"Of course it's true." Ding Tangtang said, "is it interesting for me to lie to you?"

Tao Zi asked her, "then you're not a master. What are you going to do in the future?"

"Hang out with you," Ding Tang said seriously.

"Mix with me?" Tao Zi felt a thrill after hearing this. Who would like to play with the master around.

"I'm similar to you. I can't do anything except rock and roll. Besides, you must have more money and lower status than you. How can I take you around?"

"Don't be modest. I know your level clearly. You can earn so much money for Zhu Dashan casually. You are much more than my God."

Ding Tangtang said mysteriously, "you are the real master. As long as you follow you, you will surely have a lot of money."

Looking at each other's bright big eyes, Tao Zi understood. In fact, the sister had a plan in her heart long before she came here.

With Tao Zi's means of making money, anyone who knows the inside must flock to it, and the master in front of him is no exception.

Although Tao Zi doesn't like to play tricks and scoffs at those who play tricks, Dante Tang is a rare exception.

At least Ding Tang knew that he acted according to the trend and didn't stick with her to the end, which is very commendable.

Moreover, the girl's appearance is very cute, which makes Tao Zi not too wary of her. Think about it, it's fun to be with such a girl, and say:

"Well, if you want to hang out with me, I'll take you.

"But there are some things you must do as I say, or we won't talk."

Ding Tang nodded, "OK, you say. As long as it's not too much, I'm sure to obey."

Tao Zi said solemnly, "first, the master can't do it. You have to return to the common customs."

"Of course, didn't I tell you just now? I've wanted to do that for a long time."

Tao Zi asked, "however, the feeling of being a master is different from that of being an ordinary girl. What if no one kowtows to you, and you're not used to it?"

"I'll get used to it slowly." Ding Tang said with big eyes. "Besides, if someone kowtows to you every day, don't you think it's troublesome?"

Tao Zi thought again, shook her head and said, "what's the trouble? It's not that I kowtow to others, but that others kowtow to me. I'll just sit there and enjoy it."

Ding Tang giggled: "why don't you become a master? Enjoy kowtowing every day."

"Don't hurt me. Just let me stay here a little longer. I'm scared. I must be depressed after a long time."

Tao Zi also smiled. She was stunned again and found that the topic deviated. She immediately looked serious and said, "by the way, you can't live in this place. If I say you'd better sell it and live in a mountain all day, it's scary. It's really not a good place."

"This place... I'd better keep it," Ding Tang was a little embarrassed. "My grandfather bought it and plans to pass it on from generation to generation. If I sell it, my grandfather won't have to settle with me?"

Tao Zi saw that she was so serious, just as her grandfather could really find a way to settle accounts. She couldn't help laughing: "well, if you don't sell, you don't sell. I can't control so much, but you have to live in the city. You can't follow me. You have to run here all the time?"

"Well, of course."

"Also, you have to take out all the money you have in hand and give it to me for safekeeping."


"I can help you make money!" Tao Zi tilted her head and said, "what are you doing with me? Isn't it just to make money? If you want to make money, you have to invest. If you don't take a penny and cover the White Wolf empty handed, how can there be such a good thing in the world?"

"Then I'll take the money. How much profit share do you give me?"

"I 8 you 2."


"A lot. I'm in a good mood. I'll play with you, or you'll try someone else."

"... can't it rise any more?"

"Stop the ink. Just do it. I can't pull it down. I'm not familiar with you. It's generous enough."

You has the final say.

Tao Zi said positively, "another thing, don't say you're my master in front of others. I'm not interested in being an apprentice to others."

"Well, well, we'll be sisters from now on," Ding Tang shrugged.


The two men talked in the big house for most of the day. Ding Tang now has no master's style, but bows to Tao Zi like a subordinate.

Tao Zi knows that Ding Tang has more than ten disciples. In addition to the two elder martial sisters Tao Zi met before, there are also more than a dozen aunts in their fifties. These people are disciples and nannies of the Ding family. Their duty is to clean the whole jusendai.

Ding Tangtang decided to go with Tao Zi. Of course, he wanted to explain the gathering in Sendai to the disciples.

She sent the disciples to the hall and asked her big disciple, an old aunt of nearly 60, to manage the whole jusendai temporarily. In addition to her private courtyard behind, other rooms can be rented out at will. The rent is used as the wages of the disciples and the daily expenses of jusendai.

