I said I don’t hate Xu Kai. So the chapter title is 你该不是喜欢 and as you can see it cut out from what Xu Kai said here XD

[6] lol Xu Kai drop the honorific and no longer use Miss


Xu Kai, the wingman.

Extra chapters 1/5. Four more to go! So yep, another kind person tipped me yesterday, thank you so much, that brings the extra to 5 chapters. I will try to get it all done this month!

Just to clarify, I have checked the raw and up to chapter 26 all are under 3k words so that means yup, extra chapters up to this point is 22-26. And with the fixed release one/week that means this month we should catch up to chapter 29 [I already release chapter 21 this week] and, if there is any more tip, I will count it after chapter 29 because I don’t want to confuse myself lol.