
Jun Ye drew open the curtains, allowing the bright light to spill into the bedroom and dispel the lingering darkness.

The quilt on the bed shifted slightly as Fei Xiu emerged, revealing half of his face. He squinted towards Jun Ye, who stood by the window.

The first snowfall of the year had come silently during the night, and now snowflakes drifted outside, transforming the landscape into a silver-clad wonderland.

The Omega stood in the backlight, a halo of cold, bright light framing his face. The ethereal scene, combined with the snow, made him appear as a deity from a holographic film, so pure and divine that gazing at him felt like an offense.

Jun Ye turned his head, and Fei Xiu quickly lowered his eyes.

Yet, he couldn’t tear his gaze away. His eyes traced the loose ties of Jun Ye’s nightgown, lingering on the tantalizingly delicate tips of the strings.

Images of their recent wild entanglements replayed in his mind.

Even if Jun Ye were to step on him with bare feet, looking down from above, Fei Xiu would only grow more excited, repeatedly transforming from a madman to a sage under Jun Ye’s rough handling.

Feeling a bit guilty, Fei Xiu shrank back under the quilt. Bathed in the sunlight, Jun Ye appeared so holy and aloof, and Fei Xiu had once defiled his deity with his own ugliness.

Jun Ye stepped closer.

The ties swayed, seemingly looser, as if a slight tug would make them fall gracefully from his waist.

Yes, this was the result of his own sinful actions.

He had once coaxed and pulled at those ties, watching the silky fabric slowly fall away…

What a sight it had been.

Fei Xiu rubbed his nose, relieved that it wasn’t red.

Completely unaware of Fei Xiu’s fantasies, Jun Ye walked to the dressing table, grabbed a medical kit, and sat at the foot of the bed. He lifted the quilt corner and squeezed Fei Xiu’s ankle, saying, “Spread them, it’s time to apply the medicine.”

In the past week of Jun Ye’s heat, he had left numerous marks on Fei Xiu.

After living through several worlds for hundreds of years, Jun Ye found most new positions no longer novel. When they were together, he preferred to choose easy yet satisfying ones for both.

This heat cycle had been particularly intense. Provoked by Fei Xiu’s statement, “I like being treated roughly by you,” Jun Ye had dug up old methods, leading his partner through a myriad of experiences.

Fei Xiu had been “tormented” into a state of bliss, almost losing track of time. By the time Jun Ye carried his nearly broken body to a new bed, Fei Xiu had felt he could die content in his Omega’s arms.

However, such wild episodes were only during Jun Ye’s heat. After a day of clarity, all the lost shame returned.

Fei Xiu recalled his initial request to Jun Ye and how his partner’s behavior had changed dramatically. His face flushed with embarrassment, avoiding Jun Ye’s gaze.

Struggling with shame, Fei Xiu opened up for Jun Ye, then turned his head, staring wide-eyed at the ceiling light as if trying to carve a flower into it with his gaze.

Jun Ye gently lifted Fei Xiu’s pajama hem, poured the medicine into his palm, and slowly massaged it onto Fei Xiu’s knee.

After three applications yesterday, the bruises on his knees were no longer as shocking, but Jun Ye meticulously rubbed the medicine in, pressing and spreading it gently.

This was just the beginning. Fei Xiu’s entire body was marked, and the task of applying medicine was immense, posing a significant psychological challenge as well.

Sometimes, Jun Ye wondered who truly suffered more from all this.

There was still the back to deal with.

Fei Xiu lay on his side. Jun Ye worked from bottom to top, but he didn’t collapse. It wasn’t that he didn’t want to enjoy it, but his back, being the worst off, couldn’t touch the bed yet.

Jun Ye had a peculiar fondness for various frontal angles, never mind Fei Xiu’s aging face. Lowering his eyes, Fei Xiu smiled slightly.

Had he turned his Omega wicked?

In the past, Jun Ye wouldn’t have been so brutal, wouldn’t have made him kneel in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, nor forced him to watch their intimate acts.

“We can’t play like this anymore,” Jun Ye said, his fingers tracing Fei Xiu’s slightly protruding spine.

Compared to Fei Xiu’s previous two bodies, this one was frail. Jun Ye’s heat could be managed with inhibitors; there was no need to leave his partner in such a miserable state.

Sensing a threat to future happiness, Fei Xiu, despite his pain, carefully held Jun Ye’s hand in his warm palm.

