Chapter 166 [BONUS CHAPTER!] Sky Island Saga: Jaya Island Arc (2)

Chapter 166 [BONUS CHAPTER!] Sky Island Saga: Jaya Island Arc (2)

{Surprise isn't it? So because of the bonus chapter, show your love with your power stones!}


Creating Manga Of One Piece In Pirates World Become My Ultimate Goal!

(For those who wanted to support me to continue this great book and enjoy the advanced chapters)

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[Everything that people can imagine, can happen in reality. — The physicist, Willie Gallon—]


Luffy: A ship fell from the sky?!


Nami: Galleon...!?


Sanji: What is this...



Straw Hats: Aghhhhh!

Sanji: Hold the ship!

Nami: W-What, what, what!?

Ussop: This is a dream! Yes, I'm dreaming without a doubt!

Chopper: A dream!? Hoo, this is reassuring!

Sanji: The precipitation is continual! Beware!



Luffy: Why... a ship fell from the sky...!?

Sanji: This world is full of wonders...!

Zoro: Nothing else appears in the sky...

Nami: Ahh!

Sanji: What's wrong, Nami!?

Nami: What are we going to do!? Log Pose is broken! The needle is stuck pointing up!

Robin: No, you are wrong.

Nami: Huh?

"Don't be like Bellamy, I believe in the existence of Sky Island, we will see it in the next volume for sure."


In the royal palace of this humble kingdom, the current king of the country was looking at the manga book with amazement, with a gloomy expression and wet eyes, until now his mind couldn't believe what he was seeing in the book in his hands .

Who would have expected that he would find information about his ancestor missing hundreds of years ago in the manga that he thought was just an entertaining story?

"I need to enlist Mister Rob's help in recovering the Royal Ship before it crashed into a mouth of some turtle..."

The current king was determined to take the ship back home even if it was just a ghost ship and to bury the mortuaries who they suffered a fight against some enemy in the last stages of their lives.


The news spread from the art store and didn't stop until everyone in the kingdom knew it, even if it wasn't as prosperous as it was in the past, it was still a kingdom with a foundation of tens of thousands of residents, this large number of people didn't come out of nowhere, but most of them were aboriginal people with roots going back of the time of Saints Briss. everyone in this kingdom knew why their kingdom had fallen from the rulers of an entire sea to just a random kingdom.

That tragic event precipitated the collapse of the Gar Kingdom as it was known at that time.

But now, the manga has shown them that Saint Briss's ship didn't disappear in smoke but was somewhere in the sky and fell exactly when the Straw Hats arrived.

As if their saint's ship was destined to be just a sign to the protagonist that the Sky Island existed and he had to go to it.

With the help of Nico Robin and the information she gave, the inhabitants of the Briss Kingdom were able to confirm that this ship actually belonged to their kingdom in the past.

The reactions continued to escalate, and it was something that couldn't be comprehended in such a short time, especially since it came so suddenly.

All of this happened in the presence of two of the main characters in the manga, Mihawk, and Ishou.

This duo was roaming south blue and they chose to go to the nearest art store they could find, so they found themselves in this kingdom and experienced this surprising coincidence as well.

"Who would have expected they know the news about the remains of one of their historical kings in this way, is this really just a story?"

Inside the art store, Ishou's face was confused, but Mihawk unlike him was very calm.

"Just a story? Do you keep saying this nonsense? When you find yourself drawn here someday, you will know that this manga is not just a story at all, but a concrete reality."

"It's a real book that simulates a future that could have been."

"No need to think about all this, let's continue reading today's volume. We are still in its beginning, it seems to me that One Piece is getting more serious."


The titles of the next three chapters! (?Spoiler?)











Chapter 165: Sky Island Saga: Jaya Island Arc (Part 3)

Chapter 166: Olvia's Desire! Noland The Liar's Story.

Chapter 167: The Addict Bartholomew Kuma and Suspicious Connie!


BlackStar_BH NOTE:

From now on, the novel will return to focusing more on the events of the manga, because the events will become interesting and many, so you will see a single volume of the manga containing many chapters talking about it in the novel. Show your love by supporting this novel to return to the top three ?