Jusendai is a famous tourist resort in Yicheng. The house rent here is also very high. If you rent such a large house, it will also be a lot of income.

Dante Tang didn't care, and gave it all to her apprentice. It shows that she is really confident in mixing with Tao Zi.

After explaining everything, Ding Tang decided to go down the mountain with Tao Zi immediately.

Seeing that it was getting late, Tao Zi couldn't help being a little embarrassed: "do you have a place to live when you go back to the city with me?"

"Of course."

"Do you have a house in the city?"


"Are you going to stay in a hotel?"

"I'm going to live in your house."

"What?" Tao Zi immediately worried: "you're very kind. Who let you live in my house?"

"Do you think I don't know? You live in the big villa given to you by Zhu Dashan, hundreds of square meters up and down. Don't you feel scared to live alone?"

"Even if I feel scared again, I can't let you live with me." Tao Zibai glanced at her: "I haven't known you for half a day, so I'll take you to my house. I'm brain crippled?"

"What about that? You don't want to get familiar with me again and let me live in your place?"

"Pull it down." Tao Zi sniffed at her, but she had nothing to do with her. It felt like a piece of shit plaster. She couldn't shake it off if she wanted to.

"Who lives in your broken place? It's scary." Tao Zi thought for a while and said, "well, you can live with me, but you're not allowed to play routine with me."

Tao Zi was afraid to lead wolves into the house again like Zhou Xinran.

Besides, this Ding Tangtang is much higher than Zhou Xinran's Duan. I'm afraid ordinary people can't control her because they haven't seen what kind of people they have and play better.

But Tao Zi was curious and really wanted to see the energy of the "master", so after weighing the two sides, she agreed to let her live with her.

After hearing Tao Zi's words, Ding Tangtang looked a little unhappy: "what are you talking about? Who wants to play routine with you?"

"Who knows whether you play or not?" Tao zichong turned her standard eyes and said, "you used to take cheating as a profession. I have to guard against it?"

"What did you say? It hurts people's self-esteem! Who takes cheating as a profession? My divination is good?"

Ding Tang said it plausibly: "Liu Bowen is still a fortune teller. Do you also say he is a liar?"

Tao Zi was too lazy to argue with her and raised her hand. "OK, you're powerful, all right."


Liu HONGNA was sitting in the living room. She had been impatient for a long time. She continued to drink tea one after another. Her stomach was swollen, but Tao Zi didn't come out of the corridor.

She looked at the door again and finally couldn't help asking Zhu Dashan, "Dong Zhu, what's the matter with Tao Zi? She hasn't come out yet after talking to her master for so long? She doesn't think master is good here and is ready to become a monk with her master?"

Zhu Dashan was also in a panic. He was afraid that if such a thing happened, his wealth gathering girl would be gone:

"It seems... It's not impossible. Tao Zi finally found her master and understood her past life and true identity. If not, she will hate this earthly world and concentrate on cultivating immortals in order to rank in the fairy world and become a fairy in the future."

"How can I do that? Good girl, become a Taoist nun? Won't her whole life be ruined?"

Hearing Zhu Dashan's words, Liu HONGNA was even more anxious: "no, I have to persuade Tao Zi not to make her stupid. Come to this ghost place to be an apprentice. Is it unclear to look for guilt?"

"Don't go," Zhu Dashan said when he saw that Liu HONGNA really wanted to go out of the living room. "How can you persuade her? If you don't do well, you'll get into trouble. Let's let it go."

Wang Hongxia, Zhu Dashan's wife, also came and advised, "don't be silly, Liu HONGNA. That master is a God. If you really annoy her, she can let you go to hell on the 18th floor and make you doomed. At that time, we have to suffer with you!"

Wang Hongxia said it was mysterious enough. Liu HONGNA also had cold back and goose bumps all over. She had 12 points of courage just now, but now she doesn't even have half a point left.

It's tangled. The footsteps in the outer corridor finally come.

Liu HONGNA and Zhu Dashan looked up, but Tao Zi and a thin beauty of the same age came slowly.

When Zhu Dashan saw the beauty with thin and big eyes, he was so surprised that his chin was about to fall off. He trembled and said, "master, master has appeared!"