When Fei Xiu started coaxing, he was all emotions, in full romantic mode, with tenderness overflowing from his eyes. “I know you’re soft-hearted, but you don’t need to worry about me. As a middle-aged Alpha with no other merits, being valued by you and exchanging my service for a generous pension is enough…”

“Enough,” Jun Ye pressed a finger to Fei Xiu’s lips, insisting, “The inhibitors work well; we won’t play.”

He wasn’t heartless. Seeing the misery he caused on his partner’s body, he couldn’t remain indifferent just because Fei Xiu said he liked it.

And it wasn’t like they wouldn’t have sex anymore. It was just a week of heat each year; there were many things they could do the rest of the time.

Jun Ye gently pressed Fei Xiu’s still swollen lip, a sudden thought crossing his mind: Could his partner be hiding his identity to trick him into these more extreme activities, making him a sadist?

Watching Fei Xiu bite his finger, Jun Ye’s suspicion grew.

Jun Ye silently withdrew his hand, but Fei Xiu quickly clasped it to his freshly medicated chest, persistently flirting.

A week of indulgence had drained Jun Ye’s energy. Even if Fei Xiu guided his hand lower, Jun Ye wouldn’t blink.

Using his charm didn’t work.

Jun Ye, unfazed, adjusted Fei Xiu’s collar, tying the strings into a neat knot, maintaining a facade of calm righteousness, before smiling at Fei Xiu, “No chance.”

Damn it!

Fei Xiu, under Jun Ye’s amused gaze, clutched his chest in mock agony and collapsed onto the bed.

He had just begun to indulge! Though now he was sated, with little appetite, how long would that last? Once his body recovered, he’d surely crave more of Omega’s touch…

Jun Ye pulled the quilt over him, saying, “Rest a bit more. Don’t go downstairs today; I’ll bring your meals. Anything specific you’d like? I’ll cook it for you.”

Seeing Jun Ye’s bright eyes, Fei Xiu blinked in acknowledgment.

He knew Jun Ye’s cooking skills were lacking, often struggling even with making basic noodles. Fortunately, Jun Ye was self-aware, only attempting traditional dishes on certain holidays.

Today wasn’t any special ancient holiday, was it?

“I’ll eat anything.” Even if it’s soy sauce noodles, as long as you’ll indulge me more, Fei Xiu smiled subtly.

While any housekeeping robot could outdo Jun Ye’s soy sauce noodles, how could he refuse his lover’s efforts? He just hoped Jun Ye understood his willingness to eat such dark cuisine and would play their bedroom games a few more times.

Jun Ye, knowing his limitations, chose a few of Fei Xiu’s favorites from the housekeeping robot’s menu, items that would aid his recovery, and set them for automatic cooking.

He stood in the kitchen, watching the devices activate one by one, as the robot prepared the ingredients for breakfast.

The window blinds automatically rose, revealing the pure white world outside. In this upscale residential area, snow was never cleared.

The first snow had fallen, and the new year was approaching. Jun Ye didn’t need to count to know this was his tenth year in this world.

Despite the world’s plotline automatically correcting itself at critical points, Jun Ye had disrupted it significantly, losing two partners in ten years.

Feeling a bit cold, Jun Ye decided to go upstairs and cuddle his third partner, who was still in bed.

Fei Xiu, having been in bed for over a day, wasn’t sleepy at all.

Opening his terminal, his current job was taking care of Jun Ye’s daily needs. The schedule was filled with menus and shopping plans he’d listed a week ago.

After placing orders for necessary items online, Fei Xiu had little else to do. He discovered an old web game installed on the terminal and clicked in.

When Jun Ye returned to the room, intending to cuddle, he found Fei Xiu staring intently at the terminal, a complicated expression on his face.

Thinking it might be an important Alliance issue, Jun Ye approached, only to find it was a wild pet-raising game.

With thirty minutes until breakfast was ready, Jun Ye slipped under the quilt, pressing his head against Fei Xiu’s to watch him play the silly game.

The scene depicted a primitive forest with black and white birds flying overhead. Despite sounding childish, the game’s graphics were impressive.

Fei Xiu moved closer to Jun Ye, explaining, “The black bird in the middle is the default pet. To get other pets, you need to control this bird to capture them.”

“I saw a beautiful mermaid in the pet guide, the rarest kind. According to the guide, it lives in the sea, but I’m stuck in the forest.”

