Book 3: Chapter 1: (7)

Book 3: Chapter 1: (7)

Tilarna walked to the bus stop right in front of the school, and she saw Nyath Maybell there.

Ah hey

Nyath nodded slightly. There was something awkward about his movements.


For some strange reason Tilarna felt relieved. Perhaps it was because, after spending an entire day in a school she wasnt used to, with unknown students, it was all getting on her nerves, and seeing a familiar face felt good. No, it was odd to even call him a familiar face. She had only met him that same morning after all.

Are you going home? Yeah. You already know that I dont have a car or anything, so

He fleetingly gazed at the distant parking lot. Going out of the school, there were only luxury cars, luxury cars and more luxury cars. Thinking back on what she said to Kei about getting on a workhorse being a discredit to her familys honor, Tilarna wondered if this was something similar. Even though her boss on this side, Zimmer, was riding and taking care of an old car.

Dont worry. Im also taking the bus. Yeah, I can tell Besides, the bus isnt even that bad. Its the best way to observe the Dorinis. I was quite pleasantly surprised by their tradition to give their seat to older men and women. That doesnt exist? Semanians dont have that habit? No. There arent even any buses to begin with Ah, well yeah. Obviously

Nyath laughed

You were raised on this side, right Nyath? Yep. I was there only until I was seven in Earths years. Do you know a town called Dohga? No Im sorry No, well, its just a country town. Its a port town in the Goliah region Goliah, huh?

The Goliah region. It was a part of Tilarnas home kingdom of Farbani. It must have been almost nine years already since the tragedy where the Zambenikan army had marched in and it fell into disarray.

The Zambenikans, who were main contenders to the Farbani Kingdom, had unofficially received the support of an East Asian country from Earth, and the problems only became even more dire since then. She had heard that many people fled amid the Zambenikan pillaging, crossed the mirage gate as earthlings called it, and ended up moving to San Teresa.

Tilarna was still only a child at the time, and she had been removed from it all living in the Exedilika estate, so she continued her training in swordsmanship and mildite, carrying out her undisturbed life. She had heard about the suffering in the Goliah region, but she had only thought of it as an isolated incident that took place in a single region of the entire kingdom.

Even after the kingdoms Milvor Salanda chased after the Zambenikan troops and made them pay, the region was left in complete chaos.

You must have had a rough time back then, right? Yeah, thank you. But I dont really remember much of it. I think both of my parents died around that time, but I cant say I really feel too sad or anything like that now I see After that I blended in with the refugees, came to Earth and an NGO found an adoptive family for me. The Maybells, that was the name of the family. Its horrible to say this, but I dont even really remember my Semanian family name. I am an earthling by heart, no doubt. I cant even speak much Farbani at all. Do you feel like going back? Not at all. If I came back right now, I dont think I would be able to adapt. I mean, its a world without any AC or any smartphones, so I dont think I could do it!

From the way your speaking, I dont think it sounds like youre praising her very much Oh, did it sound like that? Maybe thats just my poor guy's resentment speaking then Well, Im sure she found you interesting, being your first day here, so youll probably be able to make a striking debut with Sherwood Highs high society. Im sure there are already emails being thrown around all over the place. A mysterious beautiful transfer student was being friendly with Emma Sehlam for thirty minutes! and stuff like that. Even standing on this bus stop, and talking to me if they saw you doing this it would be bad for you. This is just a school, right? Calling it the high society or something is going too far Its not going too far! There are many people approaching her, dying to be welcomed into her group. Worst of all, even one of my friends is doing that. I cant believe her, that Norune Norune?

Tilarnas expression stiffened, though she tried to hold back. Was he talking about Norune Norbam, the girl that had died from a drug overdose?

Yeah. She hasnt come for the past two or three days, though. Maybe she caught a cold or something. Ill introduce her to you later. Shes also a Semani, and I think you would get along with her

Right then, the bus finally arrived. Line F22, bound for East Ballet. Tilarna asked nervously at Nyath, who was taking his pass from his wallet

So uh that Norune girl Yeah? What kind of relationship do you have with her? A- are you interested in that? Whu- well yeah a little

Tilarna replied vaguely and looked down. She didnt think her cover would be blown just with this, but she felt embarrassed at not being able to keep her cool and just ignore him being friends with the victim.

Ah, thats hard see, how should I say it Norune is a good friend, but were not in that kind of relationship, you see? I dont even think I know it for sure but ah, the bus is here. Lets go, lets go!

For some reason, Nyath had turned red, and he hurriedly got on the bus. Even if he said something like that kind of relationship, Tilarna had absolutely no idea what kind of relationship he was even talking about.

Are you an idiot?

Said Kei Matoba, shocked while sitting in his dining room that evening.

Norune is a girl, Nyath is a guy. Within that context, asking him something like what kind of relationship do you have with her would make any teenage boy think something like maybe this girl is actually into me?. For sure, no doubt about it! What an annoying thing you did

Matoba was skillfully serving the red pasta in the frying pan into two separate dishes, and carrying it to the table along with some salad. He then brought some steaming consomm soup, and dinner was complete.

Well I dont get it Get it already! Fucks sake You wouldnt be thinking it wasnt that big of a deal if you were a guy. Sucks for Nyath

Matoba sighed, and took off the checkered apron he was wearing. Then he took a seat, and after whispering that strange itadakimasu spell, he started slurping away the pasta in a most vulgar manner.

Salanda means knight in Farbanian

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