Chapter 232 Deep Love With Passing Time?

Chapter 232 Deep Love With Passing Time?

?Creating Manga Of One Piece In Pirates World Become My Ultimate Goal!?


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(For those who wanted to support me to continue this great book and enjoy the advanced chapters.)

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The next morning Sora woke up to find herself completely naked while hugging someone's hand between her breasts. She wasn't the only woman in this position. There are other women who hug the same person while they sleep beside her.

Memories of the last night were brought back, causing her face to turn red with embarrassment.

After Rob returned from Skypiea yesterday and declared the Sky Island task completed with the full mark. He didn't just throw a raucous party in which all the store goddesses participated.

But at the end of the party, he confessed his love for them and his willingness to be their husband forever.

From the intensity of their happiness, they drank until they lost consciousness.

A large smile appeared on Sora's face at this moment, unable to hold back her happiness.

She's waited so long for this moment, since her first meeting with Rob when he let her work with him, it's been over two years, and during this time her feelings for Rob are stronger than ever.

At first, it was just admiration, then it turned into pure love, although she was just his maid, he didn't neglect her at all but kept treating her with the most kindness that no one other than her deceased father had treated her.

Despite he was a married man, and despite he knows her love for him. All these years Rob has been taking care of her and he has never refused her love, always allowing her hope to rise until today it became a reality.

Sora touched her beating heart, unable to contain her happiness.

She has never been happier than today.

Sora looked at the women sleeping happily next to the man they chose, they were all like her, having the same love, the same belief, and the same desire.

But the woman who had an important role in allowing them to realize this dream was Olvia, so Sora was very grateful to this woman who sacrificed her selfishness so that they could become a big family.

In the pirates' world polygamy was not unusual, many kings and powerful people had more than one wife.

But even though Rob was a great and powerful person, he was also an honest person, had Olvia not given him the green light he wouldn't have chosen them to be his wives as well.

It was all based on Olvia's decision.

And who didn't disappoint them at this stage, but she was happy that her sisters also sleep on her husband's bed.

When Sora left the room, the rest of the women woke up one by one, like Sora, they reacted the same.

Immediately after waking up, Glora was still absorbing the shock of what had happened last night. She was so sorry that she had drunk so much alcohol that she wasn't able to experience the first night's sleep with her beloved man.

Olvia, Toki, Otohime, and Gloriosa got up and looked at Bell-mère with a meaningful smile.

They had heard what she was gossiping about after all.

"Has Rob ever said such a romantic line to you, what a husband! He had foresighted-"

Before Olvia could finish her words, Rob's leg wrapped around her waist like a snake and pulled her toward his arms as well.

"As if it would be easy for you to make fun of this husband from now on."

Rob's smile remained on his face.

Olvia and Bella couldn't move within his cuddle, they couldn't help but surrender under his force.

He only let them leave after Sora came back to the room with breakfast in her hand.

Half of the first day passed enjoying each other in this way.

The fun only ended when Little Robin came to find her father.



















+400 Power Stone = 1 Bonus Chapte