Jun Ye, intrigued, tapped the screen, “Can’t you fly to the sea?”

“That’s the theory, but this bird is silly. It flies only in circles,” Fei Xiu explained.

Jun Ye laughed at the image of the bird flying in circles.

Fei Xiu added, “Maybe when you unlock more pet species, you’ll get new maps?”

Considering the simplicity of the game’s graphics, this seemed plausible. Yet Fei Xiu was more interested in capturing a beautiful mermaid.

Jun Ye shook his head, dismissing the thought of leveling up in a silly game. “The forest doesn’t have water. If you can’t capture the mermaid here, you need to move.”

Using a gaming terminal for adult entertainment didn’t make sense.

Feeling a bit uncomfortable, Fei Xiu handed the terminal to Jun Ye, who swiftly pointed out a fishing hook symbol at the bottom.

Pressing it, they received a prompt: “Recruited old fishermen. Do you want to set sail?” Fei Xiu confirmed, and a page displayed various ship-building materials.

Seeing the various ship parts, Jun Ye felt a headache coming on. He’d expected a direct sail option but saw numerous required parts instead.

He had never been good at games, preferring to lie back and watch, which was fine for Fei Xiu. They’d bought various electronic devices, so if he really wanted a mermaid, he’d get it for him.

Five years later, at the main star’s cemetery.

Snowflakes were falling heavily as a high-end black and white aircraft landed at the cemetery gate. A young Beta in a caretaker’s uniform was surprised to see the aircraft in such weather.

“Someone’s here to visit a grave in this weather?” the caretaker muttered, grabbing a black umbrella from the wall and stepping out of the duty room.

The caretaker walked towards the aircraft, which had just landed. The door opened upward, and a long leg extended out, the white boot stepping onto the snow.

A white umbrella suddenly opened, revealing an Omega so beautiful he seemed unreal, stepping down from the aircraft.

The wind blew snowflakes around, making the Omega in white clothes and a white umbrella look like a snow spirit.

The snow spirit turned, and the caretaker was shocked to see that he was holding a cluster of flames.

“Are you the new caretaker?”

The snow spirit’s enchanting voice reached the caretaker’s ears. As the snow spirit walked closer, the caretaker steadied his trembling heart and replied, “Yes… Is there something I can help you with?”

“No, I’m familiar with this place.”

The snow spirit walked past him, and the caretaker realized that the “flames” he was holding were actually a type of flower, fiery red and shaped like a bird in flight.

Compelled by curiosity, the caretaker followed.

Who in this cemetery was worth such a visit from a snow spirit? Was it a human Alpha partner? Scenes from magical love films filled the caretaker’s mind, making his heart race.

The snow spirit walked steadily through the falling snow, bypassing various tombstones, and entered a private burial area.

The caretaker saw the snow spirit stop in front of a private family plot with three tombstones. The name on the plot was “Darling,” meaning “Loved One (As in romantic love).”

The caretaker found it odd. With three tombstones, it should be a family plot, but why was it called “Loved One”?

Extremely eerie.

The snow spirit brushed the snow off the three tombstones and said, “The bodies of my beloved rest here. Thank you for watching over them.”

The caretaker quickly replied that it was his duty and pulled his coat tighter around himself.

Clearly, this wasn’t a traditional love story.

The caretaker watched as the snow spirit placed a flower on each tombstone. After placing the third flower, the snow spirit still held one more.

Who was the fourth flower for? It wasn’t common for someone to bring a flower for themselves.

The caretaker looked around in confusion. The private plot was large but only had three graves so far.

At least for now, only three…

A chill ran down the caretaker’s spine. He took a half step back, eyes wide as the snow spirit lowered his head to sniff the last flower.

The snow spirit was naturally beautiful. Describing his looks in words seemed inadequate. Even a simple gesture of smelling a flower made him look enchanting, but the caretaker only wanted to run away.

If—if the snow spirit said he wanted him to join them in eternal rest here, forever guarding his beloved…

The snow spirit turned around, and the caretaker tensed.

The snow spirit spoke slowly, “I need to find my fourth beloved. This time he’s hiding well, seems to enjoy role-playing. He hasn’t appeared for days… I hope to find him before this flower withers.”

Lmao the caretaker watches way too much horror movies!

The “butler” arc was pretty short :’c but oh well

Thank you for reading