Chapter 341 A ship like no other.

Creating Manga Of One Piece In Pirates World Become My Ultimate Goal!

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(For those who wanted to support me to continue this great book and enjoy the advanced chapters.)

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((There're 18 chapters ahead of Webnovel!))

Cutty Flam finally stopped crying when he found out that his comrades in the manga were all alive and well thanks to Paulie's rope.

This scene finally made him enjoy the last moment of victory without any losses.

"I told you not to underestimate Galley-La men, kid."

The future mayor of Water Seven Iceburg smiled when he saw the surviving of wonderful carpenters who were supposed to be his future subordinates.

"Kids looks like our special story has finally come to an end with Don!"

After going through all kinds of emotions for the past month. from the Water Seven arc to the Enies Lobby arc, Tom and his disciples enjoyed a lot and learned a lot, too.

As if Tom became the same person who appeared in the manga.

As if he got memories from his past life.

Relying on it, he could live a lot better than he lived in that life which was also wonderful in its own way.

"Now, it's time to start building the sea train! In a few years, we will astound the world!" Ñøv€l--ß1n hosted the premiere release of this chapter.

"With the help of Rob-Sama, we will connect all the islands of the world togethers!"

"Our story in the manga is over, Yes. But our story in the real world hasn't even started yet!"

"So kids, cheer up with Don!"


Little Franky and Iceburg looked at each other with smiles on their faces and then the next moment they shook each other's hands vigorously and then shouted:

"Damn it, yeah!!!!"



"NGAGAGA!! You are so energetic, what a wonderful youth~"

Suzan could see through Kokoro's smile and saw the pure frustration she was trying to hide behind the smile.

After all, the pretty mermaid figure that appeared in Sanji's dreams when he was drowning is the same as Kokoro's when she was in her twenties!

Kokoro at that time was the most beautiful mermaid on Fish-Man Island, according to everyone's testimony.

But because of her unique race characteristic, she had the shortest period of beauty.

Her race was Dugong Mermaids (Icefish), or cold water fish. In order to maintain her youth longer she had to live in cold water which unfortunately is not found on Fish-Man Island.

That's why they lost their youth more quickly, but the Dugong Mermaids are nevertheless known for their high vitality as even though they lost their youth quickly, they can live for many years.

("Kokoro-san... Would you like to get your youth back?")

("Why don't you join this place and become a Store Goddess, the store owner can fulfill any wish for you.")

As a Store Goddess, Suzan can telepathically talk to anyone she wants inside the art store.

This was one of the abilities that store goddesses could freely use only inside the art store.



Manga events:

Luffy tried to move but couldn't no matter how hard he tried.

He knew he couldn't... Defeating someone like Lucchi wasn't without a price... Extreme fatigue and severe injuries were a small price to pay.

"... I can't... My body... Won't move at all...!!!"

Usopp couldn't grasp this:

"... Don't be silly!!! You won the battle!!! We got Robin back, too. All we have left is to go back!!!"

"Please!! You can do it!!!"

Nami also wanted to find a logical solution because she already knows that Luffy can't really move.

"Usopp!! We can take the ship to the prop where Luffy is!! Everyone, get onboard"

But before she could finish her words, this plan was shattered by cannon fire.

The ship they were planning to escape with it was destroyed by the warships' cannons.

"EH!!? NO!! Our escape ship!!!"


"It said, 'Look below'...!!"

Chimney: "What are you talking about, Reindeer-Chan!?"

Suddenly, Usopp who was the first to look below shouted:


"We'll survive...!! She came to save us!!! We still have... We still have one more Nakama!!!"

One second before blowing up the prop Luffy was on, Robin used dozens of hands to throw Luffy into the sea.

"Into the ocean!!!"


Into the ocean!!!"

Sanji, Nami, and Chopper shouted before jumping into the ocean.

The marines around them were surprised by the straw hats' mad move:

"The pirates are jumping into the ocean!!"

"Idiots!! There's no way they can survive in the ocean!!"

"Have you gone mad, Pirates!!?"

The real fools were the marines who couldn't hear that warm voice that only the Straw Hats could hear:

{(Let's go back, everyone!!)}

{(Back to the sea of adventure again!!)}

"Get onboard the merry~~~!!!!"

Luffy couldn't contain his excitement when he saw who had come to save them again:


{(I've come to take you home!!)}


Aboard Moby Dick, Whitebeard couldn't resist his curiosity.

"Is the ship Who is talking right now?!"

"Gurararara!!! What a wonder... Incredible... The mysteries of this sea of adventures are many, and we have only explored a few of them."

"Oyaji Did the ship really come to save them~ Yuy?!"

"Could it be a ship that ate a Devil Fruit?!"

Marco wiped the tears in his eyes and asked in confusion.

Not only he, but all the crew members were confused.

"Neither this nor that This ship has no equal, that's what distinguishes it~"

Whitebeard said with a gentle smile while patting the wood of his ship.










Chapter 334: When the sky crying snowballs because of a ship. (The end of the arc)

Chapter 335: The Beginning of the War of Change! Episode 10 of Demon Slayer!

Chapter 336: Demon Slayer's tragic battles...


New great fanfic from BlackStar_BH!

Title: King Of Beasts In Against The Gods!

(Available on Webnovel go and read the first chapters!)

Add it to your library. It is so good.